Here is a c ollection of photos from 1948-1953 showing the many events organised in the village back then. I will compile a page for the Coronation of King Charles III
Queen Elizabeth ll

In 1953, coronation year, it was the parish council who arranged the day getting the village organisations involved. It started with a joint outdoor service in the recreation field the night before. Prizes were offered for the best shop window, best archway, best decorated house and garden.
TV was a novelty enjoyed by no more than a dozen folk in the village, soMr. Spalding had fixed one up in the Methodist Schoolroom (now the Scout hall) for any who wished to watch the actual coronation.
Also in the morning was a fancydress football match. There was the usual craft exhibition, and tea for the children in Broad Street.
The fancy dress parade was in the evening followed by dancing in the street, and ending with a bonfire and fireworks in the quarry.
For days afterwards, people wandered around admiring the decorations and enjoying the atmosphere.
Later in the year the URC (then Congregational) sundayschool children put on an entertainment “Alice through history land”going back through the years to the first Queen Elizabeth.
Children’s Fancy Dress parade at Wrington:
‘Aunt Margaret’ of the Evening World Wolligog Club crowns Eileen Jones as carnival queen during the programme of entertainment for Wrington and Redhill children.
Also the maids of honour, Joan Day and Mary Cox, and page-boy, Mary Tincknell.
The very junior Wrington football team of the future with the trainer already rendering first aid.