Broad Street

All Saints', Wrington 
MU centenary service
Wednesday, 19th October, 2005

Please stand for the entrance of the High Sheriff of Somerset and MU Diocesan President

Opening Hymn 354 Now Thank We All Our God
during which the Branch Banner is presented.

Kneel /Sit

Rector: Ever-loving Father,
We have come here today to thank you for the work and
witness of this branch of the Mothers' Union,
for all by which it is remembered,
for all that it has meant to those who have belonged to it,
and for all who have in any way been helped by its members.

We are here to give thanks to you for everything in its life which
has reflected your mercy, love and grace.

We remember with thanksgiving all past members who have
departed this life and are now in your nearer presence,
for those who have moved away,
and for all members who through sickness or age
cannot be with us today.

And as we recall the happy times of past and present we come to ask your blessing upon the future members and activities of this branch as we enter upon the next century in its life, work and wit-ness, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.

BIBLE READING Luke 1 : 26 - 38
read by the Bath Archdeaconry President, Mrs Shirley Penn

The service was held in the presence of the High Sheriff of Somerset, Mrs Fiona Densham, the MU Diocesan President, Mrs Mary Dowrick, the Bath Archdeaconry President, Mrs Shirley Penn, and the Locking Deanery President, Mrs Liz Green.

Holy Communion was celebrated by the rector, the Revd Nicholas Maddock, assisted by the MU Diocesan Chaplain, the Revd Sharon Crossman.

During the first part of the service, a High Sheriff's Certificate was presented to Pauline Wathen for her work in the parish caring for elderly and young people.

Following the service refreshments were served by branch members to guests from all over the diocese.