
is a group of consultants and energy professionals who all share a common commitment to reduction in our reliance on fossil fuels and to promoting better and more environmentally sensitive living.
work to improve buildings, the environment and our living and working spaces.
The founding partners and associates, working in the South and South-West, supply a unique combination of knowledge and experience in a variety of disciplines.
is able to help provide expert help and advice about energy and buildings to individuals and organisations.
Phil Neve
Brilliant Energy
3 Tincknells Row, Station Road,
Wrington, North Somerset
BS40 5LL
Tel. 01934 862810
Mob. 07967 387628
Email phil.neve@brilliantenergy.co.uk
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Solar First

can help with solar water heating
Our objective
To encourage homeowners to fit solar heating systems.
How we do it
We provide advice and surveys to select the most suitable products and arrange for
quotations and installations through our supplier partnerships.
Want to know more?
See our fact sheet
Call Phil Neve on 01934 862810
Or e-mail info@brilliantenergy.co.uk
Ask us to call to discuss your solar heating options
Arrange a survey of your house for a full free quotation
We only work with suppliers who are members of the Solar Trade Association and fully accredited by the Clear Skies Programme.
No inflated claims, no jargon, no hard sell, just good professional advice.
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Facts about solar water heating


A typical solar heating system will:
· provide 50 to 70% of your hot water
· last between 20 and 30 years.
· require very little maintenance.
· improve the energy rating of your home.
In a typical 3 to 4 bedroom family home this can:
· cut fuel bills by £50 to £100 per year.*
· cut use of gas or oil to zero in the summer.
· cut carbon emissions by 0.5 to 1.0 tonne per year.
*(based on 2005 fuel prices)
A solar heating system does not:
· heat your house, though large systems can help.
· generate electricity.
· need you to control it, as it is fully automatic.
Solar heating works in direct sunlight and on overcast days.
A south-facing roof is not essential for solar heating
Systems can be roof integrated or fixed above the roof surface.
Solar heating can be fitted to homes with combi boilers.
Solar water heating can be used for swimming pools.
Typical systems cost from £3,000 to £4,500 installed.
Systems fitted by accredited installers are currently eligible for Government “Clear Skies” grants of £400 per system and VAT is only 5%
Pay back periods at current (2005) fuel prices are between 10 and 20 years, but as gas and oil prices continue to rise this will reduce.
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