Pilates Classes
Monday 6.30 - 7.30pm, 7.30pm - 8.30pm, 8.30pm - 9.30pm URC Chapel
Thursday 10am - 11am URC Chapel
Men only 7.30pm - 8.30pm Redhill Club
Strengthen core, improve posture, relaxation
Bootylicious Boot Camp
From Thursday, 20th January
Class for weight loss and dropping a dress size Redhill Club
Booking is essential for all Pilates classes - call Lisa 01278 795772 /07905591360
or e-mail: lisa_dollery@hotmail.co.uk
Lisa Dollery
Men's Only Pilates
What do the New Zealand All Blacks, England Cricket Team, and GB Athletes have in common? They all do Pilates to improve their sports performance...
..... Men's Only Pilates
Before you decide Pilates is for girls or wimps, you should check it out. Originally the exercise system
was intended for soldiers in rehabilitation from war injuries.
Pilates is now widely used for sports improvement, postural improvement, and ultimately core strength and flexibility.
The class is held every Thursday during term time 7.30 - 8.30pm at Redhill Village Hall.
Further info: 01278 795772 /07905591360,
The Benefits of Pilates
As adults, Pilates helps us embrace the wide range of movements our bodies are capable of. Think of children, how freely they move in comparison to adult movement, which sometimes becomes limited.
Pilates is said to be an iron fist in a velvet glove! It requires strength and discipline. Men often pass it by, believing it is not hard enough! Some women who love to do aerobics often miss out on the deeper benefits of practising Pilates.
Pilates brings a real connection to your body and the way it moves. It's not only about long, lean muscles and toned abdominals and bottoms, it's also about balance, focus, bone density, stress relief and strength.
Pilates is suitable for everybody. Classes and one-to-one sessions are available. I have experience in working with chronic back pain, post-operative back care, stroke rehabilitation, pre- and post-natal, seniors and athletes.