Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of Annual Parish meeting, 2005
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held at the Memorial Hall on Friday 15th April 2005 commencing at 7.30

Mr. T R Clements preside and there were 9 Councillors and 15 Parishioners in attendance,

Apologies: Ms. J Erskine (NSC Liaison Officer).

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held 16th April 2004.

The Minutes were handed out to each attendee and were approved as an accurate record of proceedings.

Chairman’s Report

In his presentation mentioned the Parish Plan and the formation of a Practice Patient Partnership both topics would be spoken on later in the evening.

Thanks extended to those involved in the above but also to Richard Thorn for his organisation of the John Locke Tercentenary and the Memorial Hall Committee and Wrington Sports and Social Club for their involvement in getting the car parks resurfaced. Also to the organisers of the Dickensian Fayre.

Skateboard Park- now in the hands of the planning department.

Redhill sewer- scheme agreed for Winters Lane but Church Road not included.

Traffic calming- 30 mph signs have been moved and also new HGV advisory signs in place although with one anomaly at Havyatt Road which is the preferred route into Wrington but also has a “warning” sign- moves afoot to have this one replaced. A “ghost” pavement should be in place in Silver Street shortly and whilst not the ideal solution is a step in the right direction.

Youth bus- continues to be supported- well used at Redhill.

NSC Replacement Local Plan- well forward but GOSW (Government Office for the South West) want it scrapped and replaced by a new Local Development Framework. NSC fighting this in view of the considerable amount of time spent by Parish Councils and other organisations in getting it to the current stage.

Holiday Inn and Butcombe Brewery- 2 major developments in the Parish and hopefully sources of employment.

Local Access Forum- the Chairman mentioned his role in this committee which met 5 times during the last 12 month. He did wonder whether the NSC officers had the same agenda.

Freedom of Information Act- now in force and it is a move to make Local authorities/bodies records more accessible.

Precept- kept at the same level but likely to change next year as the Clerk’s pay package is currently under review.

Bullhouse Lane- the Chairman was critical of NSC’s lack of action. At the authority’s request the lane was cleared of mud to enable a contractor to move in and “stone-it”. Mr. Garrett provided his services free of charge and despite constant reminders to NSC they have still not kept their side of the bargain. A similar situation to that at the footpath between Alburys/Ladywell.

BIA- the Chairman touched upon illegal car parking, increase in public transport, access, litter problems at the airport perimeter and pedestrian issues in Downside Road. The Parish Council meet with the Airport management team on an annual basis and these were some of the topics raised. The Master Plan Consultation document also featured strongly and in particular the inefficient manner in which it was distributed.

Planning- in his absence Cllr.Glynn has prepared a report which was handed out.

Final thanks to all who make the Parish tick over.

Budget Review.

The Clerk reviewed the budget for 2004/05 details having been provided to all attendees. A precept of £57,390 (same as for 2003/04) has been set. One comment from the floor was whether the actual/budget figures could be laid out in a different format- the Clerk to action.

Wrington Parish Trust/Memorial Hall and recreation Field Committee.

Details of both Charities handed out to attendees. Specific mention was made of the high level of expenditure during the last 12 months for improvements to the external areas of the Hall and the Recreation Field Car Park- although the latter was well supported financially by the users of the Recreation Field.

Legge’s Charity.

Accounts presented by Ms. Irving. Balance carried forward £1,178. Gross income £592 including a donation of £100 from the Gardening Club. Expenditure £470 plus reinvestment of £3,000.

Wrington Charities.

Mr. M M Collins presented the report. He mentioned that there are 4 trustees comprising Messrs Collins, Ashman & Thorn plus the Rector. Balance in hand as at 31/12/ 2004 was £85.12. Received a donation of £100 from the Gardening Club which boosted income. Distributed 24 vouchers x £8 plus a donation to Wrington School of £21.00 and Felton School of £3.50.

District Councillor’s review.

Cllr. Yamanaka handed out a copy of her report with pre-meeting papers.
In addition to the report mention was made of the move of the Civic Amenity Site from Cheston Combe to Coles Quarry which should be a vast improvement.

Council Housing and the proposed transfer of the stock. A ballot has been undertaken and 76% voted in favour. The move is caused by the Council’s inability to maintain the stock to “decent” standards without considerable capital expenditure.

Childrens directorate- because of the Victoria Climbie tragedy the Government are bringing in several measures to make sure that all children’s services are “joined up”, and that all relevant services communicate. So far as local government is concerned there has to be a Director of Children's Services and an executive member. The education, children’s social services and youth service are combining to form a new directorate which should start in September 2005.

Questions/comments from the floor.

Mrs Hodges raised the issue of rubbish bags being put out well in advance of collection days particularly near the church and invariably over Bank Holiday periods. The Clerk to report to NSC but on the issue of Bank Holidays mention was made that the Council advertised revised collection dates in all local newspapers, on the web and the Parish Council put details on the Notice Boards.

Parking near the Church- not acceptable. PC Tacchi to look into.

Wheelie bins- question raised why these weren’t introduced. Basically kept under review but not suitable for all households- i.e. terraced houses with no side entrance.

Mr. Tandy- what cognisance will be given to the Local Plan if GOSW force the route of the Local Development Framework. General opinion is that it is moving major decisions away from unitary authority to GOSW.

Mr. Hall- re Gatcombe Farm and the parking of 100+ cars. The planning issue at Gatcombe Farm is unclear with NSC and the owners having differing views. Indeed the issue of car parking throughout the Parish causes concern with the Airport’s stance that it is to be the sole provider. The Parish Council has in the past suggested the issue of licences for authorised sites with a view to curtailing activity.

Practice Patient Partnership- Cllr. Thorn outlined the initiative being promoted by the Wrington Vale Medical Practice. It aims to :- improve communications between the Practice and local people, give patients a “voice” in the practice, give patients a “voice” in the wider NHS, help the Practice and its patients to deal with changes in NHS policy, advise on innovations which could assist patient care locally and promote health education and supportive self-help groups within the local community.

Richard is acting as the Parish Council representative.

Police review- PC Tacchi gave a brief review of the year with reported offences reducing from 118 to 96- 90% related to matters of criminal damage. Detection rates up from 14% to 16.8% within the district.

Handed out was a pro-forma for reporting police incidents and it was hoped that these would be used.

Community Contact Vehicle- the use of this was being reassessed.

Community Support Officers- anti-social behaviour and parking. Now have the authority to issue fixed penalty fines.

Parish Plan

Cllr. Bigg gave a PowerPoint presentation on the findings from the Parish Plan survey on Bristol International Airport which was an eye-opener. Still had a lot of work to input the remaining data and volunteers sought- it was stressed that you did not need considerable computer skills to input the data. The Chairman thanked Cllr Bigg and all who assisted with the distribution, collection and now the inputting of the data. The fact that there has been a 70% response to the plan was well beyond National average.

Open Forum.

1) BIA Master Plan Consultation. Mr. Tandy returned to this subject and the inability of the Airport to distribute effectively. He also asked what response the Parish Council had given. With regard to the latter it was indicated that a collective view was considered but it had been decided that councillors would respond on an individual basis. Regarding the distribution problem concerns had been relayed to the management team at BIA. Cllr. Atkins mentioned that the Airport were now putting copies of the Master Plan Consultation document in retail outlets and it was suggested that this should happen in Wrington. Cllr. Atkins and the Clerk will approach the authority accordingly.

2) Broad Street junction with Station Road- the Clerk in response to a question over double yellow lines mentioned that as part of a traffic calming safety issue NSC had agreed to place double yellow lines on this corner encroaching into Broad Street for c5metres.

3) Public conveniences, Broad Street. Mention made that the bushes/trees causing access problems. Clerk to report to NSC.

4) Comment made regarding the lack of advertising of the Meeting. Whilst posters put in some retailers and details on all Notice Boards it wasn’t put in the Wrington Journal. Clerk advised due to an administration issue surrounding change of editor and now resolved.

Mr. Collins on behalf of parishioners thanked the Council for their efforts during the last 12 months.

The Meeting was declared closed at 10.00

Mr. T R Clements