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Wrington PARISH COUNCIL Minutes |
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Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Friday, 21st January, 2005
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st December 2004 were adopted with one amendment; under District Councillor’s report line 2 remove “GERISTAN” and replace with “Gershan”. Clerk’s Report. 1) Redhill main drainage- waiting developments. 2) Outstanding enforcement issues- now covered in planning meetings. 3) Meetings: - LA21 Network- Special General Meeting- Wednesday 2nd February @ St. Andrews Primary School, Congresbury 7.30-9.30pm. Child-Safe- meeting and training event Wednesday 26th January 4pm to 6pm @ Nailsea Methodist Hall. 4) Local Access Forum- minutes of the Meeting held 4th October. Cllr. Clements mentioned the meeting held on 18th January and in particular reference to the Freedom of Information Act and the implication from NSC that you can only access what is stored and then not covered by an exemption. 5) Publications The Clerk mentioned a note from the Mendip Society asking whether the Parish/Wrington would be interested in a reciprocal arrangement with regard to web site coverage. Cllr. Thorn to take forward. 6) Standards Committee- the Clerk referred to the minutes of meetings held on 11th & 19th November respectively. Particular reference was paid to a complaint made against a former member of Flax Bourton Parish Council where an instance of failure to disclose a personal interest when the Council was considering the employment and fee of a planning consultant. The Committee concluded that there was a personal and prejudicial interest and whilst personal gain was not being sought censured the defendant for his failure to declare both interests. This notwithstanding the fact that his involvement had previously been registered. 7) AXA Youth bus. The Clerk gave details of the usage for the months October to December 2004. 8) North Somerset Town and Parish Charter Part 1. Following the consultation the revised draft has now been received and it was noted that several of the points raised by Cllr. Glynn had resulted in amendments to the paper. It was suggested that Cllr. Glynn may wish to review the amendments to ascertain whether any additional suggestions need be made- deadline for this 18th February. The Clerk mentioned in passing that e-mails were being received from other Parish Councils who appear to express disquiet on certain aspects of the Charter. Cllr. Yamanaka was of the opinion that Part 2 will be the definitive document. 9) North Somerset Life- the Clerk asked all Councillors to inform him if any areas do not receive the next edition of this publication which is due for delivery between January 24-27. The post codes of the areas omitted will suffice. Cllr. Yamanaka touched upon an issue concerning Meadow Cottage, Redhill and will speak again to Mr. Grimes before deciding how to take forward. Cllr. Young asked whether an order to have an addition to the pavement near Pinfarthings, Church Road could be requested from NSC. The Clerk mentioned that he omitted to mention a consultation document on “setting of local speed limits” at the December meeting. Cllr. Glynn having brought this to the Clerk’s attention. The Meeting left it that if Cllr. Glynn wanted to take forward then he may do so. Cllr. Matthews mentioned the new traffic scheme now passed for the Long Ashton by-pass. Cllr. Bigg raised the issue of the recent firework display at the Plough which went on for some 1 ½ hours. The matter was reported to the Environmental Health and after some discussion it was left that the Clerk would investigate the possibility of a bye-law being introduced. It was generally felt that the incidence of firework displays was on the increase and needed some measure of control.
Payments made at the request of the Memorial Hall & Recreational Field Committee. 1) Noise monitoring machines- 6 to be installed throughout the area. 2) Old RAF huts likely to be removed. 3) Planning permission granted for the new telephone mast. 4) Consultation document- leaflets likely to be distributed shortly. 5) Authority monitoring the car parking at St. Katharine’s School. 6) Old Forge going to the High Court on appeal on 18th February. 7) Airport Tavern has extended parking into the adjoining field. 8) Cars also moved from Okefield to an area near the golf course. The Clerk also mentioned that signage advertising airport car parking at the Bung Inn has been seen and reported. Cllr. Young asked whether there was any guidance available, Cllr. Yamanaka stated that there was no provision in the Local Plan for car parking in the green belt. Cllr. Matthews said that there should be a look at facilities as car parking could be accommodated on tip land close to Bristol and be used for dual purposes park and ride for Bristol and the Airport. 1) Minutes of a meeting held 5th October and the agenda for the meeting to be held on 15th February. 2) E-mail detailing arrangements for an ALCA meeting with the Airport 3) Authority on 25th January. 4) Asian disaster- the legal position should Parish Council’s consider making a donation. 5) January newsletter including details of how to apply for borrowing powers. 6) Nominations for a Royal Garden Party- to be in by 25th February. Briefly the new planning system incorporates lots of documents which all form part of guidelines and can be reviewed at any time. NSC is not planning to accept Parish Plans as a supplementary document to the Local Plan. Cllr. Matthews made the point that the Parish Plan should be used to influence decision making. 2) Footpath Glebe to Garstons- brick wall abutting the car park area in dangerous state. The Clerk to report to NSC. 3) Quad bikes- problems in the recreation Field and Old Hill- if anyone has idea of who owns then please inform PC Tacchi. 4) Scout Hall- meetings being disrupted by youths climbing onto the roof at the rear. Clerk to inform PC Tacchi |