Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Tuesday 21st June 2005
Mr T R Clements
Ms E P Irving
Mrs A Atkins,
Mrs G J Bigg
Mrs J Gallop,
Mr D W Glynn
Mr G A Matthews,
Mrs G Moss,
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Ms J Erskine
Mr T W Yearsley

NS Liaison Officer
Apologies: P.C. K Tacchi

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th May were adopted with one amendment- p5 under BIA 2nd paragraph 1st line replace the word “service” with “surface”.

Broadband - Cllr. Thorn had asked for this to be included on the agenda as the cost of the service is £15.99pm rising to £18.99 per month and not as reported in the May meeting. Other providers have been looked into but BT is the main provider. Proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Gallop that the Parish Council covers the cost. Passed.

Clerk’s Report.

1) By-law re restricting use of fireworks at private functions.- still waiting for further news from NSC

2) Avon Youth Bus- meeting set for Tuesday 5th July starting 7.30 pm at Community Service Office, Woodhurst Road, W-S-M to discuss the implications of the price increase. The Clerk mentioned that this meeting will clash with the Planning Meeting and that he will have to leave the latter early as there is a need for someone to attend. Cllr Bigg indicated that she may also attend.

3) DE matters- June edition. Cllr. Glynn mentioned that he was not involved in the “Planning Website”.

4) Municipal Calendar-available- held by the Clerk.

5) Standards Committee- next Meeting Thursday 7th July at 4.00 pm in the Rickford Room, Town Hall.

6) Data Protection Act- confirmation received of renewal

7) North Somerset Patients Forum-next Meeting set for Tuesday 12th July at Saint James Church Hall, Woodborough rd., Winscombe at 6.30pm. Also Minutes of a Meeting held May 10th.

8) Care Connect- it was generally felt that the areas covered by this organisation are already well provided for in the Parish.

9) Redhill Village Hall- new sign not to be sited on a roadside location but in the car park at the Hall.

10) Real nappy Campaign and real Nappy week- the notice advertising this is on the Notice Board.

11) Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. The Clerk mentioned the implications of this Act in that it will give some powers to local Councils. Ms. Erskine said that this should be covered in the next D&E Matters publication from NSC.

12) Publications- CPRE Newsletter, Forest News, Fieldwork, Countryside Voice.

13) Holiday Club URC- seeking to hold a barbeque on the Glebe Land. It was felt that requests from other organisations have been turned aside in the past and that the Club should be directed towards the recreation Field.

14) Bye-laws- the ones to be renewed and which did not appear with the original submission from NSC do not relate directly to the Parish.

15) Community learning Consultation- to be taken forward with Cllr. Thorn.

16) Licensing applications- latest list received from NSC- none relate directly to the Parish.

Highways Matters – The Clerk made mention of the Highway Services Information Sheet May 2005.

Details of the Local transport Plan Programme 2005/06 received.

General Purpose Maintenance Gang- possible areas of work- bridge Silver Street overgrown, pavement West Hay Road, and also by West Hay- Clerk has previously written but no response form owners.

Cllr. Glynn mentioned the ghost pavement in Silver Street in that you are allowed to park within the hatching. However finding that more cars now parking in Lawrence Road on double yellow lines. The Chemist is somewhat concerned and it may be that the hatching near the shop should be burned off- to be monitored.

Parish Voice- at the meeting on 22nd June will consider undertaking a survey in Wrington Road with a view to implementing a 40 mph limit- whether the survey comes out with the right result will depend on where it is done.

The view was that 40 mph should also be in place along Havyatt Road with the Industrial Estate being used more-Clerk to write.

Broad St/Station rd. - Clerk to ascertain position with regard to the additional double yellow lines that are to be put in place.

Downside Road- comment made that the hedge inside the Airport fencing now grown sufficiently to allow the outer hedge to be removed and replaced with a pavement. The Airport management has previously agreed to support a request and the Clerk is to write to NSC to arrange another site visit to see if this can be put onto the programme.

Letter received from Mr. House regarding height of thistles on A38- Clerk has already reported.

North Somerset Rights of Way Improvement Plan- Clerk read out details of a letter. Similar exercise to that undertaken some 4/5 years ago and which NSC did not process due to loss of employee. The Clerk was directed to ask NSC for a copy of the previous report as they may be some benefit in updating it.

Police – 5 reported crimes since last report. The Clerk gave details of the opening hours of local police stations.

Lighting- Apricot Cottage- aware that the lantern is being made. Lawrence Road- casing off 1st light on the left when entering from Silver Street.

FINANCE REPORT 21st June 2005

Brockenhurst Plant & garden Centre (MH) 451.67
ALCA (instruction book) 17.99
AON Insce (Village Hall) 1005.82
Information Commissioner (data protection) 35.00
T Yearsley (salary) 428.92
Kall Kwik (photocopying) 16.92
PCAA (subs) 25.00
Friendship Office Supplies (stationery) 25.33
SITA (dog bins) 27.33
Bank Balance: Current Account
Business Reserve
Capital Reserve

Budget Actual %
Precept 57390 28695 50
Grants 391.83
Allotments 310 250
Insurance 0
VAT Recovered 8955.7
Interest 600 0 0.00
Sundries 1001
Other 0
Total 58300 39293.53
Allotments 200 0 0
Open Spaces 12000 1071.37 8.93
Highways 1000 0 0
Street Lighting 7500 1225.89 16.35
Admin. Expenses 11600 4426.75 38.16
Sundries 26000 5737.18 27.85
Other 0
Total 58300 13114.46
Mobile Youth 2600 0 0
Public Conveniences 1600 0 0
Parish Plan 0
Section 137 200 0 0
Odds and sods 1000 653.27 56.09
Total 5400 653.27

Payments at the request of the Memorial Hall & Recreation Fields Committee
from agreed grant:
                                  Brockenhurst Plant & Garden Centre £384.40 + VAT.


The Clerk made mention of the non-financial aspects of the Audit- health and safety issues with regard to employees and also the play areas and equipment. ROSPA dealt with the latter with their annual inspection with interim reviews by the Village Orderlies.

Proposed by Cllr. Glynn and seconded by Cllr. Phillips that the accounts and non-financial matters be accepted. Passed.

Memorial – request for alcohol


Bristol International Airport – Cllr. Glynn commented on his involvement in the Airport Transport Forum which includes the Surface access Strategy.

Cllr. Bigg made comment about the “flier” services and that it should be made officially available to commuters. Chew Magna apparently using the Community Mini-Bus as a link to the flier. The situation to be monitored.

General comment passed that the Airport Authority not obliged to contribute to local road works.

ALCA – The Clerk mentioned that no response received to letter concerning the new pay package- directed to chase.

Passed comment on the June 2005 Newsletter and contents.

Parish Plan

Still busy inputting. The note in the Journal brought additional volunteers. The transport section now finished. Now dealing with Policing, Communication and Parish Council feedback. Will have a stand at the Village Fete and will produce some section reports.

Code of Conduct- register of Interests.

Clerk requested that any amendments to be advised in order that NSC are updated.

District Councillor’s Report – as per pre-meeting paper. Mention made of the Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund and Ms. Erskine said that guidelines will be forthcoming

Open Forum

1) John Carson will be the South Area co-ordinator for Highways matters.

2) Raglan Farm- a park and fly sign has appeared on the grass verge. Clerk to advise Enforcement Team at NSC.

3) Fete- is a licence required- generally thought not unless alcohol being sold.

4) Road cleaners- generally thought not to be doing a very good job. Clerk to take forward with NSC.

5) Airport car parking now in Brockley Woods – linked to Combe Garage. Enforcement Team to be made aware.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 21.40 hours.

Mr. T R Clements