Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Friday, 17th November, 2006

Mr T R Clements,
Ms E P Irving
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr G A Matthews
Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips,
Mr R L Thorn,
Mr T W Yearsley

In attendance:
Apologies: Mrs A Atkins, Mrs J Gallop, Mr D W Glynn, Mrs D J Yamanaka, Ms J Erskine - North Somerset Council Liaison Officer, P.C. K Tacchi - Community Police Officer

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours.

Declaration of Members Interests – Nil on known agenda items.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th October were adopted with one amendment- under Highways delete “interested parties” and replace with “to the attention of the affected parties opposite who found them acceptable”.

Clerk’s Report.

1) Skateboard park- meeting with the users still to be arranged. There has been some vandalism to the fence and the new waste bins- repairs in hand.

2) ROSPA- still no response despite a chasing letter being sent.

3) Joint Working Arrangements- letter dated 27th April from Cllr. Hockridge, Leader of North Somerset Council, offering to meet with the Parish Council to discuss issues. It has not been brought before the Council previously as the Clerk was unaware of the letter’s existence. In a note given to the Chair prior to the Meeting Cllr. Glynn indicated that the Airport working group sub-committee would welcome a meeting with Cllr. Hockridge with the objective to discuss the Master Plan, GBSTS, roads and related issues. Other members of the Council indicated that whilst this meeting could be outside of a full Council Meeting they nevertheless would wish to be invited. The Clerk to take forward.

4) Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act. Response to questionnaire feedback. The need for NSC appears to be to focus on setting systems in place so that they can support Parish Councils in awareness and enforcement. The level for fixed penalties has been set.

5) Play Strategy-the questionnaire which covers available play facilities within the Parish and any comments from recent consultation (Parish Plan) was, after discussion left with the Clerk to complete. Cllr. Bigg agreed to provide the Clerk with the comments from the Parish Plan. Cllr. Clements did ask that NSC be made fully aware of the fact that the Parish Council maintains the play areas in Wrington from within the precept and it constitutes another area of double taxation.

6) Downside Road illnesses- in Cllr. Yamanaka’s absence the Clerk is to ask Cllr. Atkins if she can assist with more detail. Cllr. Yamanaka is to ask the complainant for more information and will then approach the relevant medical practices involved to see if they can substantiate.

7) North Somerset Primary Care Trust. The Patient Practice Partnership set up with Wrington Vale Medical Practice was concerned by correspondence in the local press concerning the reorganisation of the district nursing service into 4 cluster of GP surgeries based in Weston, Portishead, Clevedon and Nailsea. This highlighted the need to put in place an agreed structure of consultation to cover all aspects of the work of the Primary Care Trust. A proposal was put to the Parish Council :- 1) without prior commitment to what is finally proposed, nevertheless to declare a formal interest in the principle of designing a mechanism of consultation between rural patient-practice liaison groups and the NS PCT,

2) providing Wrington Parish Council and other parish councils find acceptable whatever forum is finally proposed, to nominate a member to represent Wrington Parish Council, 3) for the purposes of working towards that, to note, that Cllrs Thorn and Bigg, given their other involvements, will be taking an active role in drawing up proposals and negotiating with the PCT, and to include in the Agenda of future PC meetings, the reception of progress reports, and to make comment thereon. Proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Moss. Passed. Cllr. Clements made the comment that to juggle figures there was a danger that Wrington would be put into the Clevedon cluster. Cllr. Bigg made the comment that whilst consultation was in place there was no underlying structure. The Clerk made mention of a PPP meeting to be held on 21st November in the Wrington Sports and Social Club at 8.00 pm headed “dealing with diabetes”.

8) Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel. Minutes of Meeting held 13th September. Also additional meeting to be held on Thursday 7th December at 10.00 a.m. in the New Council Chamber- agenda to follow.

9) Wrington Allotment Association- seeking new signage regarding keeping entrance gate to the allotments closed at all times. Proposed by Cllr. Moss and seconded by Cllr. Phillips. Clerk to take forward with the cost coming out of the Allotments budget.

10) Parish Councils Leisure Facilities Working Party. Initially set up to investigate the possibility of a new swimming pool facility at Nailsea but now shelved due to cost implications.

11) Resignation of Martin Hicks as the second Village Orderly. The Clerk was directed to advertise for a replacement on the basis of 4 hours per week at the rate of £6 per hour.

12) Publications- Voice, Local Councils Update (November edition), Streetscene (October edition), Clerk & Councils Direct (November edition), North Somerset Partnership Stakeholder Bulletin No.3

13) Yatton Library Official opening 25th November at 3.00 pm-an invitation to the official opening. Councillors agreed to look at their diaries to see who might be able to attend.

14) Child Safe seminars- the Clerk gave information regarding seminars aimed at giving sports clubs and organised groups the necessary information to put in place child protection procedures. Notices will be placed on the Parish Notice Boards and also comment made in the Wrington Journal.

15) North Somerset Initiative- Cllr. Bigg touched upon this as following attendance at a presentation made at Business Link it was inferred that the only option regarding the BIA motorway link was the Wrington Vale one. She has pressed NSC for clarification who to date has declined to respond, and, has asked Cllr. Yamanaka, in her role as District Councillor, to take up on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr. Bigg also made mention of a letter she has written which appeared in the Wrington Journal in response to an article by Mr. R Key.

Highways Matters

Police – In the absence of PC Tacchi a report was handed out indicating that in the period 12th October to 11th November 4 recorded crimes. Halloween passed without too much trouble.

Lighting- Mention made that on the night of the meeting all the lights in Silver Street and Church Walk not working. Clerk to report.

FINANCE REPORT 18th November 2006

ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL PERIOD to 10th November (32 weeks)
Uphill Building Contractors
Cyber Room
Neighbourhood Watch
T Yearsley
Uphill Building Contractors
M Hicks
Allianz Cornhill

Bank Balances
Business reserve
Current Account
Capital reserve



VAT Recovered




Total 65300 116902.93
Open Spaces
Street Lighting
Admin Expenses
Total 70450 94129.29
Mobile Youth
Public Conveniences
Parish Plan
Section 137
Odds and sods



Cheques paid on behalf of the Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee.

From Grant-
Uphill Building Contractors Ltd £3879.97 + VAT

To be reimbursed from funds held (paid by PC for VAT purposes)

Uphill Building Contractors Ltd ££11509.45 + VAT

VAT recoverable to date £11957.24

Request for Section137 payment. Wrington Neighbourhood Watch- £40 to cover admin costs. The Clerk explained that this was the local Neighbourhood Watch Group and that the payment made of £75 in the period to 18th November was to the North Somerset Neighbourhood Watch towards the cost of the co-ordinator. It was proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Bigg that the payment of £40 be made. Passed. The Clerk is to ask the local co-ordinator if the newsletter could be forwarded to the Council as and when produced.

Request from Age Concern for a donation was turned aside.

The Clerk read out a request from the organisers of the Dickensian Fayre for a donation towards the cost of new Xmas lights. Cllr. Phillips declared an interest in that she is a member of the Committee and acts as a liaison point between the committee and the Parish Council. The committee are looking at various options including LED’s which should reduce electricity usage by up to 90% and provide with a 10-year solution. From the Chair the point was made that this was an event that benefited the Parish and drew people into the Village on the Fayre evening. It was proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Moss that the cost of new lights up to a maximum of £200 is covered by the Parish Council. Passed

The Clerk mentioned that a note had been received from Cllr. Glynn to the effect that it might be an appropriate time to break down the section headed “Other” in the Finance report in line with the breakdown seen for “Sundries”, but restricting this to every item over £50. Cllr. Irving was of the opinion that the information already supplied was sufficient and the proposal did not receive support.

The Clerk also mentioned the additional payments made to Allianz Cornhill- as a result of a claim made in respect of a street light damaged by an unknown vehicle the Insurer queried the existing cover and also that for other equipment. The Clerk has over the last 5 months be trying to satisfy the Insurers and levels of cover are now thought to be realistic- even down to the number of waste bins and benches. Reference has been made to endless catalogues and suppliers, in the case of safety surfaces at play areas, to ensure that cover now provided is realistic.

The Clerk mentioned that the Audit has been completed by Mazars without comment. A notice has been displayed on the Parish Notice Board together with Sections 1-3 of the Audit to comply with Account and Audit Regulations- this was done in advance of the Meeting as the Clerk was conscious of the fact that if delayed and a member of the Public wished to acquire a copy of the Accounts then this would not be achievable until the Clerk’s return from holiday in December.


The Clerk prior to the Meeting had submitted a suggested budget for 2007/08 which showed that expenditure was projected at £73250 against the current year projection of £70450- the uplift being caused by a considerable rise in insurance premiums following an in-depth review and the possible charge for election expenses. However the precept is increased from £64000 to £71940 as in the review undertaken in 2005 for the current year’s budget it was agreed to use reserves to partially cover the increase in administration expenses on the basis the full impact would be passed through in the forecast now being prepared.

Cllr. Glynn in his note to the Council sought a full review of the condition of the street lights, a separate budget for training (new councillors, retraining and specialist training) of £500 and the purchase of a digital projector and pull down screen. He also sought a detailed breakdown of “Admin.expenses” to be incorporated within the monthly financial report.

The Council discussed the proposals at some length and the following conclusions were arrived at:-

1) Street lights- no decision made.

2) Training – to be taken from the “Odds and Sods” budget contained within “Sundries”.

3) Projector and screen- Cllr. Thorn offered the use of the projector and screen that is held in the Cyber Room.

4) Admin. breakdown- the financial report to be left as at present.

5) Insurance- Cllr. Matthews suggested that the Council considers “self-insurance” i.e. taking a calculated risk to reduce premiums. This was debated and it was left that Cllr. Matthews will introduce the Clerk to a former general insurance broker to assist with the review of the policies in force.

6) That from within the “Open Spaces and Environment” budget funds be set aside to decorate the hall leading to the John Locke room - this would be in lieu of any rent for the next financial year.

It was proposed by Cllr. Thorn and seconded by Cllr. Moss that the precept be ratified at the next Council Meeting- passed.

Memorial – request for alcohol

2 requests received:

1) - Wrington WI on social evening to be held 14th December- to serve alcoholic drinks but not sell.

2) Mendip Morris Men at their annual Xmas Ale on 15th December request to sell alcohol.

Proposed acceptance- Cllr. Matthews seconded by Cllr. Thorn. Passed

Bristol International Airport

1) BIA Master Plan- received with one copy held by Cllr. Bigg and Cllr. Matthews having obtained Cllr. Atkins’ copy. The Clerk is holding one copy in the John Locke room. In a letter from BIA it indicates that the consultation period runs until 22nd December. The Clerk made mention of a letter that Cleeve Parish Council has written to NSC seeking an extension to the consultation period until the end of January 2007 and it was proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Bigg that Wrington Parish Council writes in similar vein. With a copy to the District Councillor requesting that she supports the Council’s request. Passed. The BIA Master Plan summary was handed out to Councillors.Mention also made of the Q&A reports received from BIA and also the alternative view provided by the PCAA.

2) The Clerk made mention of correspondence received from the PCAA on general matters but in particular a note from the Transport Group. Cllr. Glynn in his note to the Meeting made the statement that the note was in draft form and shouldn’t have been circulated as it was incorrect.

3) Engineering works at BIA from Wednesday 1st November 2006 until Saturday 31st March 2007 to allow resurfacing works to be carried out to the runway.

ALCA – Cllr. Glynn is seeking more background information before answering the relevant sections of a survey that ALCA has issued. The Clerk indicated to the Meeting that 90% of the survey will be completed from data held but he would welcome any comments so that the response can be collated.

ALCA Newsletter makes reference to the “White Paper” and the importance being placed on “Quality Councils”. On the “White Paper” there is a briefing session on Thursday 23rd November between 1-3 p.m. at Barton Hill Settlement, 43 Ducie Road, Barton Hill, Bristol.

An amendment to the Clerk’s Model Contract of employment is being produced and should be to hand by January 2007.

Planning training evening with a guest speaker from Planning Aid to be held on Wednesday 31st January 2007 from 7.00- 9.30 p.m. at Hangstones Pavilion., Stowey Road, Yatton. Cost £20 per person- please advise the Clerk if you wish to attend.

Children’s Society is offering free training to Parish and Town Councils in rural areas around increasing the overall skills and confidence in involving young people in local communities and planning processes.

Parish Plan- no report.

Newsletter- agreed too late for Xmas but information to be gathered together with a view to it being produced in January/February- Clerk to put on Agenda for January Council Meeting.

Village of the Year-

Cllr. Irving attended the awards ceremony and collected a cheque for £90 and a box of wild flower plants. After some discussion it was agreed that an area abutting the wall on the Village Green should be set aside for the wild flowers and that the £90 should go towards tree planting in the Memorial Hall. Proposed by Cllr. Thorn and seconded by Cllr. Bigg. Passed. The matter of display of the certificates is to be discussed at the next Memorial Hall and Recreation Fields Committee Meeting.


North Somerset Rights of Way Improvement Plan- Cllrs. Glynn and Bigg are holding the relevant documents and the response date is 29th December.

NSC Budget Strategy Consultation- the Clerk had issued this pre-meeting as the deadline for response is 1st December. There are a series of meetings being held across North Somerset one of which is at the Memorial Hall on Monday 27th November- it stresses in the letter from NSC that these sessions are primarily for members of the public but that Councillors can attend. Cllr. Glynn in his note to the meeting suggested that no response should be made until after a meeting has been attended acknowledging that the Clerk would be absent on holiday. It was left that a response would be submitted and that it should be compiled by a Councillor (s) who has/have attended a meeting.

District Councillor’s Report – issued pre-meeting.

Cllr. Matthews was unhappy at the outcome of the Local Plan and the extension to the Village fence to accommodate industrial land. He was firmly of the opinion that a proper hearing and response was called for following the Council’s submission on 14th July and moved that the Council should ask the District Councillor to take up the issue strongly notwithstanding the fact that the decision has been taken. The point to make is that if a Parish Council takes the time and trouble to make representations then the lead Council should provide a detailed response. The Clerk is to write to the District Councillor and the Director at NSC.

Open Forum

1) Cllr. Irving pressed for an Open Evening to show off the redecorated Hall. The Council was of the opinion that the news had already passed around as favourable comment being received. It was left that Cllr. Irving would provide an article on the Hall for the newsletter. All agreed that it needs more positive marketing.

2) Cllr. Thorn proposed offering parishioners the ability to be advised of short-dated meetings or matters of interest by e-mail. He undertook to compile an e-mail register and service it. The Clerk to incorporate a piece in the next Journal article”.

3) Fire risk assessments on properties under the control of the Parish Council by dint of being trustee. This was brought about following a recent Memorial Hall committee meeting where it was left that the Secretary and Ms Irving would undertake the review. Having taken further advice on the matter it transpires that those undertaking the review could be liable and it was therefore inappropriate for the Committee to do. Following a meeting with an outside consultant at which the Secretary and Chairman of the Halls Committee was in attendance along with Ms Irving the consultant offered a package of £1200 + VAT to undertake a fire risk assessment on the Hall and adjoining buildings, the Sports and Social Club, the Bowls Club and the Tennis Club. The reason for bringing it to the PC was that payment is subject to VAT and the Clerk suggested that the PC should stand the cost on the basis that the relevant committees reimburse in due course. Proposed by Cllr. Moss and seconded by Cllr. Irving that this be adopted as a sensible way forward. Passed. The Clerk is to liaise with the relevant committees.

4) Clerk’s Appraisal- in his note Cllr. Glynn indicated that under the terms of the new employment contract this was due shortly.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 21.55 hours.

Mr. T R Clements