The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours.
Declaration of Members' Interests nil on known agenda items.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th March 2007 were adopted.
Clerk’s Report.
1) ROSPA- no further forward. GB Sport & Leisure have quoted £50 per play area + £50 for the skateboard park. ROSPA quote is £35 per play area plus a separate charge for each piece of equipment. The Council agreed that for this year GB Sport & Leisure should undertake the survey and the Clerk is to advise them accordingly and also to cancel the annual report from ROSPA.
2) Publications- Local Council Update April Edition, NSC Councillors Update March, Insight (NSC internal overview of developments in Local Government), DE Matters (March edition) & CPRE Avonside Annual Report.
3) Tree Warden- has looked at the Church Walk Play area and is of the opinion that some “tlc” is needed- he is quite prepared to do some of the work. Clerk to take forward ensuring that the requirements of the Conservation Area met.
4) Village Orderly no.2- Alex Hopkins has agreed to take on the role. Insurance issues now overcome as he is now 15 and falls within the terms of the policy.
5) North Somerset Partnership Stakeholders event report for November 2006 available for reading.
6) Standards Committee- Minutes of the Meeting held 28th March received also notice of the next meeting which was held on 28th March.
7) NS Local Access Forum- Minutes of Meeting held 16th January received and notice of the next meeting which was held on 10th April.
8) Village of the Year entry form received- has to be in by 31st May. Cllrs. Irving and Bigg to take forward.
9) Allotments- have received a request for a sign to be placed on the gate “Please keep closed at all times”. The Clerk was directed to order a suitable sign. Rents coming in and to date all plots full.
10) Dog bins- meeting with the NSC Dog Warden to discuss placement at Alburys and Ladywell. Other sites to consider- Lawrence Road/Silver Street, Butts Batch just as one exits the Village on the right hand side, Silver Street just below Rickyard (the existing rubbish bin is used as a dog bin), Church Walk (Station Road end). The Council agreed with the proposed sites and the Clerk will now take forward. Mention made that new post stickers needed advising residents of the possible fines that can be imposed-Clerk will take forward with NSC. Cllr. Yamanaka mentioned that the new “Dog control orders” are now in force.
Highways Matters
- Letter from Mrs. Cassidy relating to an outstanding road surfacing issue in School Road- the Clerk is to take up with NSC.
- Letter from Mrs. Cassidy referring to the T sign pole at the junction with Orchard Close. This matter has been referred to NSC who does not consider it to be a road safety issue and will not replace the sign for cosmetic reasons.
- Comment made about the resurfacing work on Bakers Lane and the fact that many other roads in the Parish used more extensively by traffic are in a far worse condition. The Clerk has already raised this issue with NSC and is awaiting a response. Cllr. Phillips mentioned that the road was resurfaced as a result of a resident “threatening” to take action against NSC.
- Cllr. Glynn mentioned that he was in the throes of updating the list of outstanding highway issues.
- Concern was expressed about the junction of High St. /School Rd. and Broad Street where it is becoming increasing congested. There was an opposing view to the effect that the congestion at least slowed down the speed of traffic.
- A resident in School Road has noticed that residents of The Lodge have difficulty in crossing the road when cars are parked opposite their access and consideration should be given to restricting parking.”.
- Road sweeping and verge maintenance in Downside- a question was raised as to the obligations of the contractor and the Clerk is to ask NSC for the relevant detail.
- Cllr. Atkins reported several pot holes between Lime Kiln Cottage and Sunnyside Cottage in Downside-Clerk to report to NSC.
- Lay-by near Cooks Bridle Path is at times being used by long stay airport users. The Parish Council is to consider how this can be overcome as it is used as a pick up and drop off point by the various school buses.
It was agreed that the Traffic and Highways sub-committee should meet to discuss these aspects.
Police No report. Cllr. Irving expressed concern at the recent wave of vandalism in the Village and the Clerk advised that he has already spoken and e-mailed PC Tacchi on this matter. It could be an issue to raise with Sgt. Abrams who will be attending the Annual Parish Meeting and presenting the police report.
Lighting- No report