The retiring Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours and sought nominations for the position of Chair.
Cllr. Yamanaka proposed and Cllr. Glynn seconded the nomination of Cllr. Irving.
Cllr. Thorn proposed and Cllr. Ledbury seconded the nomination of Cllr. Matthews.
A paper ballot was held and Cllr. Irving was successful and took the Chair for the Meeting.
Declaration of Members Interests Cllr. Thorn declared an interest in the agenda item relating to Brook House as he is a trustee/
Annual General Meeting.
Vice- Chair- Cllr. Moss proposed and Cllr. Thorn seconded that Cllr Gallop be nominated in her absence.
Cllr. Bigg proposed and Cllr. Ledbury seconded that Cllr. Matthews be nominated in his absence.
The Clerk advised that neither party had indicated that they were not prepared to stand. A paper ballot was held and Cllr. Gallop was successful.
Chairman Planning Committee- Cllr. Irving proposed and Cllr. Berkley seconded a move that Cllr. Glynn be re-elected. Unanimous.
Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee- it was proposed by Cllr. Thorn and seconded by Cllr. Ledbury that the 8 Councillors on the Committee should be:- Irving, Moss, Gallop, Yamanaka, Glynn, Bigg, Phillips and Berkley with the 4 “user” members being Mrs Yeoman (WI),Mrs. Judd (Gardening Club), Mr. Cowgill (Drama Club) and Mr. M T Clements (Cricket Club). Passed.
Cllr Glynn mentioned that the Committee members do have responsibilities as Trustees and that he would be preparing a paper on this for the next Committee Meeting.
NALC- Cllr. Glynn volunteered. No other nominations received. Cllr. Bigg mentioned that she attends local meetings because of her involvement with CPRE.
BIA Consultative Committee- Cllr. Glynn proposed and Cllr. Berkeley seconded a nomination for Cllr. Yamanaka. Passed
PCAA- Cllr. Yamanaka volunteered. Proposed by Cllr. Ledbury and seconded by Cllr. Berkley that this be approved. Passed.
Parish Tree Warden. Andy Sims recently took over the role from Dawn Judd and has indicated to the Clerk a willingness to continue. Accepted unanimously.
Wrington Parish Charities- currently Messrs Collins, Ashman and Thorn with the Rector as an ex-officio member. Mrs. Wathen is shadowing Mr. Collins and it is hoped that Mr. Shorney will shadow Mr. Ashman- this in view of their age. There being no other nomination the position was accepted.
School Travel Plan- currently Cllr. Bigg who was prepared to continue- accepted unanimously.
Parish Wildilfe Warden currently Mr. B Millard - no other nominations and to continue. Unanimous.
Working Groups (formerly sub-committees).
Lighting- to be Cllrs Glynn, Matthews, Irving and Ledbury.
Traffic & Highways- to be Cllrs. Glynn, Matthews and Irving.
BIA- to be Cllrs. Bigg, Matthews, Glynn and Yamanaka.
Public Rights of Way- to be Cllrs. Berkley, Ledbury and Glynn.
The Clerk mentioned that with a new Council the question of cheque signatories needed addressing and should be Chairwoman, Vice-Chairwoman and two other Councillors. The Clerk is not permitted to sign cheques but can authorise transfers between accounts. It was proposed by Cllr. Yamanaka and seconded by Cllr.Moss that Cllrs. Glynn and Thorn be the two additional signatories. Passed.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th April were approved with the following amendments:-
1)- p4 BIA 2nd para. Line 3 for “supple” read “supply”.
2) p2 Highways para 6 remove the first sentence and replace with “ A resident in School Road has noticed that residents of The Lodge have difficulty in crossing the road when cars are parked opposite their access and consideration should be given to restricting parking.”
3)- p4 Patients Practice Partnership delete the 2nd para in entirety and replace with:-
Cllr. Bigg advised that in her role as facilitator for the Health & Well Being Forum for Voluntary Action North Somerset, a new voluntary and community groups representative has been appointed (Catriona Daynes, The National Autistic Society). Catriona's role will be to represent voluntary and community groups on the Health & Well Being Partnership which is part of the North Somerset Partnership.
Cllr Glynn mentioned that ALCA represents town and parish councils on the Partnership Board and that he is now involved with the Transport Partnership and would be reporting on this is in due course. The point was made that the Partnerships are a means for delivering the Community Strategy and that the PC should take an active interest in their work.
Clerk’s Report.
1) Standards Committee- NSC seeking nominations for Town/Parish Council representatives. Applications to be in by 30th May. No nominations forthcoming.
2) Town and Parish Council Development Control Workshop- 7th June, New Council Chamber, Town Hall between 09.30 and 12.15. Please advise the Clerk if you wish to attend. Also discussion points sought.
3) Publications- Forest of Avon quarterly review, NS Life April and May editions, Community Action May issue, Clerks & Councils Direct May edition, Local Council update May edition, Environment Agency report on British Energy Generation Limited’s nuclear power station authorisation, Streetscene April edition, DE Matters May edition and D&E Business Plan summary 2007-08 with A-Z of services..
4) NSC has produced a Parish Plan Toolkit which is available for anyone to read.
5) CPRE AGM 24th May Cleeve Village Hall at 19.30 hours- does anyone wish to attend.
6) Request to place a mural on the surround fence of the skateboard park by Wrington Youth Week. The Council gave its support to this project subject to approval on the design- Clerk to take forward.
Highways Matters Cllr. Yamanaka during her election campaign had made notes of several related matters and it was agreed that this would be taken forward by the Traffic and Highways Working Group.
Police In the period 26th April to 12th May 6 crimes recorded of which 5 were airport related.
-Graffitti- it was mentioned that the Police now have a product that will remove this and the Clerk is to obtain details from PC Tacchi.
-Cllr. Bigg thought that the Parish Council should be more pro-active in seeking police support.
-Cllr. Glynn asked when it was likely that a Community Support Officer would be placed in the Parish. From the Policing Plan it is noted that number of CSO’s will not be as many as originally forecast due to reduced funding.
-BIA based police. He PC should make a formal application to cover the Parish as a whole more frequently.
-That Sgt. Abrams and the new Officer in charge at BIA should be invited to attend a PC meeting (independently) to discuss the Council’s concerns.
Lighting- The Clerk mentioned that following the quarterly maintenance review by SEC 5 lights have been identified as being in need of replacement. A quote for this is being obtained.