Payment made on behalf of the Memorial Hall & recreation Field Committee.
Streetmaster Products £828.00 + VAT
Vine Counselling Services request for a grant/donation it was proposed by Cllr. Gallop and seconded by Cllr. Phillips that the Council should continue its existing policy of turning aside such requests on the grounds that it would be difficult to support all requests received.
Memorial request for alcohol. Nil
Bristol International Airport The Clerk has received the minutes of the BIA Consultative Committee meeting of 25th April and this will be circulated.
It was also agreed that the new MD at BIA, Paul Kehoe, should be invited to come and speak at a PC meeting.
PCAA- The clerk mentioned that the next meeting was scheduled for 26th June and that as Cllr. Yamanaka has relinquished the role as the PC representative on this committee a replacement was being sought. Cllr. Yamanaka explained that she has relinquished the role as the PCAA is seen as a pressure group and it could therefore preclude her voting on any BIA matters at NSC. Cllr. Matthews agreed to attend the next meeting as the PC representative.
ALCA The Clerk reported on the contents of the ALCA newsletter June edition. For new councillors he again gave details of available training courses.
Cllr. Bigg made mention of an interesting speaker at the NS ALCA group meeting covering “Children’s services” and that it may be appropriate for the PC to invite along at some future meeting.
Parish Plan- a meeting to be arranged to move the matter forward.
Patient Practice Partnership. Report from Cllr. Thorn
Since the last parish council meeting I have attended one meeting of the Patient Practice Partnership (PPP), and one of the Rurals Working Party of the Primary Care Trust (PCT).
The PPP steering group on 24th May planned our first AGM since the inaugural meeting last year. It will be at Wrington Surgery on Wednesday 18th July, 8pm. Given how unsexy the AGM of virtually any organisation is, it is anticipated attendance in the main will consist of members of our PPP wider consultation network.
Our first open evening meeting of the new season, on Thursday 6th September, will tackle the whole issue of patients' medical records and the NHS programme for IT including the proposal to upload patient records onto a national NHS database. We imagine, in contrast to the AGM, this may well attract as many as came to the out-of-hours meeting a couple of years ago.
It is not generally known, but worth noting that Dr Charles Tricks has gone part-time, and this is causing severe administrative problems as a proportion of his caseload will of necessity be shifted to other doctors in the practice. His hours are being replaced by another - it is simply a matter of his personal restricted availability.
The PCT rurals group met on 31st May. The practices based at Winscombe & Sandford, and Yatton & Congresbury are both setting up their own PPPs, which will strengthen the voice of patients in making their views known to the PCT.
I previously reported that the PCT are conducting a survey of premises suitable for a range of medical purposes in the rural areas to accommodate services which are due to be relocated away from Weston Hospital and “nearer to patients”. We asked the PCT to produce a definitive list of such services. We also chastised the PCT for their grossly inaccurate “First Draft Facilities Survey” of existing practice facilities, which contained very little accurate information. I have now received an apologia relating to questions raised from Roger Paynter, PCT associate director, who attended the meeting.
In the light of the general rural problem of travel to and from surgeries and hospitals, the PCT see their need for a database of existing voluntary services, such as community minibuses and Helpline-type groups of drivers. Georgie Bigg pointed out to them that such a database had been created by Voluntary Action North Somerset.
Consultations- nil this month.
Working Groups their role in the running of the Council.
The Chairwoman explained that she wished to have a meeting to discuss the paper that Cllr. Matthews had issued and the response from Cllr. Glynn. After some discussion it was agreed that a meeting would be held on 10th July commencing at 7.30 (immediately after the Planning Meeting) to take forward.
The Council agreed to the contents of the paper issued by Cllr. Thorn pre-meeting and adopted the procedures with Cllr. Thorn being the editor. Proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Gallop. Passed.
Meeting Dates
After some discussion the consensus of opinion was that full Council meetings should be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month instead of the current system with effect from the August meeting. Proposed by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Phillips. Planning meetings to continue as at present. The Clerk to produce a list of meeting dates and circulate.
Model Code of Conduct & Standing Orders- it was agreed that this should be left until the next meeting. The Clerk gave out dates of seminars being organised by NSC on the new Code of Conduct.
Update re appointment of new Clerk
5 applications received plus one late application the Clerk is to obtain details but advise this latter applicant that the request would only be taken forward of the current list deemed unsuitable. The interviewing panel to be Cllrs. Irving, Matthews, Glynn, Gallop and Morua. Councillors to be advised of the names of those short listed for interview.
Village of the Year competition
Cllr. Irving indicated that Wrington may go forward to the National competition this year and that this would involve a heavy work load. It as suggested that outside support may be needed and in the first instance it was left that Cllr. Irving would approach Jeremy Birkett.
Councillor’s co-option
The Clerk advised that he had placed notices in the Redhill and Downside area and also the Wrington Journal and the Newsletter in Downside to try and attract volunteers. No response to date.
Peter Ellis who had applied for the South-west ward has agreed to stand for the North-East ward and a proposal was made by Cllr. Matthews and seconded by Cllr. Berkley that Mr. Ellis be asked to fill one of the 4 vacancies. Passed. Mr. Ellis was welcomed to the Council.
District Councillor’s Report -
North Somerset Life
We have discussed the distribution of NS Life previously, and were told that it was delivered in the same areas as the Clevedon Mercury. This was said to mean that any road without a pavement was left out. I have now had a letter to say that all areas are supposed to receive a copy. Please let me know if you do not receive it. I have also put this in the Journal.
Dragon Flyer
David Glynn and I attended a North Somerset Partnership Transport Symposium in May. I will leave David to report on other matters, but one interesting point I discovered is that Richard Whittington of Community Action is trying to set up a 6 month pilot scheme for community transport to connect various villages to the airport. This will enable more residents to join the Dragonflyer project and use the Flyer to travel to Bristol.
Parish Councils Airport Association
Some of you are already aware of this - unfortunately I am going to stand down from being WPC's rep on the PCAA. I have taken advice from Malcolm Nicholson, NSC's solicitor and it would be a good idea if another person represents the PC on the PCAA. The PCAA is perceived as being mainly a lobbying group, and certainly when NSC was discussing BIA's Master Plan there was no ambiguity in the case which Hilary Burn made at each meeting. She urged NSC to reject the Master Plan each time. So if I were to be a member then at each NSC meeting when BIA's planning applications were discussed I would have to declare an interest and probably not be allowed to vote. Or if I did vote then BIA could quote this as predetermination at any appeal against refusal.
Sandford Stone site
Last week I went to a site inspection and South Area Forum at the old Sandford Stone site. The site has been in the hands of the receivers for 3 years. St Monica’s Trust has put in a planning application for a 90-bed care unit, 95 very sheltered housing/ extra care units with community facilities and 6 affordable housing units. The whole area would cover 12 acres and extend outside the Sandford Stone site and outside the village fence. It is therefore against the policies in the Local Plan, and is one reason why the proposal is controversial locally.
The scale of the development is also objected to by some, since the new residents would increase Sandford’s population by 30%. The application will be decided at the July South Area meeting.
I did not realise that St Monica’s Trust was started in Wrington by the Wills family.
Open Forum
1) Transition Town presentation at the Memorial Hall on 2nd July. The question was raise as to whether the PC was going to comment. Cllr. Thorn expressed the view that Mr. Neve who is driving this forward should come to the PC and put his proposals.
2) Sustain 10th anniversary- they wish to plant some trees and would welcome suggestions.
3) Wrington Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee- Mr. Cowgill due to pressure of work has had to resign and the Drama Club had put forward Mr. Peter Ellis as his replacement. Proposed by Cllr. Bigg and seconded by Cllr. Gallop that this be accepted. Passed.
There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 21.45 hours.