Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Friday, 19th September, 2007

Ms E P Irving
Mrs J Gallop
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr P Ellis
Mr D W Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs S.L Dunn Morua
Mr G A Matthews,
Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips,
Mr R L Thorn,
Mrs G Wilson

In attendance:
Apologies: Mr M Berkley, Mrs D J Yamanaka
The Chairwoman opened the Meeting at 7.30 pm.

Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Gallop and Cllr Moss declared an interest in relation to Wrington Sports & Social Club.

Public Participation

Mr Graham Fiddler, Chair of the Governors of Wrington Primary School, addressed the Council on the subject of the proposed new school building. He stated that both the recent OFSTED and Diocesan reports had been very good, and indeed the school’s performance was rated as outstanding in many areas. However, both had made reference to the restrictions imposed by the existing Victorian building.

It is understood that money may now be available for a new school building, and the governors are therefore in discussion with North Somerset Council. The governors feel that it will help their case if they are seen to be helping themselves, and are seeking support in principle from the Parish Council for the project.

Following Mr Fiddler’s presentation, there was a short discussion regarding the issue of the school travel plan, and how a new building could potentially benefit the whole community. It was noted that the existing building is Listed, and the old School House is owned by the Diocese.

It was agreed that at this early stage of the process, the Parish Council would write a letter of support to the school governors to help promote progress with the project.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st August were adopted and signed without amendment.


a. Police Community Support Officer

A written report was provided by Yvette Jordan, PCSO. This showed six offences between 13th August and 7th September, half of which related to the airport. The recent road traffic accident in Station Road had been dealt with and the driver reported for offences. Investigations were ongoing into graffiti at the skate park, and fire damage to a waste bin in the Church Walk play area – one young man has been given a caution.

b. Clerk’s Report and Finance Report

General ‘housekeeping’ items since last meeting:

* 5 non-working street lights reported and repaired – 1 still outstanding in the Glebe –
   complete replacement required – due mid-September.

* 4 damaged street signs reported – repairs awaited.

* Wasp’s nest removed from footpath between The Glebe and Surgery

* Tree trunk removed from river near Beam Bridge.

* Site meeting set up between NSC officer and Mr N Burnett regarding complaints of

Footpath 30/5 being impassable.

* Fly-tipping of builder’s rubble at Allotments car park on 5th September – our Area
at NSC has now arranged for this to be removed.

Improvements to facilities at John Locke Room are in progress – these include:

* Installation of cupboard/shelves in alcove next to fireplace

* Repair and re-painting of outer door

* Signage to indicate location of Parish Office and times of opening

* Potential replacement of existing meeting tables with a modular system – price
  obtained of £550 for a set of tables to seat 14 when put together or could be used

* Replacement of existing computer system to provide improved accounting

Inspection Report on Children’s Play Areas:

The inspection of both children’s play areas was carried out in April/May 2007. A report on the safety and state of repair of the equipment and facilities has now been received and reviewed with Mr Don Guy, who carries out day to day repairs at the play areas. The report is very comprehensive, and mentions many minor points, some of which are practical to address, and others are not, due to the design or age of equipment.

The main points to note are:

* There are no items of equipment or areas which are considered in need of immediate
  attention or are a high risk of causing accident or injury. In most cases, minor repairs
  and monitoring will be sufficient.

* Much of the equipment dates from before 01.01.99 when the new European standard
  EN1176 came into force.

* The junior multi-play at Church Walk has a limited life of about 2 years, due to its
  condition, and consideration should be given to budgeting for a replacement.

* The Church Walk play area has a large number of trees and shrubs which are rather
  overgrown – it is suggested that these should be controlled.

* At the Recreation Field, the wooden benches are rotting – consider replacing these as
  and when necessary with metal benches.

* The Carousel, although not causing any problem, is in need of repair but it is
  recommended that this is not economic. Therefore a replacement of some kind
  should be considered and budgeted for.

FINANCE REPORT 21st August – 19th September, 2007
Stewart Robb (audit)
Wrington Residents Group
D Guy – repairs/maintenance
IDM Environmental
G Wilson - salary
T Yearsley – final expenses
Friendship Office Supplies
Connaught Environmental
Cyber Room – photocopies
Total Floor Care (MH)
Uphill Building Contractors (MH)
A Hopkins – Village orderly
Bank Balances (as at 31.08.07)
Business reserve
Current Account
Capital reserve (02/07/07)


Precept (second instalment £35,970) received end of August but not shown on last bank statement.

VAT recovered


Open Spaces
Stationery, Tel, Postage
Section 137
Hall grants
Mobile Youth


Following presentation of the reports, it was proposed by Cllr Thorn and seconded by Cllr Phillips, that the expenditure on the Omega accounting software package should be approved. This was agreed.


i. Highways

Cllr Matthews reported that at the first meeting on 12th September the group had concentrated on prioritising the most important areas, from the lengthy list of potential issues. The next meeting will start tackling the priorities. It is also hoped to have a presentation on ‘Shared Space’ from Phil Parker to explore whether there are any elements of the concept which could be applied to Wrington.

ii. Airport

Cllr Matthews reported on a meeting held with Alan Davies and Mike Littleton of BIA on 5th September. It is likely there will be considerable delay (early 2008) in submitting the planning application for expansion, as the new Chief Executive is re-visiting the master plan. It was felt that environmental issues such as volumes of traffic were becoming more important.

There was a possibility that the development could be done ‘piecemeal’, eg. increasing the number of aircraft stands would automatically increase the number of passengers. The issue of a recent increase in aircraft noise had been raised, and an assurance had been given that any reported incidents could be identified and those responsible would be penalised. It was therefore worth reporting such incidents.

Mike Littleton had offered councillors the opportunity to visit air traffic control, and the clerk asked whether this would be of interest. Councillors indicated they would be interested – the clerk to arrange this.

iii. Environment

Cllr Bigg reported that the group had met on 5th September, and the main objective is to put together the Parish Plan, using data gathered from the questionnaire. The aim is to produce this by the end of 2007. It was agreed that the clerk will compile a master list of ‘tidy village’ issues, and councillors are invited to report any areas they feel require action.

iv. Finance

Cllr Gallop had provided a written report which covered the acquisition of new accounting software, and the bank loan relating to the Memorial Hall. Cllr Matthews asked whether it would be in order for the Parish Council to repay part of the loan if they have the funds available.

It was agreed that the Parish Council could simply increase its grant to the Memorial Hall to achieve this. Cllr Irving pointed out that discussion relating to the loan was a matter for the Memorial Hall committee. Cllr Glynn made the point that the Parish Council can raise funds at any time via the precept.

d. Tree Warden

Nothing to report.

8.55 pm: Cllr Matthews gave his apologies and left the meeting at this point.

e. District Councillor’s report

This had been circulated previously. The main item covered was the proposed new school, and this gave rise to a discussion on the issues relating to this. It was felt that the school travel plan now becomes more important, but it is based on existing numbers. There would be transport implications if the entrance is to be in Home Close. Cllr Ledbury questioned who would have an input to the brief for the new building, as ideally the building would incorporate other community facilities so that it would become an important centre for the community. It was agreed that members of the Council would like to be fully informed and involved in the development of the new school. Issues such as transport, highways and plans for use of the old school building would be of great importance.

Model Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

Cllr Irving proposed the following resolution: “It is resolved to adopt the Model Code of Conduct for Members of Parish and Town Councils including paragraph 12(2), effective immediately”. This was agreed. The clerk is to inform the Standards Board and place the required advertisement in the local press.

With regard to Standing Orders, the following resolution was proposed by Cllr Thorn: “To set up a small working group to draft as soon as possible, initially in relation to the draft model obtainable from NALC, a set of Standing Orders for Wrington Parish Council, and bring such draft to the Council with a view to their approval and adoption. Such Standing Orders will be reviewed annually in the light of experience”.

Cllr Thorn had previously secured Cllr Matthews’ agreement to second the resolution, which was agreed. The working group members are to include: Cllr Thorn (chair), Cllr Irving, Cllr Glynn, Cllr Matthews, Cllr Ellis. It was agreed that some discussions can be conducted via email, to reduce the need for meetings.

Wrington Sports & Social Club – sub-letting of bar

Cllr Irving reported that the franchise agreement (Licence to Trade) had now been amended in accordance with the advice from Bennetts solicitors. Cllr Gallop reported that the WSSC wanted to add some wording to Clause 7 – “the WSSC holds public liability insurance for the club”. There was no objection to this. A letter will now be sent to the WSSC giving permission for sub-letting of the bar – the wording of this was agreed.


Cllr Bigg drew the attention of members to the Local Development Framework – this is very important and the Parish Council should respond to it. She also highlighted the Green Infrastructure Tool – she believes that people in the South West are not aware of this. The CPRE have an example of this and she would be prepared to circulate this.

Cllr Gallop said that there were some places in The Glebe where fences were falling into disrepair. Cllr Ellis volunteered to speak to Mr Virjee about this. It was also noted that vegetation was obscuring two of the ‘Millennium’ stones – at Half Yard and Havyatt Road, also the trees next to Church Walk need trimming. The clerk is to follow up these issues.

Cllr Glynn mentioned forthcoming repair works: Westhay Road/Wrington Road is due to be closed in the near future for patching work, and the pavement resurfacing in Broad Street is also to go ahead soon.

Cllr Bigg had been approached by Jim Davis of The Children’s Society who would be willing to speak at a Council meeting on funding for projects for children and young people. It was agreed that the clerk should invite him to attend the next meeting.

Cllr Irving mentioned a recent oil leak from a car near The Old Forge, and also a pot hole at the corner of Silver Street and Church Walk. The clerk is to contact NSC environmental services.

The clerk presented a suggested modular layout for new tables which could be used together to form a large meeting table. It was agreed to proceed with this, and the clerk is to obtain samples of wood finishes.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.40 pm.

Ms E P Irving