The Chairwoman opened the Meeting at 7.30 pm.
1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Cllr Irving was proposed by Cllr Thorn and seconded by Cllr Bigg to serve as Chair of the Council. All those present were in favour. Cllr Irving thanked the members of Council for re-electing her and for their support over the past year.
Cllr Gallop was proposed by Cllr Bigg and seconded by Cllr Irving to serve as Vice-Chair. All those present were in favour.
2. Appointments to Committees and Working Groups
a. Planning Committee: Cllr Glynn was proposed by Cllr Irving and seconded by Cllr Berkley to serve as Chair of the Planning Committee. All those present were in favour.
b. Working Groups - the membership of the four working groups was amended as follows:
- Airport membership to remain unchanged. Cllr Matthews agreed to act as Chair for the time being.
- Highways Cllr Irving to be added to the membership; Cllr Matthews to continue as Chair
- Environment Cllr Matthews to cease as a member; Cllr Bigg to continue as Chair
- Finance Cllr Glynn to be added to the membership; Cllr Gallop to continue as Chair
The Clerk will circulate a revised list of working group members. It was reiterated that any member of the Council can attend any meeting of a working group.
3. Appointments to outside bodes
a. Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee: it was agreed that the same eight councillors would continue to serve on the committee for the forthcoming year. They are: Cllrs Irving, Gallop, Moss, Phillips, Glynn, Bigg, Berkley, Yamanaka.
b. Avon Local Councils Association representative: Cllr Glynn
c. BIA Consultative Committee: Cllr Yamanaka
d. Parish Councils Airport Association: Cllr Glynn agreed to serve as representative on the PCAA, provided that feedback to the Parish Council need only be in the form of meeting minutes. This was agreed.
e. School Travel Plan: Cllr Bigg
4. Apologies
There were no apologies for absence.
5. Declaration of Members’ Interests
None on known agenda items.
6. Public Participation
Mr Nick Baker gave a brief outline of his background and his interest in the countryside, wildlife, and trees through a long career in farming and more recently as Education Manager for Alvis Brothers. He would therefore be willing to volunteer his services as Tree Warden for the parish. Cllr Gallop proposed and Cllr Phillips seconded that Mr Baker be appointed as Tree Warden, and all were in favour. It was suggested that Mr Baker might be involved in reviewing planning applications that involve tree works. Cllr Irving thanked Mr Baker for attending and he then left the meeting.
7. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th April 2008 were reviewed. Cllr Thorn pointed out that there were two paragraphs ‘c’ on pages 1 and 2. This was noted, and the minutes were adopted and signed as a correct record.
8. Correspondence
a. Letter from the Environmental Protection Officer at NSC regarding possible additional dog control measures. After discussion, it was agreed that no additional measures would be of practical benefit to the parish, and it was therefore decided not to pursue the matter further.
b. Village boundary signs: an illustration of the standard NSC design had been received and this was circulated. It was agreed to proceed with replacement of the signs using this design. Cllr Yamanaka queried whether there were any signs in place at Redhill the Clerk will check up on this.
c. Western Power Distribution letter regarding plans to site scaffolding at the allotments during replacement of overhead cables. It was felt this was acceptable provided that any affected allotment holders were adequately compensated.
d. Redhill Village Hall & Club letter giving details of new licensing certificate. This was noted.
e. NSC Development Control Workshop 5th June: several councillors hope to attend.
Avon Youth Association A letter from Ian Anderson, Executive Director, asking for confirmation that the Parish Council is prepared to provide £5,000 in the 2008/09 financial year. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask for clarification, as this is a higher figure than expected. Also it is understood that the sessions at Redhill are to be cut, but no mention had been made of this in the letter.
9. Reports
a. Police Report: the report provided by PC Tacchi was reviewed. It was noted that an incident had occurred in Redhill following the application for increased licensing hours. Cllr Bigg queried whether all incidents of theft reported via the airport were included, even though they may have occurred elsewhere - the Clerk will check exactly what is included in the report. The damage to two new trees at the Recreation Field was felt to be very disappointing. Possible replacement trees will be considered later in the year. It was noted that a spate of thefts had occurred in the area of Baker’s Buildings, and there has been a suggestion of starting a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Cllr Bigg said that there is an increasing problem with speeding vehicles on Havyatt Road and the A38 in the early evening during the week and at weekends she has emailed PC Tacchi about this.
b. Clerk’s Report and Financial Report were received. Payment of the following items was approved:
British Telecom £99.66
G Wilson external hard drive for computer £84.99
S Arrowsmith - village orderly (April) £96.00
Connaught Environmental £56.40
Memorial Hall hire for Annual Parish Meeting £26.90
DCK Beavers Ltd annual accounts £441.34
Information Commissioner
Data Protection Registration £35.00
Avon Youth Association April-June £1,000
Clerk’s salary (May) to be calculated
Memorial Hall payments to be offset against grant:
Melluish Plumbing & Heating (boiler service) £176.25
The Consortium (cleaning materials £112.97
c. Working Groups
i. Highways Cllr Matthews said that the group met on 19th May and he has circulated a report. The group working on the Link Road is pursuing its objectives.
ii. Airport the next meeting will now take place when a planning application is on the table. Cllr Irving congratulated those involved in ensuring that BIA are required to submit a full planning application for the proposed walkway.
iv. Environment Cllr Bigg reported on the meeting that had taken place on 15th May with Ted Smith of Johnston Smith Consultants, and John Inman of NSC to discuss the flooding survey that Ted Smith is undertaking. She also provided a written report. It was emphasised that this would be a two-way process, and that information would be needed from the Parish Council.
Cllr Bigg drew attention to Chapter 7 of the Pitt Report ‘Engaging with the Public’. Ted Smith has identified items which could make any flooding incident worse eg. plastic sheeting, pieces of wood and other debris falling into the watercourse. Cllr Bigg listed the actions which the Parish Council need to do as soon as possible, such as marking the levels of recent flooding on buildings, etc. Ted Smith will be using a team to survey all the watercourses and will need access to back gardens of some properties.
The Clerk will identify which properties are involved and provide a list of these so that the householders can be contacted. The Council should also provide as much local information as they can to ensure the consultants cover all the issues.
On other issues, Cllr Bigg mentioned a litter campaign being undertaken by CPRE and asked whether the Parish Council would have any objection to this being used in connection with the Village of the Year Competition this was agreed. Cllr Bigg will bring details of the Parish Plan to the next meeting.
iv. Finance Cllr Gallop reported that a meeting had been held on 20th May, when projects for the current financial year had been discussed. New items planned include a new noticeboard, ideally located in a more central position. Designs for a noticeboard approximately 650mm x 450mm at a cost of £658 were circulated and it was agreed that this should be purchased. The village orderly had requested a replacement mowing machine, as the existing one is ten years old and not working well. She had identified a suitable machine costing £339 including VAT, and it was agreed that this should be purchased.
Cllr Gallop also reported that a new telephone/fax machine was required as the old one had broken down, and the Clerk had also now identified a suitable shelf unit for storing files, etc. The cost of these two items would be £185, and it was agreed that these should be purchased.
d. District Councillor’s report
A written report had been circulated previously. Cllr Yamanaka said she expected to know in June whether the possible new school for Wrington was included on the list. In relation to St Katherine’s School at Felton, NSC is no longer pursuing the purchase of land for a new school, due to the difficulties associated with this. There is now a plan to combine with Winford School she is awaiting further information on this.
10. Avon Youth Association
Further information provided by Ian Anderson, Executive Director, as a result of the previous meeting, was presented by the Clerk. It appeared from this that visits to Redhill by the Youth Bus had ceased in March 2007, but no-one was aware of this. It was agreed that the Clerk should query if this was correct.
There was discussion on various issues including: the time spent in Wrington by the Youth Bus it was reported that it was still on site at 10.40 pm; the number of young people who remain on the bus during the whole session whether some just ‘sign in’ but do not stay very long; and the cost-effectiveness of the service (£4,000 in the current year).
The Clerk agreed to take up the issues with Ian Anderson. It was also agreed to ask for a group of young people who use the bus to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council, as suggested previously.
11. Standing Orders
Copies of the final draft of the Standing Orders were circulated. Cllr Matthews proposed and Cllr Gallop seconded that the Standing Orders should be formally adopted, and all were in favour. Cllr Glynn raised the issue of the correct use of the terms ‘Chair’, ‘Chairman’ and ‘Chairwoman’. The Clerk agreed to check up on this with ALCA.
12. Draft Lettings Policy - NSC
This has now been reviewed, and it was agreed not to comment.
13. Open Forum
* Cllr Gallop mentioned that the grass verge outside Brook House is now very long. The Clerk will take this up with the Area Officer.
* Cllr Moss reported fly-tipping in Mill Lane the Clerk already has this in hand.
* Cllr Thorn reminded councillors about the Patient/Practice Partnership meeting on 22nd May.
* Cllr Dunn Morua said that there was a continuing problem with people using quad bikes on the bridle path on Old Hill. It is thought that they may be coming up from Brockley Combe. The Clerk will take this up with the police and NSC.
* Cllr Glynn said that he had attended an affordable homes event organised by NSC earlier in the day. He had spoken to Will Bryant of NSC, who would like to come to a meeting with the Parish Council to speak on assessing needs for affordable housing.
* Cllr Bigg reminded councillors about the CPRE AGM on 22nd May in Long Ashton.
There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.20 pm.