Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 24th June, 2009


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mr M. Berkley
Mr P. Ellis
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs G. Wilson, Clerk
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr F. Cowgill
Mrs .J Gallop
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr R. L. Thorn
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
PC K. Tacchi

In attendance: - Mr Paul Robinson; Mr Mark Halper (part);
Four members of Wrington Youth Bus
2. Declaration of Members’ Interests

Cllr Irving declared an interest in an item relating to the fence bordering the Church Walk play area, included in the Finance Group report.

3. Public Participation

a. Wrington Youth Bus

The Chairwoman welcomed four members of Wrington Youth Bus. Tom Cooper acted as their spokesperson. Tom explained that fifteen local young people attend the bus regularly at present, and gave an outline of the wide range of activities that take place.

He then spoke about a week-long visit to the USA in the autumn of 2008, which had included visits to New York and Washington. They had met people from all ethnic origins and had discussed many different issues during the course of their visit. They had found New York to be very lively, but Washington more ‘laid back’ with several interesting museums. Tom felt that everyone had gained from the experience, as they had made all the arrangements and raised the funds for the trip themselves.

After some questions, the Chairwoman promised that Parish Council members would try to visit the bus, which comes to the Recreation Field on Thursday evenings between 7.00 and 9.30 pm. The young people were thanked for a very lively and interesting discussion, and they left the meeting at this point.

b. Night flights

Mr Mark Halper spoke about his concerns in relation to night flights from Bristol International Airport. He had noted that currently there are three or four flights after midnight on most nights, including one recently at 2.45 am. He questioned whether this was in line with the regulations on night flights. He has checked the list of scheduled flights from the airport, and these do not seem to be scheduled flights.

Members suggested that some could be mail planes, or delayed departures. Cllr Turton agreed to raise the issue at the next Airport Consultative Committee meeting, and ask for clarification of the current regulations. It was suggested that Mr Halper should keep a record of the flights he is concerned about, and also use the contact number for reporting any particularly noisy flights at the time they happen.

Mr Halper thanked members for their help, and left the meeting at this point.

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th May 2009 were reviewed. The following amendments were agreed: page 2, item 4b – Working Groups – Newsletter – the final sentence to read ‘Cllr Berkley said that he would be willing to take on the role of editor next year, with Cllr Thorn’s advice and support’; page 4, item 11d – Airport Consultative Committee – change ‘Cllr Yamanaka’ to ‘Cllr Turton’. With these amendments, the minutes were signed as a correct record.

5. Correspondence

a. It was noted that acknowledgement of Wrington Parish Council’s comments on the Regional Spatial Strategy had been received.

b. Langford Brook retaining wall: letter from NSC stating that work on this project will start on 27th July and may last for up to ten weeks. A full road closure will be required, so there will be no access between Wrington and Langford via Half Yard. A diversion via Havyatt Road and the A38 will be in place.

c. Winford Parish Council: details of a scheme to improve walking and cycling access to the A38 and the airport had been received. It is hoped that funding for the scheme can be obtained as part of the airport extension application. Comments on the scheme are invited from Wrington Parish Council. It was agreed that the Highways working group would consider this.

d. Letter from Cllr Elfan ap Rees regarding the link road: this was noted.

e. Parish Charter working group: an update on progress received from Alastair Higton of NSC. This is at a very early stage.

f. Wrington Bowling Club: invitation to enter a team for their Open Day on 19th July.

g. Alcohol requests received from: Wrington Primary School – charity concert 8th July; Wrington Minibus Society – annual lunch 22nd August; Mendip Folk Dance Club – Christmas Dance 5th December. All agreed.

6. Reports

a. Police Report: a hard copy report was circulated and the contents noted.

b. Clerk’s Report, Financial Report and accounts for the month of May: these had been circulated previously.

The following payments were approved:

Prism – office supplies                        £234.18
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly         £96.00
DCK Beavers – annual accounts        £270.25
E Wrest – part & diesel for strimmer     £36.51
Avon Youth Association – Youth Bus £1000.00
(first quarter)
Photocopying charges (first quarter)     £31.68
SEC Ltd (street lights – first quarter)  £734.26

Clerk’s salary June – to be calculated

c. District Councillor’s report

Cllr Yamanaka had circulated a report previously and this was received. It was noted that a site meeting is to be held by the South Area Committee to consider the application for affordable housing in Rickyard Road. The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been received from NSC inviting Parish Council members to attend the meeting, which will take place on Tuesday 7th July at 10.00 am.

d. North East Ward report

No written report was available on this occasion as Cllr Turton had been away on holiday. She reported that problems with flooding at the freight entrance to the airport had been identified as being caused by a car valeting service. This had now been moved, and the problem had ceased.

7. Working Groups

a. Highways

Presentation on shared space by Ben Hamilton-Baillie 21st July:
there was discussion of the best method of gauging residents’ views on the question of whether to carry out feasibility study. It was finally decided that a straw poll should be taken, with a choice of two statements as follows: ‘I think the Parish Council should proceed with the feasibility study at a cost of not more than £7,000’ or ‘I do not think that the Parish Council should proceed further with this project’. However, it was agreed that it will be made clear that the Parish Council will not be bound by the result, and the final decision on whether to proceed will be made by the Parish Council.

Road survey:
Cllr Ellis said that members of the group were in the process of carrying out a survey of all the roads in the Parish.

b. Environment:

No report was available. The Clerk said she had been contacted by John Inman, Principal Drainage Officer at NSC, to explain that he had now taken on the role of following up the Drainage Report provided by Sophie Jones. He was keen to receive comments on the report from the Parish Council, and would like to set up regular meetings. It was agreed that to avoid further delay, the Clerk and the Chairwoman would produce a fairly brief response to the report, so that the momentum would not be lost.

c. Finance

Cllr Gallop had circulated a report prior to the meeting, explaining that the Annual Return had been considered and it was felt that the questions could be answered satisfactorily. The issue of risk assessment had been given particular attention. The report provided by the internal auditor had also been reviewed and some helpful comments noted.

A request had been received from Cllr Irving to improve the fencing along the boundary of the Church Walk play area where it borders her property, to prevent children from wandering into her garden. Cllr Irving left the meeting during the discussion, and Cllr Turton took the Chair. It was agreed that as the fence appears to belong to the Glebe land which the Parish Council leases from the Diocese of Bath & Wells, it seemed reasonable that a wire netting fence should be installed by the Parish Council. The Clerk is to obtain quotes for this work.

8. Annual Accounts

a. Copies of the annual accounts and relevant extracts from the Annual Return had been circulated to members previously. The Chairwoman read out the questions in Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return. It was agreed that all questions should be answered ‘yes’, except for question 9, which is not applicable. It was proposed by Cllr Irving and seconded by Cllr Moss that the annual accounts should be adopted: all were in favour.

b. Financial Regulations: the second draft (circulated previously) was considered and some minor additions and amendments agreed. It was proposed by Cllr Berkley and seconded by Cllr Irving that, with these amendments, the Financial Regulations should be adopted: all were in favour.

9. Parish Plan

Cllr Irving explained that she understood from Cllr Bigg that the Parish Plan was still not ready for printing. There was concern that the delay would affect distribution of the flyer for the shared space meeting, as it had been hoped to deliver both items at the same time. It was agreed that this could still be achieved, and that a letter should be sent to Cllr Bigg asking for a date by which printing would go ahead.

10. Additional Bus Stop

The Clerk reported that a number of older residents had asked whether a bus stop could be provided in Silver Street, as they find the walk back from Broad Street to the Rickyard Road/South Meadows area difficult, especially if carrying shopping. NSC had agreed to site a bus stop on the lamp-post opposite the Recreation Field, on the basis that this may be a temporary stop if the bus route is changed again next year. It was agreed to ask NSC to go ahead with this.

11. Joint Waste Core Strategy – Preferred Options Consultation

The Clerk reported that a progress update would be available from 5th June, following the consultation carried out earlier in the year. Cllr Turton agreed to read the progress update, and recommend whether the Parish Council should make any further comments.

12. Sustainable Communities Act 2007

Cllr Irving read out extracts from the documentation. It was noted that NSC may not have decided to opt in to the Act. The Clerk is to check on this before any proposals are submitted.

13. CPRE Survey

This survey concerns the future of Bristol’s Green Belt. The questionnaire is designed for completion by individuals, and it was therefore agreed that the Clerk would circulate details to members so that they could respond individually.

14. Old Hill Bridleway

The Clerk provided details of a ‘forestry’ style metal barrier that could be installed by NSC to prevent unauthorised access by 4-wheel drive vehicles. Landowners and others needing access for agricultural purposes would have the code needed to operate the barrier. The cost is between £400 and £500. It was agreed that this should be implemented.

15. Open Forum

The Chairwoman thanked Mr Paul Robinson for attending the meeting, and he confirmed that he would like to be considered for co-option onto the Parish Council. This will be considered at the next meeting.

The Chairwoman said she felt there was a need for more members to take an active role in the work of the Council, particularly in relation to the working groups and the various projects and consultations that need work outside of meetings. At present, too much of the workload is falling on a small number of people, which is placing an unfair burden on these members.

Cllr Turton raised the issue of the need for an Airport working group. It was agreed that the focus of attention will now be on the planning application, but a group could be set up if members agreed this was necessary.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.55 pm.

Echo Irving