Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 27th January, 2010


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mrs .J Gallop, Vice-Chair 
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs G. Wilson,
Mr F. Cowgill

In attendance: Mr M MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer)
2. Declaration of Members’ Interests

None on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation

One member of the public was present but did not wish to address the meeting.

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th December 2009 were reviewed and signed as a true record.

5. Correspondence

a. A further email received from Wraxall & Failand Parish Council, attaching a report detailing their views on the proposed new pylons route. The Clerk offered to forward this to any Councillors who would like to receive it.

b. Letter from the Housing Manager at The Lodge, School Road, Wrington, pointing out the problems encountered by the elderly residents in the area adjacent to Wrington Motors, where the footway is very uneven and there is a sunken drain. The Clerk stated that she had replied to the letter, and would be looking at the problem with the NSC Area Officer the next day to see what could be done to improve the situation.

c. Email from residents of Kings Road requesting improvement to the very bad state of the road surface. It was acknowledged by members that this area had been deteriorating for many years. The Clerk will also take this up with the Area Officer.

d. Letter from Mr David Marsh of The Old Rectory, Broad Street, asking whether it had been possible to re-locate the fish & chip van which visits Broad Street every Friday. The Clerk reported that she had spoken to the owners of the business and they had agreed to try to park in a different place on alternate weeks – the opposite end of Broad Street near the former Richards Stores had been suggested.

e. Letter from Mr Frank Cox of NSC in response to the Parish Council’s request for a Vehicle Activated Sign on Downside Road. Mr Cox stated that the Council’s records on collisions did not meet the requirements for a VAS. This was felt to be disappointing, and led to a discussion on how data is recorded on accidents, etc. Cllr Turton said that the section referred to in Mr Cox’s letter was between the A38 junction and Combe Dale, whereas she felt the worst problems of speeding traffic were further along Downside Road, past the freight entrance. It was also commented that there were many incidents which did not involve the police, as there was no personal injury, but these incidents were nevertheless potentially dangerous. It was agreed that Cllr Turton would try to gather additional information from residents and others, and the issue would be kept under review. Mr Mark MacGregor also suggested contacting Mr Cox again for further discussion.

f. Letter from the Access Team at NSC confirming that the footpath between Lawrence Road and School Road had now been officially dedicated and is recorded on the Definitive Map at Footpath AX 30.81 Wrington.

g. Email from M Yves Blérard-Léglise of Villeneuve-les-Beziers in France, regarding the possibility of Wrington being twinned with his town. It was felt that this could be an interesting idea, but it was recognised that to work well, ‘twinning’ needed significant time and effort, and it was not something that the Parish Council could undertake on its own. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact M Blérard-Léglise to ask him for further information about himself and his locality, and would circulate members with details of the Villeneuve-les-Beziers website.

h. Alcohol requests: (i) from Ms Lee-Ann Buncombe in relation to a birthday party on 6th March; (ii) from Wrington WI for several events during 2010. There were no objections.

6. Reports

a. Police Report: a report provided by PC Tacchi on recent reported crimes had been circulated at the start of the meeting, and this was received. It was noted that several of the incidents were attributable to one individual, and the police were in the process of bringing a prosecution.

b. Clerk’s Report and Financial Report: both reports had been circulated prior to the meeting, together with accounts for December, and these were received.

The following payments were approved:

SEC Ltd – street lighting maintenance 3rd quarter £638.49
EDF Energy – street lighting electricity 3rd quarter £1,363.69
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – December £96.00
Archant – recruitment advertising £158.63
Portrayal – photocopies £12.95
G Wilson – printer purchase £178.24
Weston Garden Machinery – mower service £138.96
Connaught Environment Ltd – dog bins £64.63
HMRC – PAYE & NI 3rd quarter £1,034.72

Clerk expenses – 3rd quarter:
postage £9.25; stationery £82.26; travel & parking £41.06 £132.57

Clerk’s salary January – to be calculated

c. District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Yamanaka had just returned from holiday so had not circulated a report on this occasion. Cllr Yamanaka said she had been approached by the District Councillor for Winford who had expressed concern about the security of the St Katharine’s School site following closure of the school. His concern related to unauthorised ‘airport’ parking, and even the potential for terrorist activity. Members felt that this should be drawn to the attention of the relevant authorities, and it was agreed that the Clerk would contact NSC emergency planning, the airport police, and BIA’s community liaison officer.

d. North East Ward report

Cllr Turton had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was received.

On BIA matters, Cllr Turton reported that she had attended a meeting of the Airport Consultative Committee the previous evening. There will be a meeting of the South Area Committee at NSC on 3rd March specifically to consider the BIA planning application. Cllr Yamanaka queried whether the public participation section would be extended, given the number of people who would wish to make comments. Cllr Bigg said she would check on this via her CPRE role.

Cllr Turton reported that the tracker system at the airport will be up and running from 2nd February. This will enable the airport to identify the aircraft which give rise to complaints. Cllr Bigg asked if there had been any outcome as yet from the Noise Action Plan consultation. Cllr Turton said she believed this would be published within the next week.

e. Wrington Vale Medical Practice Consultation

Cllr Robinson had provided a report on recent activities of the Consultation Reference Group and this had been circulated prior to the meeting. He gave details of two public meetings organised by the ‘Save Our Surgeries’ group on 12th and 13th February in the Memorial Hall, and asked whether members wished him to represent the Council at these events. This was confirmed. Cllr Robinson reported that he had attended a meeting with Dr Liam Fox MP, who had confirmed that it would not be the policy of a future Conservative government to close any rural surgeries. He also felt that the best location for enhanced services would be the new hospital in Clevedon. Cllr Robinson also reported that the PCT had appointed Ms Barbara Hardy to review the business case and she will be attending the next Consultation Reference Group meeting. He has raised 38 questions with the PCT but to date has not received any answer to these. At the request of CRG members, the next meeting will include a session for questions.

Cllr Bigg asked Cllr Yamanaka whether NSC’s Health Overview Scrutiny Panel have any power to decide whether the consultation process was a valid one. Cllr Yamanaka said she would seek advice about this.

Cllr Glynn said that it was now important for the Parish Council to start the process of considering its formal response to the consultation, and it was agreed that a sub-group would arrange a meeting to discuss this.

Cllr Irving asked whether members would confirm the policy of the Parish Council on the issue which she understood to be: that the Parish Council opposes the closure of the two existing surgeries. A vote was taken on this. Cllr Bigg abstained due to her role as Chair of ‘Link’ and Cllr Yamanaka abstained because of a potential future planning application. Cllr Ledbury also abstained. All other members voted in favour.

Cllr Irving circulated a letter that she had received from the Practice partners concerning a recent correspondence printed in the Weston Mercury. They expressed the view that Cllr Irving was incorrect in stating that transport from Wrington to the proposed new surgery site in Langford would be difficult, as they maintained that the Practice were committed to commissioning a transport solution. Cllr Irving circulated a draft reply to this letter, and asked members to send comments to her as soon as possible, so that these could be incorporated into her response.

7. Working Groups

a. Environment: a meeting with John Inman is to take place on 8th February at 5.00 pm, the previously arranged meeting having been postponed due to bad weather.

b. Highways: Cllr Glynn agreed to take on the role of Convenor for this group until the Annual Meeting in May.

8. Consultations

a. West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy: Cllr Yamanaka agreed to review this and report back to the Council on possible comments.

b. NSC School Admissions Policy 2011-2012: Cllr Turton agreed to review the information and report back to the Council.

9. Rocque Maps

The Clerk reported that further information was now available and she had received from Langford History Group details of their application to the Mendip Society for a financial contribution towards restoring the maps. It was understood that any grant that might be made would only provide 75% of the costs of the project, leaving a shortfall of around £230. It was agreed that the Parish Council would be prepared to consider a contribution once the outcome of the grant application is known. It was also suggested that Burrington Parish Council might be approached, as the maps cover Burrington as well as Wrington.

10. BIA Expansion

The Clerk reported that, as expected, a request had been received from the PCAA to support a move to ask the Government of the South West to ‘call in’ the decision. Cllr Glynn and Cllr Bigg explained the implications of this process, and after discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council should express its support. The Clerk will circulate the email request to provide information for members.

11. Provision of Grit Bins

The Clerk drew attention to problems experienced during the recent snowy weather as there were no grit bins in the Parish and this had resulted in difficulties for residents particularly in the hilly areas. She had obtained costs for bins from NSC, which were £150 each, and had compiled a list of eight locations where residents had requested that grit should be provided. It was agreed that the Clerk would circulate the list and the matter would be considered at the next meeting.

12. Precept 2010-2011

Cllr Gallop presented the draft budget which had been circulated at the meeting held on 16th December 2009. As there had been no suggestions for amendments, the proposal to adopt the budget was put to the meeting, and was agreed unanimously. A precept request of £76,300 will therefore be submitted to NSC. This is unchanged from the current financial year.

13. Avon Local Councils Association

As agreed at a previous meeting, the question of whether Wrington Parish Council should become a member of ALCA once again was considered. The Chairwoman invited Cllr Glynn to give his views on the benefits of membership. Cllr Glynn explained that he felt it was important for the Parish Council to be part of the collective process involving Councils in the former Avon area and to be able to influence and benefit from these activities. Membership also provided access to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) from whom important information and advice could be obtained. Cllr Bigg proposed that the Parish Council should rejoin the organisation, but if the previous problems of communication, etc, were still evident the Executive of ALCA should be approached to resolve any issues. This was put to a vote, and all were in favour.

14. Annual Newsletter

It was confirmed that Cllr Berkley had agreed to edit the newsletter this year. The timetable should ensure that the newsletter could be distributed by the end of March and include a flyer for the Annual Parish Meeting.

15. Open Forum

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.55 pm.

Echo Irving