Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 28th April, 2010


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs G. Wilson,
Mrs F Burke, Assistant Clerk
Mr F. Cowgill
Mrs .J Gallop 
Mrs C. A. Phillips

In attendance: PCSO Yvette Jordan
Cllr Irving reported that Cllr Gallop would be standing down due to other commitments. Cllr Irving expressed her gratitude to Cllr Gallop for many years of service on the council and Cllrs agreed that she would be a great loss to the Council.

Apologies were received from Fred Cowgill, Judith Gallop and Christine Phillips.

2. Declaration of Members’ Interests

None on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

4. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th March were reviewed and an amendment was made in the District Councillor’s report regarding the loss of the school playing field at St Katharine’s School when it is closed later in this year. Cllr Irving then signed them as a true record.

Matters arising

After some discussion on the future loss of St Katharine’s playing field it was agreed to object to this as it would be a loss to that part of the Parish. The Parish Council would like Winford Parish to be compensated for this loss by means of other open space being made available.

5. Correspondence

a. NSC recycling and waste collection days: a notice and a calendar is being delivered to all households to notify them of the new collection days. The collection day will now be Monday, including Bank Holidays, and will begin 3rd May. The introduction of wheelie bins, kitchen waste recycling and weekly recycling will not happen until July.

b. NSC – Community Governance Review: Final recommendations had been received from the Planning and Regulatory Committee concerning the re-drawing of the Parish Boundary between parts of Downside and the Parish of Backwell.

c. Felton Village Hall: Letter from Catherine Hunter, treasurer of Felton Village Hall Management Committee, thanking Wrington Parish Council for the £800 grant they received from them.

d. Micropower Council: Letter from Ron Bailey asking to endorse the microgeneration manifesto. Members decided it needed to be looked into more closely as it was unclear exactly what this was. Cllr Bigg agreed to have a look at the web link provided and send it around to interested Councillors.

e. NALC re. Conference 2nd July: Details of a ‘Localism in Action conference – NALC Conference and Exhibition. Cllr Irving asked members who would be interested. Cllr Bigg and Cllr Irving expressed an interest in attending.

f. Alcohol requests: Letter from Mr and Mrs Shepherd requesting permission from the Parish Council to serve alcohol in the Memorial Hall on 28th August 2010. Permission was granted.

6. Reports

a. Police report: a report containing details of seven incidents was circulated and reviewed. A member raised a concern about the constant night-time barking of dogs on Gatcombe Farm, West Hay Road. PCSO Jordan said she would investigate this.

PCSO Jordan reported that they are still trying to get Speedwatch up and running and that six volunteers would be needed. Any volunteer’s names should be given to the Clerk. A list of approved sites where people could stand safely would also be needed. As a report on this already exists Cllr Glynn said he would look for this.

In relation to P.A.C.T (Partners and Communities Together), the Clerk confirmed that no names had been received at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed that something should be put in the journal to raise more awareness of this.

b. Clerk’s Report (circulated previously): this was received. Cllr Berkley asked whether the issue of part-night cells for the Street lights had been on the previous month’s meeting agenda as he was in favour of this and had not attended the meeting. He would have liked to have been aware the issue was going to be discussed. Cllr Irving agreed that the issue could be put on next month’s agenda and discussed again.

The Clerk reported she had not heard anything back about the state of the verge on Baker’s Lane. It needs to be re-instated and left in the condition it was previously.

Members discussed the absence of a system to notify the village of construction going on in the village. Traffic lights had been put up twice in the last week in Broad Street without notifying the Parish Council. It was agreed a letter should be sent to North Somerset Council to make sure they notify us when road works needing traffic lights are going to happen.

Financial Report and accounts for March (circulated previously): these were received. The Clerk reported she had been approached to ask if the Parish Council would make a donation for plants for the village of the year competition. Members agreed this.

The following accounts for payment were approved:

Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – March £108.00
Avon Local Councils Association – subscription £483.30
Aqueous UK Ltd: Parish Plan, Newsletter and flyer £345.45
Dickensian Fair Committee £190.55
Clerk’s salaries – April – to be calculated

c. District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Yamanaka had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was received. The dates for the South Area Committee had been included on the report to help decide if the Parish Council meeting should stay on the fourth Wednesday of the month. It was agreed to put this on as an agenda item at the next meeting.

d. North East Ward: Cllr Turton had circulated a report prior to the meeting and this was received. Cllr Turton reported that herself and Cllr Glynn would be attending the Parish Voice on the 12th May. Cllr Glynn had prepared and submitted a question for this. Cllr Turton reported that the potholes mentioned in her report had now been fixed.

e. Wrington Vale Medical Practice Consultation

Cllr Robinson had circulated a report at the beginning of the meeting. Cllr Robinson also reported that SOS are arranging a two hour meeting with the Primary Care Trust and the question was raised as to whether the Parish Council should request a similar meeting. Members felt that this was not necessary at the moment. It was agreed that there was no objection to the comments made by the Parish Council to the PCT consultation being available to SOS as it is a public document.

7. Working Groups

a. Finance: The Clerk reported on insurance, we now have more information than ever before with lots of extras being insured. Cllr Robinson had looked through the insurance policies and suggested it was unnecessary to insure Street lights as this is a considerable expense and also an unlikely occurrence. Only one had been damaged in the last five years. There was a discussion on ‘Exclusion of damage done by malicious persons’ and the usefulness of a policy not covering vandalism. It was agreed to put this on the agenda at the next Finance meeting.

b. Environment: Cllr Bigg reported that John Inman (NSC Drainage engineer) was checking the Garstons/Glebe area with a camera in relation to flooding. Cllr Bigg has copies of the flooding document submitted for the grant application but not the feedback received. Cllr Bigg has asked for this information.

In relation to Rickyard Road Cllr Yamanaka reported that John Inman had admitted that he had not personally approved the internal drainage system. Cllr Yamanaka stated that he should be acquainted with it even if it had been approved by someone else whilst he was on sick leave.

c. Highways: A list of issues brought up at the previous Highways meeting would be written up and co-ordinated with Fay Powell. The list would then be circulated. A plan of the future bus-shelter in Broad Street was circulated. Members noted the plans were correct on the issue of where the raised curb was in relation to the shelter.

8. Consultation: NSC Parish Charter

Copies of the draft charter had been circulated to members. The Clerk will circulate comments in due course. Comments need to be submitted to NSC by the end of May.

9. Rickyard Road Section 106 agreement use of funds for sport and recreation facilities

Members discussed the use of the £13,000 granted to the Parish Council from the Rickyard Road development. Various ideas were discussed, including the possibility of purchasing new land if the Glebe Field behind the surgery was lost to an expanded surgery and replacing the Church Walk play equipment, in particular the tower. It was agreed to find out more about the timescale for this as well as more information on the separate Playbuilder scheme.

The lease on the Church Walk play area and the Glebe Field needs to be renewed next year. It was agreed to start actioning this and to begin negotiations.

10. Wrington Vale Medical Practice Consultation: representation of Parish Council on Project Board

A discussion took place about whether the Project Board minutes should be available to Parish Council members. Cllr Robinson agreed to provide the Clerk with the Project Board minutes with private financial information removed.

11. Insurance

This had already been discussed under Finance.

12. Parish Council Vacancies

Cllr Irving issued a plea to members to try and persuade people to consider becoming a Councillor as numbers are currently running low.

13. Old Hill Bridleway

A 4x4 vehicle had caused damage on the bridleway by accessing it from the Brockley Combe end. It was agreed to install a wider barrier at the Brockley Combe end. The landowner at Brockley is prepared to do this. Appropriate signage would also need to be installed.

14. Open Forum: there were no further items to discuss.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed 10.15 pm.

Echo Irving