Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 22nd September, 2010


1. Apologies:
Ms E. P. Irving, Chair
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk
Mr F. Cowgill
Mrs P. Ledbury

In attendance: Mr J. Rawlins, PC Tacchi (part)
2. Cllr Bigg declared an interest concerning the WVMP agenda item as Chair of LINK. Cllr Phillips declared an interest in the Dickensian Fair letter under Correspondence.

3. Public Participation

Mr John Rawlins was welcomed by the Chair and asked to introduce himself to the Council as a potential co-opted Councillor. Councillor Rawlins was asked to leave the room to make a decision whether the Council would like to invite him to join the Council. Cllr Robinson proposed he be invited to join and Cllr Berkley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and all were in favour. Cllr Rawlins was invited back in to the meeting as an observer, to join as a participating Cllr in the next Parish Council meeting in October.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 25th August, 2010

The minutes were reviewed and signed as a true record.

Matters arising: Cllr Turton reported that the road closure due to take place in October on part of Downside Road has now been moved to the New Year.

5. Correspondence

a) Letter from Graham Berry re: support for Chapel sign. It was agreed that the Parish Council were happy to give their support to the Chapel in requesting the erection of direction signs to the Chapel. It was agreed that Cllr Ledbury would meet Graham Berry and a NSC Highways representative on site to discuss the matter further.

b) Letter from Rosalyn Young, Wrington WI re: Proposed farmer’s market. In response to the letter over the WI’s concerns about the proposal of a farmer’s market to be held on a Friday morning, Cllr Berkley confirmed that the market would not be in competition with the Country Market held in the Scout Hall by the WI on a Friday morning. Cllr Berkley informed members that the produce sold at the farmer’s market would be completely different to what is currently sold at the Country Market. The idea behind the proposal had been to encourage greater trade in the village on a Friday morning with visitors visiting both markets for all of their needs.

It was agreed to write to Rosalyn Young reiterating the point that, to the best of our knowledge, the Farmer’s market would not be in competition with the Country Market.

c) Response from Jeanette George, North Somerset NHS. This was noted. A reply had been circulated previously. It was agreed to send this response to Jeanette George, copied to the same people as on the previous reply.

d) Response via email from Liam Fox: This was noted. It was agreed to write to Liam Fox thanking him for his support and to ask him if he would approach colleagues to contact the PCT to suggest they delay any decision locally on the Wrington Surgery issue.

e) ALCA re: AGM attendance request due to possible action to dissolve ALCA. This was noted.

f) Wrington Dickensian Christmas Fair, request for support. It was agreed that the Council would be happy to support this event again this year. Last year the sum requested was £183.00. To allow for price rises since then, it was agreed the Council would cap the amount offered this year at £200. This would be conditional to Members of the Dickensian Fair Committee removing all signs of the Christmas tree appropriately after the Christmas season.

g) Redhill village Hall, request for financial support to cover works carried out in the Hall. The Parish Council would in principal like to provide some further financial assistance on top of the grant already provided annually. It was agreed the Clerk would request to see the accounts of the Village Hall as it is not clear on the letter how the division is made between the Hall expenditure and the Club expenditure. It was agreed to put this matter on the agenda of the October Parish Council meeting.

6. Reports

a) Police Report

PC Taachi apologised for not having been able to attend the last few Parish Council meetings. He went through the incidents on the Police report circulated to Members. A Member questioned how the figures for the Parish were collated as many of the airport’s crimes do not appear on the report for Wrington parish. PC Taachi said he would speak to D Stokes about how the figures had been collated. PC Taachi reported that in reference to the criminal damage to the Old Hill barrier, the Police were still trying to trace a vehicle spotted in the area the time of the damage.

b) Clerk’s report

This had been received previously. The Clerk asked Members to agree to the type of bin to replace the burnt out one in the Glebe Playing field. A stand alone fireproof one was considered too bulky and expensive for this area, Members agreed to a bin on a post, cost before VAT and installation being £36.75.

c) Finance Report

The following payments were approved.

Printer cartridge for Echo Irving £8.98 inc VAT
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – August £108.00
RBS – maintenance £246.75 inc VAT
Connaught- dog bin emptying £232.66 inc VAT
Memorial Hall grant – second quarter £3,000
Unpaid expenses for 1st & 2nd quarter for Gabrielle Wilson £97.13
Admin assistant expenses £29.73
HMRC – 2nd quarter – to be calculated
Clerk’s salary September – to be calculated
Admin assistant salary September – to be calculated

d) District Councillor’s Report

The report had been received previously. Cllr Yamanaka reported that the management of Churchill sports centre had been outsourced to Tone Leisure. The signing has been delayed pending the government spending review in October.

A Member reported that rubbish on Ropers Lane had not been collected in the last week due to the road closure signs relating to Wrington Hill. Cllr Yamanaka agreed to follow this up with NSC.

e) NE Ward Report

The report had been received previously. Cllr Turton informed Members of an invitation from Mike Littleton, Bristol Airport, to visit the control tower. No date had yet been set though.

f) Wrington Vale Medical Practice

The report had been received previously. Cllr Robinson summarised the report and expanded on some of the points in the report. Cllr Berkley agreed to try and have a look at the Constitution of the PPP before the next meeting.

7. Working Group Reports

a) Finance Report

The report had been received previously. Cllr Glynn pointed out to Members that the cost of replacing all of the street lights over the coming years would be in the region of £60000. The financial implications of this would need to be addressed in the not too distant future.

Cllr Glynn asked Members to provisionally agree on expenditure of £350 to go towards the Twinning visits. This money would pay for 3 meals each for the French visitors whilst in Wrington, banners for the signing ceremony, refreshments at the signing ceremony and flights to Villeneuve-les-Bézieres next Spring on the return visit to complete the initial Twinning process. The Council agreed to the sum of £350 being set aside for Twinning expenditure. Cllr Glynn reported that Bristol airport had indicated that they would be able to provide £500 from their Community Fund but this had not yet been confirmed.

b) Environment

The Environment meeting had taken place the previous afternoon so no report had yet been received. Cllr Bigg confirmed that the funding application form had been been submitted for the June deadline but we would hear nothing on this until 2011. Cllr Bigg reported that Wrington has been allocated a team from the Environment Agency who will undertake a project in Wrington. The Project brief and the names of the people to be involved in the Project had not yet been provided.

c) Highways

No meeting had taken place since the last Parish Council meeting.

8. PCAA Working Procedures

Cllr Glynn had previously reviewed the working procedures and circulated a proposed rewritten version to Members to comment. These were now ready to be sent out.

Cllr Turton raised the point of being the only representative from Wrington Parish Council on the PCAA so therefore having to make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council, without being confirmed an official delegate. It was agreed that Cllr Turton has been chosen as the official delegate for the Parish Council on the PCAA.

9. Open Forum

Cllr Moss asked if there had been any further news on the installation of the bus shelter in Broad Street. The Clerk confirmed that we were expecting delivery of the shelter soon.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.50pm

Echo Irving