Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 18th May, 2011


6. Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mrs L. Howells
Mr J. Rawlins
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs F. Burke, Clerk
Mrs P. Ledbury
P. Robinson
Mark Macgregor (Parish Liaison Officer, NSC), Yvette Mayo (PCSO)

In attendance:
1. To elect a Chairman of the Council for the year 2011/12

The Clerk asked Members for nominations for the chair. Cllr Rawlins proposed Cllr Glynn, Cllr Turton seconded the proposal. All were in favour.

Resolved: Cllr Glynn to act as Chairman of the Council. Cllr Glynn then took the Chair

2. To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the year 2011/12.

Cllr Glynn asked Members for nominations for the Vice-Chair. Cllr Yamanaka proposed Cllr Turton, Cllr Rawlins seconded the proposal. All were in favour.

Resolved: Cllr Turton to act as Vice-Chair to the Council

3. To receive the Declarations of Acceptance of Office from Councillors, to include completed Registration of Interest forms

The Clerk signed and collected in the completed forms.

4. Public Participation

No members of the public were present.

5. Report from the Police representative (if present)

No police representative was present. The police report was noted.

7. Declaration of Interest on known agenda items
There were no declarations of interest.

8. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2011 were reviewed and signed as a true record, with one amendment under item 9, Playbuilder scheme. ‘Goal end’ was changed to ‘Southern end’.

9. Appointments to Committees and Working Groups:

a) Planning Committee – It was agreed to defer the appointment of Chair of Planning until the next Planning meeting on 24th May.

b) Working Groups – the following groups and their Membership were agreed by all Members.

Finance - Cllr Rawlins (Convenor), Cllr Glynn, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Howells, Fiona Burke (Clerk).

Environment – Cllr Bigg (Convenor), Cllr Glynn, Cllr Yamanaka, Cllr Ledbury, Cllr Robinson

Highways – Cllr Ledbury (Convenor), Cllr Glynn, Cllr Turton, Cllr Yamanaka.

10. Appointments to outside bodies:

The following Members as representatives were agreed by all Councillors present.

a) Memorial Hall and Recreation Field Committee – Cllr Glynn, Cllr Bigg, Cllr Ledbury, Cllr Rawlins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Yamanaka, Cllr Howells.

b) Airport Consultative Committee – Cllr Turton.

c) Parish Councils Airport Association – Cllr Turton.

d) Avon Local Councils Association – Cllr Glynn.

e) Wrington Sports and Social club - Cllr Howells

f) Twinning Association – Cllr Rawlins

11. To confirm Councillors nominated as cheque signatories on behalf of the Council

The following signatories were proposed and agreed to by all Members present:
Cllr Glynn, Cllr Rawlins, Cllr Robinson and Cllr Howells.

12. Correspondence received

· NHS North Somerset – Letter to Liam Fox in response to queries about WVMP and its intentions.

Resolved: To write to Liam Fox expressing concern that the letter conflicts with the Council’s understanding of the use of the satellite surgery.

Action: The Clerk and Cllr Yamanaka to draft a response.

· NSC Rural Economic Development Officer – enquiry about interest in a ‘North Somerset Towns Forum; and membership of ‘Action for Market Towns’.

Resolved: To submit a positive response to this from the Council. Clerk to be the main contact.

· NSC Community Safety and Drug Action Team – Community Payback Project.

Resolved: The Council would like to request some volunteers to help tidy up the edges of the Recreation Field initially. Members were asked to consider and report back on other possibilities.

Action: Clerk to contact NSC.

· PCT Cluster for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire – appointment of Chief Executive. This was noted.

· Letter from North Somerset Cultural Services. This was noted.

13. Clerk’s Report: this had been received previously. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

Wall in the Glebe car park - the Clerk reported that the wall was in a bad state of repair and had been so for a long time.

Resolved: To request NSC to repair the wall in interest of safety as it is a potential hazard on a right of way and to users of the Highway.

Action: the Clerk to contact Frank Cox, NSC and to copy in Fay Powell, Area Officer.

Request for a dog bin at the end of the concrete road

Resolved: The Council felt that this was unnecessary as a previous dog bin at this location had been removed and so rejected the request.

SLCC training course on Agendas and Minutes

Resolved: The Council agreed to the Clerk attending the course on June 16th.

Financial Report: this had been received previously. The report is available for inspection in the minute book.

The following accounts for payment were approved:

North Somerset Council – Playbuilder Grant Support £1,125.00
Felton Village Hall – Grant (2011 plus 2010 which was not paid last year) £1,200.00
Fountains – Dog bins March 2011 £57.60
Mark Davey – Picture frame for Twinning Certificate £7.75
David Glynn – reimbursement for Chair’s leaving present £50.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for April £108.00
Scott Arrowsmith – reimbursement: hand ties and tub planting £155.00
Tom Vowles – village orderly – wages for May £104.00
Clerk’s salary May – to be calculated
Assistant Clerk’s salary May – to be calculated

14. Other Reports:

a) District Councillor’s report: The report had been received previously.

In addition to the report Cllr Yamanaka reported that she was concerned about the obstruction caused on High Street outside Bennetts solicitors. Recently cars had been parking on the bend past Bennetts. Cllr Yamanaka suggested the Council talk to Bennetts and asks them to approach the Plough to try and agree that any extra cars might park in the Plough car park instead of dangerously on the road.

Cllr Yamanaka commented on the footpath between Rickyard Road and Silver Street, which is now virtually impassable.

Resolved: Clerk to write to the landowner to request they tidy the path up.

b) NE Ward report.

Cllr Turton reported that Downside Road would be re-surfaced some time this year. She also informed members that the airport parking off Downside Road had now gone and had moved to next to the Airport Tavern on the A38. Also, the new airport drop off and pick up scheme was due to start on the 23rd May.

c) WVMP report

No report had been submitted this month due to Cllr Robinson’s recent operation.

15. Working Group Reports:

a) Finance: No meeting had been held since the last Council meeting.

b) Environment: A meeting had been scheduled for May 24th.

c) Highways: No meeting had been held since the last Council meeting.

16. Memorial Hall – requests to serve alcohol: no requests had been made.

17. To determine dates for meetings of the Parish Council and Planning Committee for 2011/12, including review of meeting start times.

Resolved: To hold Council meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month, commencing at 7.30pm.

Resolved: To hold Planning meetings every 3rd week on Tuesdays, commencing at 6.00pm.

18. Co-option – discussion on policy approach and publication of a formal invitation for expressions of interest

Resolved: To put notices concerning co-option on the noticeboards, in the journal and on the village website.

19. Bristol Airport – reports received and available for reading. Future plans, including meeting with Wrington Parish Council arranged for Monday 13th June

The Chairman reported that he had attended the Airport Consultative Committee meeting on 27th April. The Council’s meeting with the airport would be taking place on 13th June at the airport.

Resolved: To fix an agenda for the Council’s meeting with the airport before the end of the month.

Action: Cllr Turton to draft and circulate to Members.

20. Parish Voice – Item submitted for discussion at the South Area Committee meeting 25th May, 2011

The Chairman had circulated the question previously. The Chairman reported that as Wrington had been moved to the Central Area Committee from the South area Committee a definite date for the meeting had not yet been confirmed.

21. Open Forum

The Chairman wished to formally thank the organisers of the Royal Wedding street party, one of whom was Cllr Howell and the other Rachel Howell.

Resolved: To write a letter of thanks to Rachel Howell.

A Member brought up the subject of the bus shelter and requests received for side panels to be installed in the shelter for more protection from the rain.

Resolved: To contact the supplier about what options would be available for this.

Cllr Howells wished to propose a discussion for a future meeting about the effect on the community and any possible ideas the Council might have on the issue concerning the possible closure of Amors, if a suitable buyer willing to continue the business was not found. This was noted as a possible subject for a future meeting.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10.10pm.

David Glynn