Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Wednesday, 23rd November, 2011


Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs C. Turton, (Vice-Chair)
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr O. Hollingdale
Mrs L. Howells
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr J. Rawlins
Mr P. Robinson
Mr B. Taylor
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Mrs J. Bishop, Asst. Clerk

In attendance: Mr R Bowden, Mr C Tarr, Mr C Clements, Mr P Giorgetti, Mr M Mildon
1. To receive apologies from Members for non-attendance:

Apologies were received from Mr Mark MacGregor (Parish Liaison Officer, NSC).

2. To receive Members’ declarations of interests on known agenda matters and any amendments to the register of interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3. To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 26 October 2011
The minutes were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

The meeting was adjourned to allow for public participation.

4. Public Participation

Mr Bowden (Chairman of Wrington Sports & Social Club Ltd) outlined the history of the Club’s occupation of the Pavilion on the Recreation Field, the reasons for applying initially for a variation to the Club Premises Certificate and now for a Premises Licence, and how he thought this would affect the use of the facilities.

The potential impact on the Council’s insurance was discussed. Mr Giorgetti (Licensee, Golden Lion public house) then explained how the Golden Lion and The Plough had agreed on uniformity of opening hours and how he felt it would be unfair competition if WS&SC’s licence allowed longer opening hours and whether letters of intent about opening times could be enforced. It was noted that this matter would be discussed at the next Council Meeting (14 December 2011) after details of the licence application had been made public by NSC Licensing and that Cllr Glynn would circulate points from the application as well as copies of the present lease with WS&SC, the Licence to Trade agreed by the Club with the Franchisee and any information available relating to the existing licences held by other premises. The Clerk would also contact WS&SC to see if they would provide a copy of the application.

5. To receive a report from the Police representative

No police representative was present and no report had been received in time for the meeting.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting

6. To note items of correspondence received and requiring action:

· Email from Nick Baker requesting that the Council designate Wrington a ‘no cold-calling village’.

Resolved: Not to impose a blanket ban on cold-calling and to write to Mr Baker explaining the reasons why. To write to the charities mentioned in Mr Baker’s email stating that complaints had been received and taking the matter further, if necessary, by contacting the Institute of Fundraising. To source and cost ‘no cold-calling’ stickers for use by residents. To place an item in the next issue of the Journal to raise awareness of the issue.

· Request from Wrington Friendship Club for a contribution towards their annual Christmas celebrations. £60 paid last year.

Resolved: To offer a contribution of £60.

7. To note other items of correspondence received:

· National Grid – Hinckley C Connection Project – Response to consultees (brochure and letter available in the office for consultation).

This was noted.

8. To receive the Clerk’s Report and consider any matters arising (copies circulated)

· Grit Bin Request from Mr D Palmer, ref Aldwick Lane.

Resolved: To pass the matter to the Highways Working Group for consideration and to contact Blagdon Parish Council as the site proposed is used by residents of both Parishes.

9. To receive the Finance Report, including payments recommended for approval, bank reconciliation, and receipts and payments report for the previous month.

Copies of the reports provided separately.

Approval for the following payments was sought:

North Somerset Council – inspection of play areas, August, September and October 2011 £86.40
SLCC Enterprises Ltd – Clerks’ Regional Conference £78.00
Tom Vowles – village orderly – wages for November £104.00
Scott Arrowsmith – village orderly – wages for November £108.00
Scott Arrowsmith – supply bulbs, flowers and compost for village tubs £120.00
Clerk’s salary November – to be calculated
Assistant Clerk’s salary November – to be calculated

Cllr Taylor proposed approval of the payments and Cllr Hollingdale seconded the motion.

Resolved: To grant approval for the payments for all bar the payment to Scott Arrowsmith for supply of bulbs, etc, for village tubs (£120.00).

Resolved: To grant approval for the payment to Scott Arrowsmith for supply of bulbs, etc, for village tubs (£120.00) on condition that clarification is sought by the Clerk on which tubs are filled, when and to what extent.

10. To receive and consider reports from;

a. District Councillor, Cllr Yamanaka. This was received.

Cllr Yamanaka will attend NSC’s Strategic Planning & Economic Development Panel meeting on 28 November and report back.

Resolved: To establish the Bristol Airport Community Fund’s criteria for funding projects and the dates when the Management Committee will meet.

b. NE Ward report, Cllr Turton. This was received.

Resolved: Clerk to report a build up of rubbish from cars stopping near the airport on the A38.

c. WVMP, Cllr Robinson.

Cllr Robinson apologised that a written report was not available and introduced the draft SOS letter of complaint to NSC concerning alleged irregularities in the advice submitted to the South Area Committee in relation to the Medcentres planning application (Pudding Pie Lane site) explaining that the signing of the letter was a matter of personal decision.

Resolved: To invite Jose Tarnowski to a meeting to discuss the Practice’s plans for the existing surgery building, the branch surgery and transport links. The Clerk to sign up for WVMP email newsletter.

d. Sports & Social Club, Cllr Howells. This was received.

11. To receive and consider reports from Working Groups:

a. Finance, Cllr Rawlins. This was received.

Resolved: To canvass opinion on what children would like in the way of commemorative items for the Diamond Jubilee and how distribution could best be achieved. Clerk to source catalogues for commemorative mugs.

Resolved: To obtain quotes for repairs to the Downside Road notice board from Andrew Tobias and Don Guy and to also investigate the condition of the Ashford Road notice board and establish if this could be relocated.

b. Environment, Cllr Bigg. There had been no meeting this month.

c. Highways, Cllr Ledbury. There had been no meeting this month. Cllr Ledbury advised that a meeting could be arranged before the next Council meeting.

12. To consider and approve the following recommendations from Working Groups:

a. To agree that the Council should explore options for reducing both the power consumption and the environmental impacts of the village and other street lights in terms of CO2 emissions and light pollution, primarily through the use of part-night photocell switches fitted to new lights. It is proposed that this should be alongside a review of the Council’s street lighting stock and the longer-term efficiency, maintenance and replacement implications.

Resolved: To have part-night photocell switches installed in the 10 new street lights recently been ordered from SEC Ltd. To explain the Council’s reasons for doing this in the next Village Journal article.

b. To agree that the sum of £13,000 allocated under the Rickyard Road S106 Agreement should be set aside to provide base funding for the proposed extension to the Skate Park, with all other funds to be provided from external sources. Should this project not commence within twelve months then the funding allocation will be reconsidered.

Resolved: The said sum of money to be set aside, as specified above.

c. To agree that the Chair and Clerk can proceed to discuss specific proposals with Visionict for the design, content and other arrangements for a dedicated Parish Council website, with details and costs to be presented for consideration at a future meeting.

Resolved: To set up a Working Group (Cllr Glynn, Cllr Hollingdale, Cllr Bigg and the Clerk) to consider the website design details and required content. To propose approval of confirmed expenditure at the next Council meeting, 14 December 2011.

d. To agree that a sign is purchased for the new allotments gate, this sign to request that dogs are kept on a lead and with a target price limit of £30. This would replace the sign in place on the old gate.

Resolved: Clerk to purchase.

13. To note the Bristol Airport status report presented at the Airport Transport Forum meeting relating to planning permission for major development and surface access matters and to consider any potential parish impacts and resulting actions.

This was noted.

14. Memorial Hall – to consider requests to serve alcohol, as follows:

· Wrington Gardening Club has requested permission to serve alcohol on December 15th at their Christmas party.

· The Mendip Morris Men have requested permission to serve alcohol at their annual ‘Ale’ on December 16th.

Resolved: All alcohol requests to be granted.

15. Items brought to the attention of the Council by Members and items proposed for consideration at the next meeting, to be held on Wednesday, 14 December 2011.

Cllr Turton had received the Minutes from the Airport Consultative Committee and would shortly circulate these to members.

Cllr Robinson commented on leaves in Church Walk. It was reported that the Clerk had already instructed the Village Orderly about this and about the hedge that needed trimming between Church Walk and the surgery

Cllr Yamanaka asked for an update on the solar panels for the Memorial Hall and it was noted that the Clerk had made contact with suppliers via email.

Cllr Howells raised the issue of security on the Recreation Field and it was agreed to include this on the agenda for the next Memorial Hall & Recreation Field Committee meeting, 6 December 2011.

It was reported that the Youth Bus would receive no funding from NSC next year but would still be able to visit Wrington.

Cllr Taylor agreed to prepare a report on the quote received from Andrew Tobias for the renovation of the Cyber Room.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 10.05pm.

David Glynn