Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 8th November, 2005

Mr D W Glynn
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr T R Clements
 Ms E P Irving
Mr G A Matthews
Chairman     Mrs C A Phillips
 Mr R L Thorn
    Mrs A Atkins,
 Mrs J Gallop
Mrs G Moss
Mrs D J Yamanaka

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th October were adopted.

Matters arising.

Cllr. Bigg is still trying to obtain showing the operational area of BIA.

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes – No minutes received to date.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

Other Planning Issues

1) Airport- 2 signs on the South side advertising “Park and Fly” have no planning permission. Cllr. Glynn has mentioned this to the Airport Authority and they have indicated that they will remove them.

2) Catchment Flood Management Plan- Cllr. Glynn has downloaded and the paper version will be available shortly. The deadline for response is 1st December 2005 and in view of the current situation with a lot of surface water around it is considered that the Council should respond to the Consultation.

3) Map information- by accessing the North Somerset Council website (front page) you can get detailed information on planning situations on property.

4) BIA Master Plan Consultation. The use of the free newspapers to distribute has not been a success as many houses within the Parish receive no publication. The exhibitions organised by BIA to promote the Master Plan have also not been well advertised and the Clerk has now taken delivery of posters for distribution at shops and displayed on the Notice Boards. All the relevant details are on the BIA website.

The exhibition is well worth seeing. Mention was also made of the PCAA/CPRE/Friends of the earth exhibition which will be in the Memorial Hall on 1st December from 16.00 to 21.00 hours with a question and answer session at 19.00 hours. A copy of the Master Plan has been left at Redhill and will be displayed in the Redhill Village Club. It is also the intention to have 2 copies available in the John Locke Room with access being made available to the public at restricted times- these will be advertised on the Notice Boards. With regard to Downside Cllr. Atkins will be approached to ensure that that part of the Parish is also aware of the availability of the Master Plan documentation.

It was moved that the Council should hold a special meeting to discuss the response to the Master Plan Consultation and this was set for Tuesday 6th December at 18.00 hours. The Clerk will send out notices and also ensure this is displayed on the Notice Boards.

5) Wrington Warren land for use as airport car parking- Cllr. Glynn mentioned that this was referred to Central Area Committee as part of the land borders on Brockley Parish Council who have opposed the application. It is before the Planning and Regulatory Committee on 9th November and it is understood that residents of Redhill may attend to speak against the application.

6) It was mentioned that the Scrutiny Panel at NSC will meet on 10th November to discuss the economics of the Airport and that the planning appeal relating to Hailstones Farm is set for 11th November.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 18.55 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
05/P/2066/F Lulsgate Radio Tower Surf Telecoms New 25m lattice tower Refused- proposed mast would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area. Policies CF/5, T/15 and GRB/3 of the North Somerset Local Plan and policies DF/5, T/12 and RD/5 of the NS Replacement Plan.
05/P/2101/F Wessex House, Broad St. Smith Replace garage doors with door and window Approved
05/P/2130/F Land adjoining Innex Cottage, Ropers Lane Williams 2-storey dwelling and detached garage Refused. Out of keeping with the neighbouring cottages and would not enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. Policy CON/13 of the NS Local Plan and policy ECH/3 of the NS Replacement Local Plan and National Policies PPS1 and PPG15
05/P/2135/F Hailstones Farm Barnes Change of use to B&B providing 6-en suite rooms with associated parking Approved. Car parking spaces to be marked out in accordance with the approved plans. No additional car parking shall be constructed on the application site without the permission in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Detailed plans showing the re-positioning of the proposed car parking facility to the rear of the farmhouse to be submitted and approved by the LPA prior to the commencement of the development
05/P/2209/PA1 BIA BIA Reconfiguration and extension of Western Aircraft parking apron Approved- drainage scheme to be submitted. Also asked that the proposed new lighting be designed to limit light spread and conserve energy (our comments)
Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
05/P/2409/WT 31 Garstons Close Griffiths Copper beech-crown reduction of 30%, ash-crown reduction 40 No objection


Butts Orchard, Butts Batch

Horse Chestnut- fell 5 day notice-

the copy application was not received. It is an anomaly of the planning system that a 5-day notice circumvents the normal planning process and as such gives Parish Councils no opportunity to respond.