Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 14th March, 2006

Mr D W Glynn
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr T R Clements
Mrs J Gallop
 Mr G A Matthews
Chairman    Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mr T W Yearsley

     Mrs A Atkins,
Ms E P Irving

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

Declaration of Members Interests – Cllr. Clements declared an interest in the extension of the Village fence for additional land to be included within Havyatt Industrial Estate.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st February were adopted without amendment.

Matters Arising

1) Planning procedures- the Chairman has yet to meet with NSC although the Manager concerned has agreed to a meeting at which he will explain the internal procedures. Pencilled in for 20th March.

2) The Glebe- works on trees completed. The trees will need to be monitored as at least one will in time grow too large for this location. A point here related to the “open land” issue is that responsibility for any land brings potential liabilities along with it.

3) Five Villages. The Chairman will attend the next meeting. The Clerk reported that the response from NSC to our letter was more of an acknowledgement. The Clerk was requested to write again and ask NSC what their stance is as the minutes of the last 5 Villages meeting implied that North Somerset Council were in agreement with the 5 Villages stance.

4) Havyatt Industrial Estate- Replacement Local Plan. It is thought that the Inspector has not considered all the issues when arriving at his recommendation to extend the village fence to accommodate an additional parcel of land within the Industrial estate. Cllr. Yamanaka is to check the current position from North Somerset Council before any action taken.

5) Highcroft, Winters Lane (gates, horse exercise area and possibly other works) with the NSC Enforcement Team for consideration.

6) Buglers- Conservation Area issues- currently with the NSC Enforcement Team for consideration.

Public Participation - nil

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes - nil

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

Other Planning Issues

1) Stoneleigh, Downside Rd- appeal for retrospective change of residential dwelling to bed and breakfast accommodation. As the Council supported the initial application no comments to be submitted.

2) Flight Car Services-Land at Wrington Warren. Appeal withdrawn.

3) Fencing generally- some concerns expressed about the height of fences appearing throughout the Parish. The Chairman will research the subject on planning grounds and report back.

4) Winford Market- change of use to car parking related to BIA. Planning application 06/P/0375/LU. It is known that Winford PC has objected strongly to this application. The Meeting after some debate was divided as to the way forward and it was therefore agreed that no action would be taken.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.25 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
06/P/0056/F Goblin Combe Farm Ashman Hay barn Approved-hay barn to be used for agricultural purposes only
06/P/0188/WT The Old Dairy, Silver St. Ash x 2 -30% reduction and reshape Approved
06/P/0189/|TPO The Old Dairy, Silver St. Yew-raise crown to relieve guttering Approved
06/P/0243/WT Long Orchard, Bullhouse Lane Blue Atlas cedar- crown reduce by 25%, crown thin by 5% Approved
Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
06/P/0382/PA1 BIA BIA Erection of a 2-storey rear extension to car park reception building The view is that this proposal requires a full planning application. The 2-storey portakabin exceeds 2 metres and appears to be contrary to Part 18 A.4b-Aviation Development. Planning application 02/P/0828/P did not describe any building. The Planning Inspector’s recommendation is that development should be restricted to the North side instead of the South side. Any development should be limited to a single storey and the design and material be in keeping with the green belt
06/P/0383/F Piercehay Cottage, Bullhouse Lane MacDonald Single-storey rear extension, paving, wall and steps including demolition of 1.9m high garden wall No comment
06/P/0416/F Tumbling Weir, Havyatt Rd Forte Erection of pillars to the front elevation with balcony over and a 2-storey rear extension No comment in general although the balcony is considered somewhat elaborate




Rear extension with 2 rooflights, infill extension to porch to front of property and side lean to canopy to south east elevation. Erection of carport to front of property

No comment regarding the development of the house. However in respect of the carport we object on the basis of design and location. It is understood that there are certain covenants relating to this development which may preclude this