Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 29th August, 2006

Mr D W Glynn
Mr T R Clements
Mrs J Gallop
Mr G A Matthews
Chairman    Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mr T W Yearsley

Mrs A Atkins,
Mrs G J Bigg
Ms E P Irving
Mrs G Moss

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

Declaration of Members' Interests – Cllr. Clements mentioned that the farming partnership was a tenant of the applicants relating to applications 06/P/1898/F & 06/P/1878/F.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th August were adopted.

Matters Arising – Pine Farm- the Chair is to speak direct with the owners in relation to the demolition of existing property. The Clerk has requested from NSC a copy of the proposed landscaping scheme when in their hands.

Public Participation - Nil

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes – The Clerk reported on the Minutes of the South Area Committee Meeting held on 19th July.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

Other Planning Issues

Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West- Cllr. Glynn had prepared a submission which had been handed to Councillors pre-meeting. After some discussion in which Cllr. Clements voiced the view that without some flexibility with regard to development, albeit on a small and controlled scale, then the Parish would stagnate and be in danger of facilities being lost. The Council was of the opinion that the comments relating to the green belt boundary should stand notwithstanding Cllr. Clements' view.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.10 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
06/P/1263/CA Brook House Linden Homes 12 dwellings Withdrawn
06/P/1338/F Brook House Linden Homes 12 dwellings Withdrawn
06/P/1319/F Kingsett, Ropers Lane Derham Double garage Approved
Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
06/P/1878/F The Stable Block, Long Lane, Wrington DJP/BRJ alter & extend SE corner with new office space above & residential space below. Now that the Council has had the time to consider scheme C alongside schemes A&B the Council has no objection in principle to the increase in accommodation to the cottage subject to it being tied to an active trading business within the complex. These comments should also be considered with applications 06/P/1768/F & 06/P/1773/F. Traffic movements could be reduced if the above is imposed.
06/P/1898/F South Croft, Silver Street, Wrington D Exell alterations & change of use from residential to office B1 OBJECT. Considered detrimental to a residential area, with traffic movement, parking and visual impact implications.There is office accommodation available within the Parish.

Lime Kiln Cottage
Downside Road

Hird conversion of garage to playroom & insertion of windows to south east and east elevations. No comment.
06/P/1976/F Winters Lane
Taylor Stables & haybarn OBJECT. Unsuitable location as there is insufficient room for grazing and exercise particularly as there are no bridleways nearby and the lanes are narrow and used by "aircraft spotters" at the rear of Bristol International Airport. You may refer to the British Horse Society who has guidelines on what is considered acceptable conditions in terms of exercise and keeping horses
06/P/1983/F Brook House
Silver Street
Linden Homes Renovation of Brook House and erection of 12 new dwellings, landscaping, alterations to existing boundary walls, demolition of outbuildings & associated works. Separate comment to follow

Brook House,
Silver Street

Linden Homes Renovation of Brook House and erection of 12 new dwellings, together with provision of new site access, car parking, garages & landscaping. Alterations to existing boundary walls, demolition of outbuildings & associated works. Separate comment to follow.

Bells Walk

Bowater 4x Norway maple-reduce crown by up to 30%, 12x Leylandi Cypress- fell, Apple- fell No comment

Holiday Inn,
Bridgwater Rd.,
Cowslip green

Lapwing Ltd 3-storey extension, single storey extension, interior alterations and construction of underground car parking. No objection in principle. Materials to be used to match existing structure Trees-the application states that no trees are to be felled or hedges removed. However, the proposed drawing omits the mature trees at the north-west corner and along the northern boundary. Also, the rear corner of the new wing is very close to the rear hedge, suggesting that some hedgerow trees will be removed. The drawings suggest increased car park lighting when the objective should be for less. Any new signage to be in line with that currently in place and certainly restricted to the current sizing