The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.
Declaration of Members Interests Nil on known agenda items
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 31st October were adopted.
Matters Arising
Brook House-there are policy issues which are due to be discussed at NSC on 3rd January.
Public Participation - NIL
North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes
The Clerk commented on the Parish Voice item contained with the minutes of 18th October and in particular the Parish Voice section which was a response to a question posed by Wrington PC concerning planning and pre-application discussions. Cllr. Bigg mentioned that it has already had an effect in that the agenda for the Planning Workshop has been changed. The response will be copied and forwarded to all councillors.
Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council
The Clerk mentioned a letter received from NSC on application 06/P/2293/PAI- a modular prefabricated building to locate the airside safety unit at BIA. The comment made by NSC is as follows: - “The comments of the Parish Council are noted. It is suspected that the parish has misunderstood the proposal. Whilst the existing buildings used by the Airside Safety Unit are located next to the fire station buildings and are prominent when viewed from the main road accessing the terminal, the site now proposed adjoins the North side access road behind the tall buildings used for vehicle maintenance to the West of the new control tower. Here the buildings would be largely invisible from public vantage points.
None the less it is proposed that we write to the Airport querying why the surplus space in the old terminal building cannot be used for this purpose.”
Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.
Planning Applications
For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.
06/P/2518/F- extension to telecommunications mast at BIA. Cllr. Clements put the point that the telecommunications mast may be better sited within the curtailage of the Airport rather than elsewhere within the countryside. After discussion the Council remained opposed to the application.
06/P/2544/WT- Wrington United Reformed Church tree work. Cllr. Clements made mention of the fact that there were 3 differing opinions on the trees in question -1) by NSC Tree Officer that if touched a TPO would be put in place, 2) by the tree surgeon recommending 30% crown reduction and 3) by the Parish Tree Officer who maintains that the smaller tree should be removed as there are signs of disease and allow the more established tree to grow.
The Chairman mentioned that this week’s list contains 3 applications for the Parish with BIA Master Plan being treated as an application. It was mentioned that the Parish Council’s letter seeking an extension to the consultation period has been entered under the name of Congresbury Parish Council- Clerk to advise NSC.
A letter has been received from the PCAA indicating that the 4 Area Planning Committees at NSC are including a discussion on the Master Plan prior to the Consultation period finishing- the Clerk was directed to write and express concern at this also seeking the support of the District Councillor.
It has been mooted that this is the first Master Plan and that the government is looking at it as being an example for the future. The feeling of the meeting was that there were many procedural issues that were of concern and Cllr. Thorn made the proposition that the Parish Council should refer the matter to the ombudsman- this was seconded by Cllr. Bigg and the motion carried. The Clerk will be provided with a list of bullet points to take the matter forward- copies of the letter then to go to the PCAA and ALCA.
Concerns expressed over the apparent lack of infrastructure but also the new road indicated on reports from Weston-Super-Mare to BIA. Cllr. Matthews said that this was something to take up with GOSW and it was a meeting that has to be arranged.
Cllr. Glynn indicated that two meetings have been arranged the first with Liam Fox on 8th December at 16.00 and the second with the Airport on 11th December at 15.30 hours to discuss relevant airport and traffic related issues.
Other Planning Issues
1) Holiday Inn section 106- the original application carried a section 106 which related to the access from the A38 and it is not envisaged that the extension would be subject to a new 106 agreement. The architects indicate that any tree removed will be properly balled and put at the disposal of the Parish Council.
2) Land off Iwood Lane-unpermitted works- this is being looked at by the Enforcement team at NSC.
3) South West Regional Strategy- a letter received and if the Council wish to participate then notification has to be given by 15th December. Cllr. Bigg to take forward.
4) Cllr. Clements was concerned at the statement by NSC of “no more house in villages”. It was felt that this was taken out of context and referred to large developments as opposed to small infill.
There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.05 hours.
Mr. D W Glynn