1) Keepers, Ropers Lane- a second arboricultural report received on the montery cypress trees.
The Clerk indicated that he has spoken with the Tree Officer from NSC and indicated that the Parish Council was happy to leave the decision in their hands.
2) Polytunnels. The Clerk had asked NSC Enforcement to look at the polytunnels at the Walled Garden and whether they needed planning permission. Mr. Barrett of NSC indicated that these were not of a permanent fitting and therefore did not, in his view, require planning. Apparently the Walled Garden is endeavouring to get Soil Association accreditation. It was also noted that the new polytunnel in Nates Lane, (ref. 06/P/2944/F) was not now going to be on a permanent base as the applicant was of the opinion that on this basis planning consent not required. Cllr. Glynn indicated that this was the subject of in-house discussion at NSC between the Enforcement and Planning teams.
3) The Clock House, High Street, Wrington (appl. 06/P/2853/ADV). The Clerk reported that NSC maintain that after due consideration they were of the opinion that they would have had difficulty in turning this application aside albeit acknowledging the Parish Council’s objections and grounds. The Council still felt strongly about the decision and in acknowledging that consent has been given felt it appropriate that Humberts, the applicants, should be written to see whether as a gesture of goodwill they would not go ahead and install illuminated signs on the basis of the impact on the local environment. Cllr. Bigg undertook to write a letter for the Clerk to send.
4) Notice of appeals has been received in respect of Richards Garage and Brook House. The Clerk and the Chairman have already written to NSC seeking any hearings to be heard within the Village. Whilst the letters indicate that any comments made on the applications will be passed to the Planning Inspector the Clerk was directed to resubmit the Parish Council’s comments on both applications with covering letters stating that we have already made representations to NSC requesting that any public hearings are held within the Village.
5) North Somerset Replacement Plan. A letter has been received from NSC indicating that the responses to the further proposed modifications were considered on 20th February and that it will now go forward for adoption after 29th March 2007. NSC intends to issue a notice of adoption on 30th March when there will be a 6-week period within which a legal challenge can be made to the High Court. The Parish Council whilst unhappy with the decision made regarding the extension to the industrial site at Havyatt Road decided that it would have to accept the situation albeit reluctantly.
There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 18.50 hours.