Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 27th March, 2007
Mr D W Glynn
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr T R Clements
Mrs J Gallop
Ms E P Irving
Chairman    Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mr T W Yearsley

   Mrs A Atkins
Mr G A Matthews

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 18.00 hours.

Declaration of Members Interests – Cllr. Clements declared an interest in planning application 07/P/0713/F- St. Katharine’s Farm, Downside Road in that it was the sole remaining agricultural engineer in the area.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th March 2007 were adopted.

Matters Arising

- The Clerk has been advised that the planning appeal relating to Richards Garage has been set for 6th June, in the Memorial Hall, and likely to last for 3 days. As this news was only received Friday afternoon, 23rd March, the Clerk asked the Caretaker of the Hall to relay this to the pre-school playgroup first thing Monday (26th) morning.

The caretaker before relaying the message had tried to find alternative premises for the pre-school to use and was hopeful that the Pavilion at the Recreation Field would be available. Following on from this the Clerk received a telephone call from the Chair of the pre-school playgroup, Mrs. Vaughn, expressing concern that the pre-school had been evicted without prior warning for the days of the appeal. A letter was subsequently received for consideration by the PC planning committee.

Cllr. Glynn meanwhile had a lengthy conversation with Mrs. Vaughn explaining the background and circumstances. Cllr. Gallop indicated that if the pre-school wished to use the Pavilion then she would make it available subject to existing users being agreeable. The Parish Council will also offer any assistance in getting essential equipment to and from the temporary premises for the pre-school.

The Clerk was directed to write to Mrs. Vaughn in response to her letter. Cllr. Thorn indicated that the 6th June has also been set aside for the appeal on Brook House although the Parish Council has not been informed. It may be that they will run side by side in the Memorial Hall but clarification to be sought

- The question of the Parish Council seeking Rule 6 status in respect of the planning appeal for Richards Garage was raised and the Chair said that he would investigate the issue to see what benefit this may have.

- Humberts illuminated signs. The Clerk read out the contents of a letter from Ms Fortune stating it was a Head Office policy decision to have illuminated signage. Cllr. Glynn said that to move matters forward then the Parish Council should write to Head Office to see if they will reconsider- this only after further liaison with Ms. Fortune. The Council agreed that this was a sensible approach.

North Somerset Planning Committee Minutes – The Clerk commented on the NSC South Area Committee minutes of 14th February and the agenda for 21st March.

Planning Certificates issued by North Somerset Council – [see separate table attached] as per pre-meeting list.

Comment was made on the refusal of NSC on application 07/P/0115/F- change of use of redundant barn into holiday accommodation at Scars Farm. A previous application was withdrawn because of concerns on access and it was understood that this application with a new access track had been submitted to NSC following discussions with the planning officers. The Clerk was directed to ascertain from the applicant whether they were going to appeal the decision and indicate that the Parish Council would write in support. The Clerk to take forward.

Planning Applications

For planning applications and comments see attached sheet.

The Clerk indicated that in respect of planning application 07/P/0618/F for change of use at Redhill House 5 letters of concern had been received.

Other Planning Issues

- copy of letter addressed to the Planning Inspector regarding Richards Garage received from Mrs. Gillions.

- North Somerset Local Development Framework- Core Strategy. It was left that the Chair would write a response and circulates prior to submission.

- BIA- NSC decision on 07/P/0084/EIA which was not a planning application but an opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was required for a new reception car park and reception building. NSC considered that an EIA should be submitted as part of the planning process.
There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.15 hours.

Mr. D W Glynn

Planning Certificates
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
07/P/0115/F Scars Farm
Lye Hole Lane
Young change of use of redundant barn into holiday accommodation with access from Row of Ashes Lane. Refuse- would result in the creation of a substantial length of new access track across fields which would initially be prominent and would have an adverse effect on openness and visual appearance in this Green Belt area. Conflict with policy GRB/3 of the NS Local Plan and RD/5 of the NSC Replacement Local Plan
07/P/0178/F land at 8 Butts Batch
Hamilton 2-storey detached dwelling Application withdrawn.
07/P/0195/ADV Lye Cross Cottage
Labbe Retrospective application for erection of an illuminated projecting sign. Approved. The Parish Council has made a valid point about the road being lit, however the street lighting is at a much higher level, it is designed to light the highway and pavements (where present), not dwellings or signs set back from the highway and would not illuminate the proposed sign to the extent of advertising the B&B service, which is c4.5m from the highway. However theer si no indication of the lighting levels, so a condition requiring the applicants to agree in writing the type of lighting used will be imposed on the consent (see condition 6).
07/P/0245/WT Long Cottage,
Ropers Lane
Hill 12 Macrocarpa= fell, 2 Elm- Fell Approved
Planning Applications
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Comments
07/P/0562/F Lye Cross Cottage
Labbe Extend existing porch by adding a canopy. No comment
07/P/0609/F 4 Wiltons
Seymour Demolition of existing garage and store. Erection of side extension to form garage and store with en-suite above. Erection of a front porch; bay windows to front; pitched tiled roof to front and rear dormers with rear dormer extended and erection of a chimney. No comment
07/P/0612/F Redhill House
McLoughlin Change of use from residential to Class C1 guest house with internal alterations and new vehicular access to Lye Hole Lane. No objection in principle to the change of use. However we remain very concerned over access issues and the recommendations of the NSC Highways engineers will be critical.
If cars are to be parked on the old tennis court and the surface is to be changed then one of a permeable nature should be layed.
Any external lighting will need to be environmentally sensitive to reduce impact on neighbours.
The Tree Officer should visit the site to ascertain whether any trees warrant a TPO.
07/P/0618/F The Shelter
Downside Road
Mc Loughlin Conversion of existing outbuilding to create ancillary living accommodation and the provision of 3 parking spaces. We are concerned about access and an increase in the use of the site by cars. We would wish the development to be tied in to the existing property.
07/P/0624/F 11 Home Close
Cruse Single-storey side extension to north and west elevations and a rooflight to east elevation. No comment
07/P/0700/WT Wringbrook House
Station Road
Ledbury Beech x 1 30% crown reduction. No comment


St. Katherines Farm
Downside Road

J & T Pearce

change of use from agriculture to B8 storage and distribution with erection of machinery store (13x19m) with 8 rooflights.

No objection in principle. Whilst we have concerns over the access it is understood that the applicants are actively seeking ways of improving this issue. If the hard surface is to be extended then consideration should be given to one of a permeable nature.
07/P/0717/F Bracken Hill House
Wrington Hill
Ballard detached triple garage. No comment.