The Director of Planning and the Environment
North Somerset Council
Somerset House
Oxford Street
BS23 1TG
20th June 2007
Dear Sir
Application no. 07/P/1446/F - Land at 8 Butts Batch, Wrington
When commenting on the previous application for development on this site, 06/P/1432/F and 07/P/0178/F, the Council objected on the following grounds:
'- drawings are not to scale and misleading
- design is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties
- the application indicates that no trees are to be felled, this is incorrect'
Having considered the revised application we maintain our objection and recommend refusal. We are particularly concerned that the new drawings are still incorrect and very misleading, giving a false impression of the impact on the neighbouring property to the south, 10 Butts Batch, and on the wider street scene. This false impression is created by 10 Butts Batch being shown much smaller than it actually is. We are also concerned about potential access difficulties related to the shared drive and vehicle manoeuvring area. We note that no details are provided of the proposed separating wall.
While objecting to the current proposal, we emphasise that we would not oppose a more appropriate development on this site. However, we recommend that any development should take account of the differing alignments between numbers 8 and 10 Butts Batch, with any new structure more centrally located between the existing properties. There appears to be adequate space available on this site for a new and separate vehicle access to 8 Butts Batch to the extent that any new development should be provided with its own dedicated access.
The current misalignment results in an excessive impact at the rear of neighbouring property, 10 Butts Batch, with some loss of privacy and light. This would be shown more clearly by accurate drawings. Although not an obvious planning issue, the misalignment extends the southwest corner of the proposed development toward the rear of the site to the extent that water and sewage services might well be affected. Water supply to these properties is through a pipeline close to the rear and not from the road.
Finally, we note the inclusion of a false chimney as a design feature. While appreciating that the objective here is to produce a design sympathetic with the neighbouring properties, the Council recommends that any chimney is built as a fully functional unit to allow for possible future use.
Yours faithfully
Terry Yearsley
Clerk to the Council
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