1)- Notice of appeal received for change of use of redundant barn into holiday accommodation at Scars Farm, Lye Hole Lane with access from Row of Ashes Lane. The Council supported this application when first received and as comments will be forwarded to the Planning Inspector no further action was deemed necessary.
2) - Notice of appeal received in relation to the planning application for Richards Garage. This is to be by “written representations” and the Chairman explained the concept of this. The Council agreed that it should expand upon its comments contained in a letter dated 14th February to NSC when objecting to the application. The Chairman undertook to pen a response and asked for any comments from other Councillors to be with him by 16th July as the final response has got be with the Planning Inspector by 25th July.
3) - Planning for a sustainable future consultation. The Clerk reported on a paper received from CPRE on this topic. Cllr. Bigg said that she would make available briefs to Councillors with the aim of getting in a position to pen a response which would be discussed at the next planning meeting on 31st July.
4) - Mention was made of the new barrier and ramp in place at the Chemist new premises in the Village and whether planning permission was held or needed. The Clerk was directed to ask the chemist whether this aspect has been investigated.
5) The Chairman mentioned that representation had been received about parking across the entrance to properties behind Buglers in the High Street. Residents wish to consider placing suitably worded notices on the pillars and the meeting decided that this was an NSC issue and the residents should approach the authority in the first instance.
6) Cllr. Yamanaka mentioned that the application for a garage at Greenwood, Ropers Lane had been referred to the NSC South Area Committee and the application has now been withdrawn.
There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 19.00 hours.