Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 2nd October, 2007
Mr D W Glynn
Mr M
Mrs G J Bigg
Mr P. Ellis
Mrs J Gallop
Ms E P Irving
Chairman    Mrs S.L Dunn Morua
Mr G A Matthews
Mrs G Moss
Mr R L Thorn
Ms G Wilson

   Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs C A Phillips
Mrs D J Yamanaka

Declarations of Members’ Interests

Public participation

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2007 were reviewed and adopted with one amendment – on page 2 ‘Old School House, Church Road, Wrington’ should be changed to ‘Redhill’.

Matters arising

None. Cllr Glynn suggested that careful thought should be given to the conditions attached to planning comments.

NSC South Area Planning Committee

At the meeting held on 19th September no matters related to Wrington Parish were discussed. It was noted that one of the reasons for refusal of the application relating to 8 Butts Batch was insufficient size of the proposed work unit, which would result in additional out-commuting.

Decision Notices issued by North Somerset Council – [see table ].

Decision notices received from NSC were reviewed. It was noted that approval had been granted for two additional holiday units at Udley Farm (07/P/1845/F), but the suggested condition of restricting the colour of the render was not accepted. However the Parish Council’s comments have been passed on to the applicant.

Planning Applications

07/P/2315/TPO – Old School House, Redhill: there was no objection in principle to the tree works proposed, however it was felt that there was a clear difference between lifting the crown by 3-4 metres, and lifting it to 3-4 metres. It was agreed to suggest defining the work by distance from the ground and not from the level of the lowest branches.

07/P/2339/F – 1 & 4 Church View, School Lane, Felton Common – change of access. The application seeks to reverse the previous change of access. Members felt that anything which increased the access over the common should be restricted, as the common is now a protected area. Access to the common is already limited, and there is therefore an environmental issue with any change to the status quo. Access is available through School Lane in any case. It was agreed to object to this proposal as both properties should be able to exit through School Lane and the A38. In addition the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 places an obligation on all councils to protect biodiversity.

07/P/2403/F – 1 & 2 Clockhouse Mews, Wrington – replacement windows: it was agreed to object to the proposed use of uPVC windows, as the property is in the Conservation Area. All windows should be of timber. It was also noted that the drawing details state that the designs provided could be subject to change, and this is an area of concern.

Week 3 & 4 applications: 07/P/2447/PDA - Pine Farm and 07/P/2438/F - 6 Bakers Buildings. Further details are awaited and will be discussed at the next meeting on 23rd October. Some concern was expressed at what appeared to be the size of the proposed building at Pine Farm. Cllr Glynn will speak to the NSC officer responsible for this application.

Other Planning Issues

Cllr Berkley raised the issue of work at the top of Bullhouse Lane and the excessive amount of excavation that seemed to be in progress. Cllr Glynn has asked the Enforcement Officer to look at this. There is also concern that the position of the building may be brought forward because of the difficulty of excavating into the rock.

Cllr Bigg raised the issue of the consultation on the new Core Strategy being proposed by North Somerset Council. The consultation document will be circulated in the near future and comments must be made by 30th November. Cllr Bigg will also circulate members with briefing paper produced by CPRE on the Housing Green Paper. The recent consultation on the Planning White Paper has received 32,000 responses to date.

Brook House decision: it was noted that the decision to reject the appeal was based mainly on policy H/7, although the report also comments on other issues. It was felt that it would be unlikely to be taken to the High Court.

CD mapping system: information had been received on a mapping system which would provide detailed maps and aerial plans which might assist in reviewing planning matters. This was, however, expensive to acquire, and it was pointed out the NSC have a licence with Ordnance Survey and similar information may be obtained from them.

Licence application for Plush Hotel (Redhill House). Cllr Glynn reported that he had been to see the Licensing Officer. It seems that the Parish Council do not have a right to object, but could represent members of the public. However, Cllr Glynn suggested that Part 8 of the Licensing Act did provide for comments from Parish Councils. It was agreed that any ‘off sales’ to non-residents would be undesirable. Cllr Glynn is to look further into this and a response is to be made by 8th October.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 6.55 pm.

Mr. D W Glynn

Decision Notices
Application Address/Location Applicant Development Proposal Decision
07/P/2124/F Oakdene Farm
Cox’s Green
Mr I Thomas Conversion of former milking parlour to office accommodation. Replacement of concrete block wall with natural stone on roadside. Approved.The applicant has agreed to sender the wall of the building fronting the highway in a roughcast render. Such a material is commonly found on traditional agricultural buildings and would therefore relate well to the character of the area and would improve the appearance of the existing building.
07/P/2126/RG3 Medical Practice
Station Road
S Hodges, NSC Addition of three solar panels to the roof in an East/West orientation to provide hot water to the surgery building. Approved.
07/P/2079/F Woodlands
Wrington Hill
BS40 5PL
Mr D Lansbury Erection of a two storey detached garage/store Approved. External walling and roofing materials to match those of the existing building. The garage and store are not to be converted or used as habitable accommodation without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.
06/P/0878/F The Stable Block,
Long Lane,
BS40 5SA
DJP/BRJ Erection of a three storey extension to SE corner for residential and office use following demolition of kennels Approved. Details of landscaping scheme to be submitted and approved indicating the planting of a new tree of an appropriate species to the south of the extension. Trees, hedges and plants shown in the landscaping scheme to be retained or those that die, become diseased or damaged, to be replaced


Withy Cottage,
Saxon Street,
BS40 5BP
Lovatt Erection of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension with balcony and terrace over part of the extension and a replacement porch at front Approved with amendments to the plans
07/P/2315/TPO Old School House,
Church Road,
F A Bartlett Raise canopy of Ash Tree 3 – 4m Approved.
07/P/1886/F Highcroft,
Church Road
BS40 5SG
Mr & Mrs Wring Erection of a two storey and a single storey rear extension Approved