Broad Street Wrington
Planning Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 4th December, 2007
Mr D W Glynn
Mr M Berkley
Mr P. Ellis
Mrs J Gallop
Ms E P Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Chairman    Mrs S.L Dunn Morua
Mrs C A Phillips
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Ms G Wilson

Mrs G J Bigg
Mr G A Matthews
Mrs G Moss
Mr R L Thorn


2. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Ellis declared an interest in the application in relation to Applegarth in light of close friendship with the applicant.

3. Public Participation


4. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2007 were reviewed. An amendment was made under the discussion of tennis club lights to the effect that tokens might be considered to control the use of the lights. With this amendment, the minutes were adopted and signed.

5. NSC South Area Planning Committee, 21st November

1 & 4 Church View, School Lane, Felton Common: it was noted that the change of access had been granted, contrary to the Parish Council’s objections. Whilst it was agreed that this was undesirable, it was felt that nothing further could be done about this.

Hillside Cottage, Redhill – appeal: this will involve only written submissions.

Gatcombe Farm – appeal: Cllr Glynn reported that he had attended the appeal earlier in the day. He noted that the site had been tidied up and cars had been cleared away. He had felt it necessary to declare an interest due to the proximity of his home to the site. One local resident had argued in favour of car parking pending a more permanent solution for the site. Cllr Yamanaka felt that an illegal activity could not be defended on the ground that it was better than another illegal activity. It was noted that the movement of cars was adversely affecting residents of Ropers Lane. There is no indication at present as to when a decision will be made. Cllr Glynn said that representatives from CMS Bath Ltd would be attending the next meeting on 18th December, but it is understood that as yet they have not approached North Somerset planning department with regard to their plans, however it seems likely that an approach will be made before our meeting. Cllr Yamanaka raised the issue of S106 and the 40 mph limit. Cllr Glynn said that there is an intention to put in a footway under S106, but it will be over a gully and would block the gutter, thus making flooding worse. He had suggested that a “gateway” should be placed at the 30mph limit.

6. Decisions Notices issues by NSC

07/P/2403/F – 1 & 2 Clockhouse Mews: it was noted that the application to fit replacement pvcu windows had been refused, due to the position in the Conservation Area. Cllr Irving felt that at some point the Parish Council would need to consider their view of pvcu windows in the Conservation Area and listed buildings, and adopt a policy.

07/P/2438/F – 6 Bakers Buildings: the construction of an outbuilding had been approved, as it was not considered to affect the area adversely. Cllr Glynn will ask for clarification of this.

7. Planning Applications

07/P/2818/EIA – Land at Brockley Wood – requirement for Environment Impact Assessment: this had been briefly considered at the previous meeting and a detailed response submitted to support the case for an EIA. No decision has been made as yet. It was noted that Cleeve and Brockley Parish Council had also asked for an EIA to be carried out.

07/P/2828/F Pine Farm, Wrington Hill – erection of replacement agricultural building: Cllr Gallop commented that the new building was closed in on the south side whereas the previous building was open. Cllr Glynn pointed out that the view of the building would be shielded by the house. He stated that the farmer is very sensitive to landscape issues and works very hard to keep the local countryside in a good state. Cllr Dunn Morua mentioned the issue of the old building on the site, which should be demolished, as this was a condition of the application. After discussion, it was agreed to await the outcome of the planning application and then raise it if necessary. It was agreed to make no comment on the application.

07/P/2909/F & 07/P/2910/CA - 5 Bakers Buildings: demolition of rear outbuilding/ boundary wall, and erection of single storey rear extension. Cllr Glynn commented that the boundary wall had already been demolished. Cllr Gallop felt that the windows overlooking the lane were unattractive and unnecessary, as light would be provided by the glazed roof. This point was generally agreed. It was therefore agreed to comment that the windows were inappropriate in this location, and to point out that they would overlook a shared access lane, and to recommend that an alternative design should be considered with one window only in a design in keeping with the existing building. There was no objection in principle to the application.

07/P/2916/LB & 07/P/2924/F – Applegarth, High Street: demolition of existing garage and store and erection of new garage and store. It was questioned what was meant by “traditional materials” and it was felt that the drawings were not very detailed. Cllr Glynn had obtained additional details from the applicant, and it was generally felt that the suggested development was an improvement on the existing situation. It was noted that English Heritage will be asked to comment as it is a listed building. It was agreed to make no comment.

07/P/2924/F – Plush Hotel: application for variation to Condition 9 of approved planning permission. Cllr Glynn explained that the applicant is in breach of the previously approved permission because the wall in question should be faced with stone, whereas in fact the wall is block, rendered on one side only. It was agreed that this type of wall is out of place in this location, and to object to the application for variation of Condition 9. It was agreed to recommend strongly that the rendered wall is either rebuilt in stone or faced with stone, as per the original planning application. It was also agreed that the timber fence is the best solution on the southern boundary with Pine Ridge. It was felt that the suggested new garden landscaping was inappropriate, and there is no reference to the landscaping scheme in the application. It was noted that Condition 5 of the planning permission states that no development should take place until details of a hard and soft landscaping scheme have been submitted; also that Condition 8 states that no trees were to be felled as part of this development, and confirmation of this should be requested from the Landscaping Officer. The question of lighting was also discussed and it was noted that Condition 11 states “no external lighting shall be erected on site unless it is in accordance with details, which have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority”. It was agreed to advise the authority that residents have recently complained to the Parish Council about the extent of the lighting on the site and associated with the development, in relation to the intensity and brightness, and hours of use of the lighting, and to question whether this lighting scheme has been approved by North Somerset Council in accordance with Condition 11. It was agreed to suggest that the light levels should be reduced after 11.00 pm to avoid any impact on the neighbouring residents.

07/P/2972/F – Kingsett, Ropers Lane: erection of summer house to replace a similar structure. Cllr Glynn said that he had requested details of the colour and finish of the proposed structure. A response of “no comment” was agreed.

8. Other Planning Issues

Replacement windows at number 4 Tincknells Row: it was noted that windows had been replaced without permission (Conservation Area) and that this should be referred to the Enforcement Officer at NSC.

Tree works at The Green, High Street: Cllr Glynn presented a short paper outlining the situation with the three existing trees. It was generally agreed that the site was too overcrowded, and that regretfully it would be better if two of the trees, the Algerian oak and Black walnut, were removed, leaving the only the hornbeam. It was therefore agreed to submit an application as suggested.

9. Timing of meetings

Cllr Glynn asked whether members would find a start time of 6.30 pm more convenient, particularly for those who often have to attend straight from work. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.15 pm.

Mr. D W Glynn