Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 28th October, 2008
Present: |
1 Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chairman
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr P. Ellis
Mrs J. Gallop
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr G. A. Matthews
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr R. L. Thorn
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk |
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs S.L. Dunn Morua
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
In attendance: Mr Steve Carey and Mr David Barnes, First Home UK (part) |
2. Declarations of Interest
None on known agenda items.
3. Public Participation
The Chairman invited Mr Carey and Mr Barnes to outline their latest plans for the Rickyard Road site, with particular reference to drainage and potential flooding issues. Copies of the plans had been provided to Councillors prior to the meeting.
Mr Carey said that discussions had taken place on many occasions with the Parish Council, local residents, the Clements family, officers of North Somerset Council and Wessex Water. The onus was on his company to show that the proposed development in Rickyard Road would not exacerbate problems elsewhere in the village.
As a result of their investigations, they plan to include a ditch of one metre in depth and a holding pond to the east of the site, and a further small holding pond to the west. The ditch will discharge into the existing culvert, and his company would recommend that the nine-inch pipe should be enlarged, either by NSC or Wessex Water. As additional measures on the site, all driveways would be of porous material, and there would be a soakaway in each garden.
Turning to other issues, Mr Barnes said that the hedge and small-leaved lime trees on the site would be retained. Tree planting would be of species appropriate to the location. All the buildings will be rendered, and finished in a blend of colours to tone with other properties in the village. Window frames will be of timber. The design of all the dwellings will appear similar externally, regardless of whether they are built by First Home UK or English Rural Housing.
The Chairman asked when the application is likely to be submitted, and Mr Carey said they are now ready to do this, if possible by the end of the month. The question of Section 106 was raised, and Mr Carey said that a draft document had just been sent to NSC, and it was agreed that a copy would be provided to the Parish Council.
Cllr Bigg asked about the “community gain” aspect. Mr Carey explained that the cost of the additional flood mitigation work had absorbed much of the funding that might have been envisaged at an earlier stage of the discussions.
Cllr Matthews asked how the ‘affordability’ aspect of the scheme would be protected in the long term, and Mr Carey stated that this would be a matter for the freeholder, or ultimately North Somerset Council.
The Chairman thanked Mr Carey and Mr Barnes for coming to explain their position to the Council, and they then left the meeting.
There was then a discussion of various aspects of the scheme, and it was felt that the Parish Council needed to have greater involvement than currently, as there was a clear requirement for Affordable Housing schemes to have the support of the Parish Council. It was agreed to write to Nigel Ashton, Leader of North Somerset Council, who has become involved in the project, with copies to David Turner of NSC and Dr Liam Fox MP.
4. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th October were reviewed and signed as a correct record.
5. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
6. NSC South Area Planning Committee
The Chairman reported that the minutes of the meeting on 15th October contained the extensive conditions for the development at Richards Garage.
7. Decisions Notices issued by NSC
08/P/1805/F - 50 Garstons Close, Wrington: erection of a two storey side extension approved.
08/P/1335/F Broadfield Farm, Winters Lane: erection of an agricultural building approved.
08/P/1154/CA- Richards Garage, Broad Street: Demolition of vehicle repair garage and associated storage buildings prior to erection of 9no retirement dwellings with associated parking and landscaping - approved.
08/P/1152/F Richards Garage, Broad Street: Erection of 9no retirement dwellings with associated landscaping and parking following demolition of vehicle repair garage and associated storage buildings approved.
8. Planning Applications
08/P/2114/LUE The Old Manse, Chapel Hill: Certificate of Lawful Use application for existing use of building as residential home (class C2 use). It was noted that this would maintain the use of the building as a treatment centre as previously (since 1993). As far as members were aware, this has not given rise to any problems in the past, and it was therefore agreed to make no comment.
08/P/2131/F Raglan Farm, Bridgwater Road, Redhill: erection of a side conservatory and insertion of first floor window to the front elevation. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.
08/P/2145/PAI Bristol International Airport: erection of new fire station. It was commented that the proposed aluminium wall to be included in the construction would look out of place and unattractive. Members felt that this development requires a full planning application, and should properly be considered as part of the overall development at the airport as outlined in the Master Plan.
08/P/2149/LDP Bristol International Airport: Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed erection of a two storey building to provide a covered walkway. Members felt that this was an attempt to override the previous decision that this development requires full planning permission. In addition, although it has been stated that the development would not increase capacity, it was generally felt that this was part of the purpose of the proposed walkway. It was therefore agreed to make comments similar to those submitted following the previous application.
08/P/2088/WT Cedar House, High Street, Wrington: Tulip tree x 1 crown reduce by 15-18 feet. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.
08/P/2202/F Simshill, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of 2no two storey extensions to north-west and south-east elevations. After some discussion, it was agreed to make no objection to this application.
9. Other Planning Issues
The Chairman reported that the following items of correspondence had been received:
a. Copy of a letter from Winford Parish Council to NSC Enforcement had been received. This concerned 3 Church View, School Lane, Felton, where accommodation and parking is being offered. Winford Parish Council is concerned about potential access over Felton Common, which it owns, although Church View is in Wrington Parish. It was agreed to write to NSC about this.
b. Notification from NSC of an intention to erect Neighbourhood Watch signs in Station Road, Wrington. The Chairman commented that no mention was made of the requirement to obtain permission from the owner of any streetlights which might be used to put up notices.
c. Copy of letter from David Turner, Director of Development & Environment, NSC to Dr Liam Fox MP, commenting on the proposal for a composting facility at Brockley Wood, and stating that very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated for such a development to be allowed in the Green Belt.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
Mr. D W Glynn