The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.00 pm and thanked members for attending.
2. Declarations of Interest
None on known agenda items.
3. Public Participation
None at this point in the meeting.
4. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th December were reviewed and signed as a correct record.
5. Matters arising
Core Strategy: nothing more to be done until further consultation takes place.
6. NSC South Area Planning Committee
The Chairman drew attention to the items on the BIA walkway and the new fire station, which were in the minutes of the meeting on 12th November, in particular the condition that there should be no seating provided in the walkway.
Cllr Yamanaka wondered whether BIA would have to submit a further planning application if they wished to install seating in the future. However, in the meantime the application for expansion of the terminal, car park, etc, is likely to be submitted, and will overtake any other issues. The fire station application had not involved much discussion, as it was permitted development. However, several local parishes had raised issues of concern, including the question of an Environmental Impact Assessment, due its location.
7. Decisions Notices issued by NSC
These had been circulated with the meeting papers. It was noted that NSC had permitted an illuminated sign for the Plush Hotel in Lye Hole Lane, but had refused illumination for the sign on the A38. This was the opposite of the Parish Council’s recommendations, and was felt to be rather illogical.
8. Planning Applications
08/P/2515/F Derham House, High Street, Wrington: change of use from office to restaurant.
The Chairman asked Mrs Ruth Clarke, the member of the public in attendance, whether she wished to express a view on this application. Mrs Clarke asked whether, if permission was granted for a restaurant, it would be possible for the premises to be used as a take-away at some time in the future. Cllr Yamanaka said she believed that a further application would be required in this case. It was agreed that the Clerk would check on this with the Planning Department at North Somerset Council. The Chairman said that the Council could only consider the application as it stands, which is for a restaurant.
The Chairman then asked members for their views on the application. Cllr Bigg said that her main concern was about parking, and other members were in agreement with this. In general, it was felt to be desirable that the premises continued in commercial use. Although the application refers to 4 or 5 parking spaces on the site, it is believed these are normally used by the occupier’s vehicles and it was felt unlikely that this would be available for customer parking. Other areas of concern included potential noise from an extractor fan and waste storage and disposal. The Chairman also raised the question of signage, and suggested that no illuminated signage should be used. This was agreed.
It was therefore agreed to state that the Parish Council has no objection to the application in principle, but to raise the issues of concern, and also to state that the Parish Council would expect to be consulted if the terms of the permission were changed in the future, such as the hours of opening.
08/P/2530/LUE St Katherine’s Farm, Downside Road: change of use from agricultural land/buildings to the maintenance and repair of agricultural tractors and machinery and the storage of associated replacement machinery parts and new machinery.
The Chairman mentioned that a similar proposal had been withdrawn in 2007. There is a need for the applicant to prove that the use applied for has been continuous for more than ten years. The information provided on this was not very comprehensive, and the letters submitted as evidence only refer to a repair business, whereas the application also refers to the supply of new equipment. It was also noted that a portakabin was on the site, and this did not appear to have planning permission.
It was agreed that there were no grounds to object to the application, but comments should be made in relation to the portakabin, and also that there should be no airport-related parking, as this was a concern of local residents. It was also agreed to ask for a landscaping scheme, and in particular that it should be stipulated that the trees on the perimeter of the site should be retained; if there was a need to remove them in the future, then they must be replaced.
9. Other Planning Issues
The Clerk reported that correspondence had taken place with the United Reformed Church about the Old Manse and the reports of nuisance to neighbours. A letter had been received from Rev Mary Burgess providing reassurance on the points raised.
Cllr Ellis asked whether planning permission was required to erect rugby goal posts, as he had noticed some in a local garden. The Chairman said he believed that permission would not be required, but he would check on this.
The matter of the unfinished repair to the wall on the north side of West Hay Road was raised. The Clerk is to take this up with the Enforcement team at NSC.
Cllr Moss mentioned the wall at Brook House adjacent to the road, which is in a bad state of repair. The Clerk is to raise the issue with All Saints’ Church.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.12 pm.