The Chairwoman opened the meeting at 6.00 pm. Cllr Irving said that she was chairing the meeting as no-one else appeared to be available to do so, and reminded members that there is currently no permanent Chair for the Planning Committee.
2. Declarations of Interest:
none on known agenda items
3. Public Participation
There were no members of the public present.
4. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 18th August were reviewed and signed as a correct record.
5. NSC South Area Planning Committee
The papers for the next South Area Committee meeting on 16th September had not yet been received.
6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC
The following decision notices were noted, and in the case of refusal, the reasons were read out by the Clerk.
09/P/1089/F - The Keepers, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of one 4 bedroom dwellinghouse following demolition of existing house and garage Approved.
08/P/1919/F - Havyatt Green Farm, Copthorn Lane, Wrington: change of use from redundant agricultural buildings to a mixed use of 6 holiday accommodation units and commercial office unit following the demolition of the original dairy annex building and the original Dutch barn to include new gate across Copthorn Lane, landscaping, parking for 21 vehicles and cycle park Approved.
09/P/1133/F - 50 South Meadows, Wrington: Erection of replacement porch with shower room Approved.
09/P/1147/F - St Raphaels, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of detached garage to front of property Refused.
7. Planning Applications
09/P1299/F - Four Seasons, The Glebe, Wrington: Erection of single storey rear extension
It was agreed that there was no objection to this application, and that the Parish Council would therefore state that it did not wish to make any comments.
8. Other Planning Issues
a. Richards Garage, Broad Street, Wrington: the Clerk reported that she had taken up the issue of a potential Section 106 agreement with the relevant planning officer, but to date had only received a response that he would look into it. She will maintain contact on the issue.
b. Wrington Greens unauthorised sign on A38: the Clerk confirmed that this had now been reported to the Enforcement team at NSC. Cllr Bigg commented that smaller signs are also appearing in various parts of the village, and the Clerk will draw this to the attention of the Enforcement officer.
c. Satellite dishes: it was noted that at least two satellite dishes had now been installed on the front of buildings in the Conservation Area. It was agreed that the Clerk would take this up with Enforcement.
d. Gatcombe Farm appeal: the Clerk reported that she had been contacted by Mr Edward Drew, who was acting for the appellant in the appeal, and read out an email from him requesting the Parish Council to state exactly what contribution to community facilities they would require, in the event that the Inspector rules that the development can be allowed.
Members felt that there could be some projects such as new play equipment or refurbishment of the Memorial Hall kitchen which would be beneficial, but decided that they did not wish to disclose this. It was decided to reiterate the same comments that were made at the time of the original application.
e. BIA Noise Action Plan: consultation documents had been received, and two members took away copies to study. It was agreed to set up a meeting with airport personnel in late October or early November.
The meeting was closed at 6.50 pm.