Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 12th January, 2010
Present: |
1 Apologies:
Mrs J. Gallop, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr P. Robinson
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk |
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
In attendance: Two members of the public (part): Mr D Lewis, 35 Butts Batch, Wrington,
Ms Catherine Redfern, 31 Butts Batch
2. Declarations of Interest:
There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.
3. Public Participation
The Chairman invited the two members of the public present to comment on any application they were interested in. Mr Lewis explained that he was concerned about the proposals for the development of Holly Cottage in Butts Batch. He felt that the proposed development would double the footprint of the existing building and result in a very large property. He was concerned about the plan to put windows and/or doors in the rear wall of the property where none currently exist, and to include a balcony which he felt may result in overlooking and an unwelcome impact on neighbours. He believes that bats are currently in the property, and that a bat survey is to be carried out.
Ms Redfern also stated that a row of conifer trees had been felled prior to submission of the planning application, which had removed an element of screening.
The Chairman thanked the members of the public for their comments, and invited them to remain to hear the Council’s discussion on this application.
4. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd December were reviewed and signed as a correct record.
5. NSC South Area Planning Committee
The papers for the meeting to be held on 13th January were briefly reviewed. There were no items concerning Wrington that the Committee was not already aware of.
6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC
09/P/1920/F St Raphaels, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of a detached garage to front of property refused. This was in line with the Parish Council’s objection.
Enforcement matters to be investigated by North Somerset Council:
- Fence at Springside in Ladywell, Wrington
- Unauthorised airport parking at junction of Downside Road and Hyatts Wood Road
- Land adjoining 10 Old Station Close, Wrington unauthorised breach of conditions
- The Stores, The Triangle, Wrington unauthorised works/change of use
7. Planning Applications
09/P/2188/F Holly Cottage, 37 Butts Batch, Wrington: erection of two-storey rear extension and detached single garage to front with additional parking provision and associated external works. It was noted firstly that the plans was incorrect, with the east and west orientation being reversed, and that as there were no dimensions on the drawings it was difficult to assess the size. However, it was agreed to object to the proposed development in its present form for the following reasons: the size and design is felt to be out of character with the surroundings, and the side of the building facing away from the road is of a different character from the side facing the road; the proposed design does not take account of its location in either appearance or scale, and this could lead to adverse impact on neighbouring properties. It was also agreed to note the previous felling of trees and to recommend that no further trees are removed. Tree planting and a landscape scheme should also be a condition of any permission granted.
09/P/2167/F The Old Chemist Shop, Silver Street, Wrington: change of use from retail chemist to office/storage use. There was no objection to this application, however it was agreed to draw attention to the lack of any rear access to the property as this could be a potential fire risk.
09/P/22031/F 11 South Meadows, Wrington: erection of single-storey rear extension. There were no objections to this application.
09/P/2206/WT Wrington Primary School: tree works to remove branches encroaching onto the garden of 12 Orchard Close. There were no objections to this application.
09/P/2243/F Littlers, Ropers Lane, Wrington: felling of two trees, on the grounds that they are diseased. It was agreed to recommend that the opinion of the Tree Officer be sought to confirm that the trees are in fact diseased. As the trees have a public amenity value, permission should include a condition to replace them with similar.
09/P/2221/PAI Security control point adjacent to terminal building, BIA: permitted development no comment.
09/P/2222/F The Briars, Havyatt Road, Wrington: erection of a single-storey rear extension. It was agreed that there was no objection in principle to the proposed development, but that comment should be made on the potential issues raised by construction where two sides abut the boundary of the property. It was also agreed to recommend that the finish of the extension should match the existing property.
09/P/2250/F The Plough Inn, High Street, Wrington: erection of single-storey rear extension to south elevation following the demolition of storage building: it was agreed to make no comment on this application.
09/P/2265/F Paradise Farm, Cowslip Green, Redhill: erection of agricultural building with hardstanding area and access. It was agreed to comment that this appears to be a large new building in an isolated position located in a small rural hamlet.
09/P/2266/F Barley Farm, Old Hill, Wrington: extension of time limit for implementation of extant planning permission 07/P/0005/F. It was agreed to make no comment on this application.
09/P/1020/OT2 Bristol International Airport: amendments to current planning application. The comments of the Parish Councils Airport Association were noted, but it was agreed that the Parish Council should comment on the issues affecting principally local people. Concerns include: the lack of any effort to support more use of public transport; access to the airport will continue to be a problem; loss of Green Belt and no commitment to a reduction in noise. It was noted that the expected growth in passenger number has not materialised, and is currently just under 6 million ppa. It was agreed that should the decision on the main application be ‘called in’ then Wrington Parish Council would support this.
Cllr Glynn volunteered to produce some comments on the amendments by the end of the week, and this was agreed.
09/P/2122/F - St Katharine’s Farm, Downside Road: erection of building for use within the existing business and established use and change of use on the lower section of the site to the maintenance and repair of agricultural tractors and machinery and the sale of associated replacement parts and new machinery. It was agreed to recommend that a condition should be made for screening and landscaping to be carried out on the lower part of the site on the western and southern boundaries, to screen neighbouring residential properties, both visually and acoustically. There should be no access from the site onto the track on the north side. There were also concerns about drainage and potential pollution of surface water if hard standing is planned.
8. Other Planning Issues
a. NSC Draft Housing Strategy consultation
This was briefly discussed and Cllr Bigg expressed concern about the proposed Home Choice Register which could potentially lead to a distortion of the ‘needs’ assessment for housing. Cllr Glynn agreed to review the document with a view to suggesting comments.
b. NSC Core Strategy
The Clerk stated that three copies of the consultation document have now been received, and it was agreed that these should be circulated amongst the members of the Council before the next Planning Committee meeting on 2nd February in order that informed comments can be formulated. The deadline for comments is 19th January.
The meeting was closed at 7.30 pm.
Mrs. J. Gallop
Chair |