Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 23rd February, 2010
1 Apologies:
Mrs J. Gallop, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr D. W. Glynn
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs G. Moss
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Ms G. Wilson, Clerk
Mr M. Berkley
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka

In attendance: Five members of the public

2. Declarations of Interest:
There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.

3. Public Participation

The Chairman invited the members of the public present to comment on any matter about which they were concerned.

Mr I Baston of Oatlands Barn, Wrington Hill, explained the concerns of residents about the situation at ‘Woodlands’, a neighbouring property. In 2007 an application had been submitted for a garage and store at the property. No measurements for the garage were provided with the plans, and he felt that the building was larger than expected. In addition, the conditions of the planning permission specified that the building should be in keeping with the adjacent dwelling, whereas the roof tiles of the building had recently been replaced with a modern tile, which is out of keeping with surrounding properties. A further condition of the planning permission stated that the garage must be retained as such and not be converted to habitable accommodation. Mr Baston stated that the whole property is now advertised for sale or rent, including reference to a first floor living area over the garage, in direct contravention of the planning permission.

In addition, the residents had concerns that a business was being carried on from the property, without permission. Evidence of this included daily vehicle movements including vans and commercial vehicles, with storage of waste materials.

The other members of the public present endorsed Mr Baston’s comments, and requested that the Parish Council support these concerns by contacting the Enforcement Department at North Somerset Council.

Cllr Gallop referred to the Parish Council’s comments at the time of the planning application in July 2007, and it was noted that the Council had objected to the application due to the concerns which had been described. It was agreed that the Council would discuss the matter later in the agenda and decide what action to take. The residents thanked the Council members for their attention, and they left the meeting.

The Chairman thanked the members of the public for their comments, and invited them to remain to hear the Council’s discussion on this application.

4. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd February were reviewed and signed as a correct record.

5. NSC South Area Planning Committee

The papers for the meeting on 10th February were reviewed and it was noted that the Brook House application was due to be considered, although in the event this was deferred to the next meeting on 10th March. Cllr Bigg explained that she had raised concerns about flooding issues following the Environment Group meeting attended by John Inman, NSC Principal Drainage Engineer, on 8th February. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to NSC prior to the next South Area Committee meeting commenting not only on the flooding issue but also to correct the inaccuracies in the Planning Officer’s report about the site access for pedestrians.

6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC

09/P/2222/F – The Briars, Havyatt Road, Wrington - erection of a single storey rear extension: approved.

09/P/2250 – the Plough Inn, High Street, Wrington – erection of single storey rear extension: approved.

09/P/2243/WT – Littlers, Ropers Lane, Wrington – tree works: approved.

09/P/2206/WT – Wrington Primary School – tree works: approved.

09/P/2167/F – The Old Chemist Shop, Silver Street, Wrington – change of use from retail chemist to office/storage use: approved.

09/P/2203/F – 11 South Meadows, Wrington – erection of single storey rear extension: approved.

It was noted that 09/P/2188/F in relation to Holly Cottage at Butts Batch had been withdrawn.

7. Planning Applications

10/P/0132/F – Plot 6, Richards Garage Site, Broad Street, Wrington: erection of a rear conservatory. No objection in principle, but the materials should match those agreed for the main dwelling, and it was also noted that the design of the windows is different from the main dwelling.

10/P/0141/PAI – BIA: proposed car rental return cabin in north side car park. No comment other than to note that the height of the proposed cabin is not indicated on the plans.

10/P/0161/MMA – The Keepers, Ropers Lane, Wrington: minor amendment to planning permission 09/P/1089/F – erection of a lean-to canopy by variation of condition 2. It was agreed to comment that the building now appears to be extremely close to the boundary on either side of the plot, which could inhibit access at the sides of the building for maintenance.

10/P/0199/WT – Woodview, Broad Street, Wrington: reduction of crown of apple tree and removal of mistletoe from crown. It was agreed to point out that removing the mistletoe from a healthy tree may expose it to infection or damage; also that mistletoe has a significant biodiversity value.

8. Other Planning Issues

a. NSC consultation on Development Management and Site Allocations Development Plan

It was agreed to respond that Wrington Parish Council appreciates the opportunity to respond, and would wish to be involved in every aspect of the further consultation, particularly in any consideration of changes to the settlement boundary. The Council would also like to be consulted as early as possible in any discussion on site allocations in Wrington Parish. Cllr Bigg referred to ‘retained policies’ which should be carried over from the Replacement Local Plan to the Core Strategy when it is adopted, and questioned whether the Parish Council should be provided with a list of these.

b. GOSW letter

The Chairman read out a letter from the Government Office for the South West, responding to Wrington Parish Council’s letter requesting that the decision on the BIA application should be called in for determination by the Secretary of State.

c. Woodlands, Wrington Hill

It was agreed to write to NSC to support the complaints from residents presented in the public participation session. Reference should be included to the estate agents’ details implying the use of the garage building for separate residential use. In addition, concern will be raised about the substantial amount of waste material that is being brought to and from the site.

d. Core Strategy consultation

The final comments on the Core Strategy consultation had been circulated with the meeting papers. Cllr Gallop proposed that Cllr Glynn should be congratulated on the significant amount of work he had done on this, enabling a very comprehensive response to be submitted, and this was endorsed by members.

e. Rickyard Road development

Cllr Gallop read out a letter from English Rural Housing requesting the Parish Council to review a list of applicants for the properties being constructed in Rickyard Road, and verify (where possible) their claims to local connections. It was agreed that the list would be considered on 26th February by Cllrs Gallop, Irving, Moss and Glynn.

The meeting was closed at 7.20 pm.

Mrs. J. Gallop