Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 20th July, 2010
Present: |
1 Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mrs C. A. Phillips
Mr P. Robinson
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs G. Wilson, Clerk
Mrs F. Burke, Assistant Clerk |
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
In attendance: |
2. Declarations of Interest:
There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.
3. Public Participation
There were no members of the public present.
4. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 29th June were reviewed. Cllr Glynn proposed an addition to agenda item 8 ‘Other Planning Issues’ as follows: ‘The Clerk read out correspondence from NSC requesting a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss issues relating to the Site Allocations Development Plan, the date proposed being 21st July’. This addition was agreed, and the minutes were then adopted as a true record.
Matters arising: Cllr Glynn reported that he had been in touch with Richard Kent at NSC regarding the unachievable pre-dated conditions for the Tamarisk stable development, but as yet no response had been received.
5. NSC South Area Planning Committee
The papers for the meeting on 14th July were reviewed. Cllr Glynn reported on a site meeting held on 9th July at the Plush Hotel in connection with the proposal for expansion. At the previous South Area Committee meeting the members had been in favour of approval, although planning officers had recommended refusal on the grounds of inappropriate development in the Green Belt. The application will now be referred to the Planning & Regulatory Committee at its next meeting on 21st July. Cllr Glynn expressed the view that it was likely to be approved on the basis of encouraging economic development.
6. Decisions Notices issued by NSC
A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the meeting. Particular attention was drawn to the following:
10/P/0674/F Bristol Airport wind turbine: it was noted that long term monitoring of the effect on bats and birds was a condition of approval, and that the reason for approval was given as compliance with policy T/12 of the Replacement Local Plan. It was agreed to question which aspect of T/12 this relates to.
10/P/0530/F Richards Store: it was noted that a landscaping scheme was referred to in the list of conditions, when in fact no such scheme exists. The retention of the porch at the front of the building was also a condition, although there was no reference to the front of the building in terms of provision of a footway, etc. It was agreed to raise the issue in the light of the Parish Council’s comments on the application and to ask what treatment they are recommending for the highways land to the front of the property.
10/P/0814/ADV Plough Inn illuminated sign: this had been approved although the Parish Council had objected. The level of illumination was considered acceptable by planning officers.
7. Planning Applications
10/P/1069/F The Old Barn, The Triangle, Wrington: erection of conservatory to rear. It was agreed that there was no objection in principle to this application, but there were some issues which needed to be raised: the apex of the roof appears to be excessively high in relation to the first floor windows, which could lead to unacceptable visual impact. It was agreed to suggest that the applicant might reconsider the overall height of the conservatory. The design appears to make no provision for surface water drainage on either side of the conservatory, and it is necessary to ensure that no surface water is allowed to fall outside the property. It was agreed to suggest that a concealed gutter is specified on the south side of the wall to provide drainage and a link between the roof structure and the wall. An associated benefit would be that the roof height would be reduced.
10/P/1080/F Willis’s Batch, Brockley Combe Road: part retrospective application for replacement agricultural barn. Cllr Turton said she was aware of the location of the barn, and the views of some of the local residents. It was agreed to comment that the Parish Council is pleased to see that the dormer windows are to be removed, resulting in the roof being more appropriate for an agricultural building. The present structure gives the impression of a domestic building, and it is imperative that in this location the building is used only for agricultural purposes, and that appropriate conditions are applied to this effect.
10/P/1113/F Holly Cottage, 37 Butts Batch, Wrington: Erection of two-storey rear extension and detached single garage to front with additional parking provision and associated external works following demolition of front detached single garage and rear lean-to. It was noted that the required bat survey had been carried out since the previous application; however the balcony which was part of the previous design is included. It was agreed that the comments on the previous application were still valid, and that these will be re-submitted, omitting reference to the bat survey.
10/P/1126/F West Hay Farm, West Hay Road, Wrington: erection of front dormer. It was agreed that there was no objection to this application.
10/P/1142/F 13 Ashford Road, Redhill: Change of use and alterations to existing agricultural building to create four letting bedrooms for use mainly by staff and passengers of Bristol International Airport. It was agreed to object to the application on the grounds that it would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt, and there would be concerns about the impact on other residents in Ashford Road.
10/P/1158/F Flat 1, Buglers, High Street, Wrington: construction of roof terrace with railings on existing flat roofed rear extension and replacement of window with French doors. It was agreed that there was no objection to the application; however it was agreed to suggest that the railings should be painted black rather than white as this would be more appropriate in this location.
10/P/1205/F Greystones, Ropers Lane, Wrington: erection of a single storey extension to north-east elevations. This was one of two applications only received on the day of the meeting. However it was agreed that this application would be considered due to the timescale for a response. It was agreed that there was no objection to the application.
A further application had also been received 10/P/1240/F Land at Bristol Airport: erection of a 251 bedroom hotel with ancillary parking, access and landscaping with reconfiguration of entrance to car parking and car hire returns area. As the amount of material associated with this application was extensive, it was agreed that Councillors would need time to peruse this before making a response. As this is a major application the timescale for a decision is thirteen weeks, and it was therefore agreed to defer consideration until the next meeting on 10th August.
8. Other Planning Issues
Rickyard Road Affordable Housing Scheme: report of Scrutiny Panel meeting on 16th July to determine the policy regarding the five dwellings intended for sale at below market price. Cllr Bigg reported that she had attended part of the meeting. She had felt it unlikely that a decision would be made that could result in the properties being potentially available on the open market. She had raised the question of whether the properties could be made available as shared equity, but was told that they had not been built to a sufficiently high standard for this. The properties will now be sold to a social housing provider and will be rented. Cllr Glynn suggested that the Parish Council should write to NSC requesting an assurance that the properties will be available for local people in perpetuity. It was agreed to express the Parish Council’s concern about the way this development has been managed, and that the site will now be in the hands of two owners. There will need to be clarification of who is responsible for maintenance of the site and in particular the drainage pond and other facilities. It was agreed that the Clerk will draft a suitable letter.
Appeal: Keepers, Ropers Lane, Wrington: the date of the appeal is 29th July. No further action is required.
Bristol Airport: letter from Chief Executive thanking the Parish Council for its interest in the recent planning application, and expressing the belief that all major issues had been addressed by the Airport. This was noted.
Site Allocations meeting 21st July: This will be attended by Philip Anelay and Joy Milsom of NSC, with the Chairwoman of the Parish Council, Cllr Irving, the Chair of the Planning Committee, Cllr Glynn, and the Assistant Clerk, Fiona Burke. Cllr Glynn asked for views about the settlement boundary and whether it would be appropriate for any further development to take place in Wrington village. Cllr Robinson raised the issue of the potential closure of the Wrington surgery and whether this would affect the status of Wrington as a Service Village. Cllr Glynn said he would ask about this. It was felt that the designation of Service Village could lead to pressure for further development, and that ‘brownfield’ sites should be considered first. Cllr Ledbury felt that the Gatcombe Farm site may fall into this category, although it is acknowledged that the location gives rise to problems. Cllr Glynn thanked members for their thoughts.
The meeting was closed at 7.45pm.
Mr D. Glynn
Chair |