Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 12th October, 2010
1 Apologies:
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Ms E. P. Irving
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mrs G. Moss
Mr P. Robinson (part)
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka
Ms J Bishop Admin Asst
Mr F. Cowgill
Mrs C. A. Phillips

In attendance:

2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.

3 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

4 Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2010 were reviewed. Cllr Turton pointed out that the Minutes should record no objection (instead of no comment) to the planning application in relation to land at St Katherine’s Farm, 10/P/1489/F. The amendment was agreed and the Minutes were then adopted as a true record.

Matters arising:

5 NSC South Area Planning Committee

Cllr Glynn reviewed the papers from the last Meeting held 15 September 2010. In relation to the proposed hotel at Bristol Airport, Cllr Turton commented that in discussion at a PCAA Meeting it had been suggested that Wrington Parish Council had a right to be consulted on the S106 agreement. However, when the Clerk had sought clarification it had been confirmed that this was not the case. Cllr Glynn reported that he had asked Alan Davies (Bristol Airport) for a meeting on this subject. Cllr Turton further commented that it was notable that no local hotels and bed & breakfast businesses had raised objections to the application. Cllr Yamanaka reported that she had been informed that NSC had advised Winford Manor that raising an objection on the grounds that the application may put other businesses out of business was not a valid reason for objection. Cllr Yamanaka further reported that the application had now been referred by South Area to the Planning & Regulatory Committee (P&R). Cllr Turton commented that she was pleased that the colour had been changed although Cllr Bigg suggested that there were still parking issues. It was agreed that the Council would submit no further comments to South Area in advance of the13 October meeting.

6 Decision Notices issued by NSC

A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the Meeting. Cllr Glynn pointed out that both the refusal decisions for Ashford Road and Worships Farm had emphasised that insufficient information had been submitted to demonstrate that the sites do not accommodate protected species. Concerning the willow tree at 33 The Glebe, a delegated report sheet had been provided by NSC which stated that the tree is in poor condition and health, is pushing on a boundary fence and is of insufficient score for a TPO to be justified.

7 Planning Applications

10/P/1649/PAI - Bristol Airport

Cllr Glynn explained that no supporting documents had been received from NSC and the documents presented at this Meeting had been downloaded from the NSC website. Councillors discussed the potentially hazardous nature of the chemicals to be used. It was agreed that on the basis of the technical data provided the Council had no objection in principle to the proposal but has concerns over the potential impact on the aquifer and the natural environment from run-off of these chemicals from both the usage and potential failure of the proposed storage tanks. It was also agreed that, if possible, Cllr Bigg would provide information in relation to similar facilities at other airports.

10/P/1612/F - The Barn, West Hay Road

After a discussion on the history of the site, it was agreed that the Council wished to object to this application for the following reasons: the proposed development is a new structure in the Green Belt and is poorly related to the existing holiday accommodation, would be visible from the north and, in the winter months, from the highway. Also, it was suggested that the barn is not currently used as holiday accommodation. It was noted that three car parking spaces are shown when five spaces are proposed on the application form.

10/P/1697/F - Richards Store, Broad Street

It was suggested that this application has significant implications in that it proposes removal the ties between two of the flats and the ground floor retail/business units below them. This would result in a major change to the development with five separate units (two retail/business units, two retirement flats and one further flat) with resulting parking issues. Cllr Bigg commented that the loss of the ties could ultimately lead to a loss of retail/business premises within the village. It was agreed that the Council wishes to object to this application for the following reasons: development had previously been approved on the basis of two tied units and one retirement home, a first floor flat is considered inappropriate for dedicated retirement purposes because of the stairway access, the parking provision of three spaces would be inadequate for five separate units with resulting impacts in Broad Street. Also, the loss of the tie between flats and the business/retail units contravenes the original Decision Notice and attached conditions.

8 Other Planning Issues

Cllr Turton raised the issue of the Forge Car Park on Downside Road. She believed that a new application had been submitted to NSC to extend the business. It was agreed that further information should be requested as, although the site is not within the parish, vehicular access would be via Downside Road and could, therefore, have transport implications. Action - Clerk, subject to Cllr Glynn confirming the application status.

Cllr Glynn referred to a notice of an appeal received relating to St Katherine’s Farm, ref 09/P/2122/F. It was agreed to comment that the Council had supported the previous application, wanting to support local businesses but that there was a concern that this further development would encroach on green belt land.

Cllr Bigg raised the issue of a proliferation of business signs within the village. It was agreed some of these signs were temporary and, therefore, no action was required or could be taken. However, it was agreed that the permitted development size limitations should be confirmed and the relevant information circulated, with the Clerk to contact Enforcement should any action be necessary. It was also agreed the Clerk should contact the Area Officer with regard to the speed limit signs between the village and Lower Langford as these are currently obscured by hedgerows.

Cllr Ledbury reported she had inspected the drainage for the conservatory at The Barn, The Triangle, and confirmed that the guttering being used was satisfactory.

Cllr Moss commented that the willow tree on Lawrence Road required pruning to clear head height. Action Clerk to report to NSC.

The Meeting was closed at 7.20pm.

Mr D. Glynn