Broad Street
 Wrington Parish Council, Planning Committee
Wrington Website
Local Government
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on Tuesday, 27th September, 2011
Mr D. W. Glynn, Chair
Mrs G. J. Bigg
Mr O. Hollingdale
Mrs L. Howells,
Mrs P. Ledbury
Mr J. Rawlins
Mr B. Taylor
Mrs C. Turton
Mrs D. J. Yamanaka (part)
Ms J Bishop Admin Asst

In attendance:

1 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Robinson.

2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest on known agenda items.

3 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

4 Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2011 were reviewed and adopted as a true record.

Matters arising:

· Old Bell Court

On going as Phil Braddick from Sumerfield Developments had been on holiday. However, two residents have reported that contractors have been on site working on the streetlights but it has not been possible to establish what they were doing.

It was agreed this issue highlighted the need to be pro-active in talking to the residents of any future housing developments.

· Nates Lane

It was noted the advertising signs have been reported to NSC and that Fay Powell, NSC Area Officer, proposes to remove them.

5 NSC Central Area Planning Committee

There were no papers to be reviewed.

6 Decision Notices issued by NSC

A list of decision notices had been circulated prior to the Meeting and these were noted. In summary:-

· 11/ P/1257/TPO – Oakwood End, 16 Alburys, Wrington, BS40 5NZ - Approved
· 11/P/1276/F - 12 Ashford Road, Redhill, BS40 5TJ - Approved
· 11/P/1286/F - 13 Ashford Road, Redhill, BS40 5TH - Approved
· 11/P/1371/WT - The Lodge, School Road, Wrington, BS40 5NA - Approved
· 11/P/1474/F - 4 Ashford Road, Redhill, Wrington, BS40 5TH - Approved

7 Planning Applications

A list of planning applications had been circulated prior to the Meeting.

Application - 11/P/1649/F – West Barn, West Hay Road, Wrington, BS40 5NP

It was agreed the Council has no comment to make on this application.

Application - 11/P/1666/F - Saddleback Barn, Wrington Hill, Wrington, BS40 5PL

It was agreed that the Council could see no fundamental change between this application and the previous proposal (11/P/0041/F) to which the Council had objected because of the potential to create a separate dwelling in the Green Belt. It was agreed to re-iterate the previous objection and also to recommend that, if approval is granted, then the extension should be tied to the existing dwelling by way of a condition.

Applications - 11/P/1713/WT and 11/P/1714/TPO – Webbsbrook House, Silver Street, Wrington, BS40 5QL

It was agreed to submit one comment to cover both applications as the trees are on the same site. It was agreed to comment on the following:-

· The trees have significant public amenity value within the village.

· Insufficient supporting evidence has been submitted to substantiate the claims of damage that the trees are apparently causing.

· The Council would like to recommend that no work is permitted until the results of the Environment Agency's study of flooding in Wrington (which includes a survey of the stream) are known, as the Council has concerns about any resulting increase in downstream flood risk.

Application - 11/P1563/F - Field South of South View Farm, Wrington Hill, Wrington, BS40 5PL

It was agreed the Council has no objection to the principle of development. However, the Council would like the following issues addressed:-

· With regard to landscaping - it is recommended that Condition 5 is extended to include a defined management plan which will ensure that trees already planted grow to provide the woodland landscaping and shielding required.

· The large mound of spoil created by the original excavation is still on site and should be removed or landscaped.

· Surface water drainage – Since the previous application (07/P/0883/F) there have been two incidents of flooding when surface water has flowed off Sims Hill into Ropers Lane and then affected residential properties in Yeomans Orchard and Haydens. Therefore, the Council would like assurances that the proposed drainage system is adequate both for the site as it stands and for the increased surface area of the roof, and would like to recommend that one or more tanks or ponds are included in the development to collect water draining off the roof and ensure that it is released in a controlled manner.

8 Other Planning Issues

· NSC Local Development Framework (LDF), Core Strategy

The Council's submission on the 'Proposed Changes to the Publication Version' consultation and the forthcoming public Examination (commencing 8 November 2011) were noted.

· NSC LDF consultation on the draft Weston Villages Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

It was agreed to comment, endorsing the employment led approach.

· Draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and DCLG NPPF Workshop

Cllr Turton reported back on the DCLG NPPF Workshop. It was agreed Cllr Turton would draft a response to the Draft National Planning Policy Framework consultation.

· NSC Guidance on Delivering Affordable Rural Housing

It was agreed to accept an offer of a visit from Carol Pike to discuss this, outside the Planning Committee Meeting. As a first step, Cllr Glynn would contact Ms Pike to ask about her availability for daytime and evening meetings.

· Medcentres planning application, 11/P/1141/F.

Following a report on the Central Area Committee meeting and the South Area Committee briefing, it was agreed to enquire who may speak against the application at the South Area meeting to be held 20 October. It was also agreed to write to the Committee stressing the Council’s concerns and the planning and community issues involved.

The Meeting was closed at 7.25pm

Mr D. Glynn