It will help develop the website if we know who's looking at it and what they think of it. So, do please take a few moments to fill in this page of our Visitors' Book. Let us know what you think of what you've seen - and how we could improve the website.
If you include your e-mail address (which we will not pass on without asking you first) there's a chance you could catch up with old friends - many people have !
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Something about you
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How long did you spend looking at it ? |
Do you live in Wrington ? |
If you don't, where do you live ? |
If you don't live here now, but did previously, please tick |
If 'yes' please give a few details - when, for how long, whether you born here, &c |
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Your opinion of this website
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poor fair good excellent |
How would you rate this website for content ? |
poor fair good excellent |
How would you rate this website for design ? |
poor fair good excellent |
Which topics particularly interested you: |
History of Wrington
Geography of Wrington
Photographic 'walks'
Organisations - please state which:
Other - please state which
Please enter any comments and/or suggestions for improving the website: |
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Unless you indicate otherwise, we will assume we may include points of interest from what you've written above on the Schmoose page. |
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Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions. You can now either submit your page as it is, or clear the page and start again ! |

Visitors' Book.
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