Broad Street Wrington
Minutes of a Meeting of Wrington Parish Council held in the John Locke room on
                Tuesday, 21st February, 2006
Mr T R Clements,
Mrs A Atkins,
Mrs G J Bigg
Mrs J Gallop
Mr D W Glynn
Mr G A Matthews
Mrs G Moss
Mrs C A Phillips,
Mr R L Thorn
Mrs D J Yamanaka
Mr T W Yearsley

In attendance: P.C. K Tacchi Community Police Officer
Apologies: Ms E P Irving, Ms J Erskine

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 19.30 hours.

Declaration of Members Interests – Cllrs. Gallop, Moss and Clements declared an interest in the Agenda item relating to the Wrington Sports & Social Club.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th January were adopted with the following amendments:

1) Confidential Waste- p1-line 5 for “Mt” read “Mr.”

2) Highways Matters p3- final sentence add (particularly Downside Road).

3) Highways matters p3 1st Para- final word change “Lane” to “Road”.

4) District Councillor’s report -remove the entire paragraph and replace with “Cllr. Yamanaka did elaborate on the new Backwell Civic Amenity site. Planning permission for a new site in Coles Quarry was passed in 2003 including Sunday opening, but it is only recently that residents have started to have concerns, to the extent that a public meeting was called. Residents are concerned about the Sunday opening (the existing site does not open on a Sunday), access issues, that planning permission may be flawed as no environmental assessment undertaken (NSC view is that this was not needed). Indeed as the 2003 application was from the Council to itself the application was referred to GoSW who replied that they did not need to consider it.

An application has recently been made to extend the Sunday opening hours from 8.00 to 16.30 instead of 9.00-16.00 as already granted. Central Area Committee (NSC) decided to refer the application for extended hours to the Planning and Regulatory Committee. However Waste Management decided to withdraw the application.

Clerk’s Report.

1) Mobile Youth Bus-the Council’s thoughts on the contract has been forwarded to AYA and a response is awaited.

2) Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel- minutes of the meeting 5th January received.

3) Local Access Forum- minutes of the Meeting held 19th October 2005 received. Cllr. Glynn mentioned that within the body of the Minutes there is reference to a policy being produced on definitive maps. Still waiting to hear who will be representing Wrington Parish Council on this body.

4) Environment Agency- has acknowledged response to the North & Mid Somerset Catchment Flood Management Plan. A seminar is planned for March- details to be advised.

5) North Somerset Economic Development & Regeneration Summit- February 23rd (9am-2pm) at the Winter Gardens. Please advise the Clerk by 17th February if you wish to attend.

6) Strategy for provision of Swimming & leisure facilities- meeting to be held at the Scotch Horn Leisure on Thursday 9th March at 7.30pm. Does anyone wish to attend?

7) Copy PowerPoint presentation from a recent seminar on the Regional Spatial Strategy, North Somerset Replacement Local Plan, Joint Local Transport Plan & IDOX

8) DE Matters Issue 16 & 17

9) Standards Committee- Minutes of Meeting held 24th November 2005 and agenda for Meeting 31st January.

10) Completion of Housing transfer from NSC to North Somerset Housing Limited-effective from 6th February. Cllr. Clements asked about pockets of land that may be left as a result of the transfer and in particular who would benefit in the event of a sale of such land. Cllr. Yamanaka was of the opinion that NSC would be the ultimate beneficiary. As an alternative to selling off to a private developer for profit is to use a housing plot for more affordable housing, i.e. to rent and become another NSH house similar to the ex-Council houses

11) New refuse policy and green garden waste service- papers received on background much of which contained within the leaflet drop to householders.

12) Community Group Forum newsletter.

13) Confidential Waste- it was left that the Clerk would arrange to meet with Mr. Tandy to take matters forward.

14) Supported bus services- from 1st April the 821 service on Sundays and bank Holidays currently operated by First Bus will be operated by Bakers Coaches. The existing timetable remains unchanged.

15) Review of Street Trading arrangements- move to include Broad Street as an area. It appears that NSC is trying to tighten up on burger vans and the like trading without a licence throughout the district. Question raised as to who would have to apply and it was that everyone would have to apply if the intention was to trade from roadside sites. The question was then asked what would happen if Broad Street not licensed and in this instance matters would continue as at present. The measure of control that the Parish Council would have over potential use and what level of consultation would apply was also mentioned. Cllr. Glynn was concerned at the locations highlighted on the maps for locations on the A38 and in particular those relating to Redhill- they were considered unacceptable. Cllr. Matthews was of the opinion that it was an unnecessary initiative. It was left that Cllr. Yamanaka would obtain clarification on licences.

16) Wrington Village Fair- a request to hold the joint Church Service on the Glebe land was approved.

Highways Matters

Parish Voice- Cllr. Glynn reported briefly on the outcome of this meeting which was related to Downside Road. Mr. Schneider (NSC) had accumulated facts to the extent that traffic has not increased materially. However has asked colleagues at NSC to look into repairing faults, signage, flooding, better visibility of existing signs and the children’s refuge pavement.

Dragonflyer- details of meetings given.

Banwell- road closed for 8 weeks from 13th March.

Cllr. Glynn reported on a meeting held with Mr. Bailey of NSC (principal contact for Streets and Open Spaces issues) on outstanding traffic calming and highway issues and a full update will be provided before the March Council meeting.

Mention made of the new external shelving on the off-licence in the High Street.
The Clerk has already spoken with PC Tacchi who in turn has spoken with the proprietor. The “grey” area is whether the land is highways or not and the Clerk is to ask NSC Streets and Open Spaces to look at the location.

West Hay/Wrington Road speed limit. This is not being supported by the Police so NSC will not instigate despite the fact that 2 Parish Councils are pushing to have amended speed limits in place. However if a speedwatch scheme is put in place then the view may be changed- PC Tacchi advised that a minimum of 6 people need to operate this scheme. The |Police would underwrite the insurance aspect. Cllr. Yamanaka suggested that a meeting be held to promote the speedwatch scheme. PC Tacchi produced a video on speedwatch and this is to be viewed in the first instance. Alison Tull would be the liaison officer and she is based in WSM. To be left on the table for further discussion.

Police – In the period 2nd January to 15th February 12 recorded offences of which 5 were drug related. Parking tickets issued on 20th February following visit to Wrington.

Customer Support Officers to be increased from 2006/2008 and 2 will be allocated to cover PC Tacchi’s patch.

Lighting - Home Close replacement light- still waiting to get the quote. Church Walk/Silver Street- light removed following maintenance by WPD- Clerk has chased to ascertain when it will be replaced.

FINANCE REPORT 21st February 2006
ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL PERIOD to 14th February (45 weeks)

Uphill Building Contractors (Mem.Hall)
Uphill Building Contractors (JLR)
Friendship Office Supplies
Wrington Arts Festival (Parish Plan)
Computer Software (Parish Plan)
T Yearsley
D Glynn (stationery)
Cheddar Sign Services

Bank Balances: Business reserve
Current Account
Capital Reserve



VAT Recovered




Total 58300 74495.66
Open Spaces
Street Lighting
Admin Expenses

Total 58300 48584.04
Mobile Youth
Public Conveniences
Parish Plan
Section 137
Odds and sods



Confirmation received from NSC of a precept of £64,000 for 2006/07.

Request received from Alzheimer’s Society in North Somerset for a grant- this was turned aside.

It was agreed that the CPRE increase in subscription (to £26) should be paid. (Cllr. Bigg declared an interest in that she is now the Chairperson for CPRE)

Clerk advised that the request for a precept of £64,000 for 2006/07 has been accepted.

Payment made on behalf of the Wrington Memorial Hall and Recreation Field Committee from the grant.

Uphill Building Contractors Ltd. £257.00 +VAT

Memorial – request for alcohol

One request for an 18th Birthday party to be held in the Hall on 25th February- approved.

Wrington Sports & Social Club.

Finding the current licensed hours restrictive for Friday and Saturday events. Currently the bar closes at 23.00 hours and ideally would like to extend this to 23.45 hours. There may be a need to add a caveat to the current terms of the lease and the Clerk is to look into this aspect. It was also suggested that the number of events should be limited to 12 per annum which the representatives for the WSSC thought acceptable. Cllr. Thorn proposed and Cllr. Glynn seconded a motion that the hours for a Friday and Saturday are extended to 23.45 hours on a maximum of 12 days per year. Passed.

Bristol International Airport – Report issued pre-meeting.

Clerk commented on a letter received from PCAA relating to the appointment of a new Chairman at the meeting to be held on 28th March

ALCA – North Somerset Branch Meeting held at the Memorial Hall- 16 people attended.

The Clerk reported on the February newsletter:-

1) Consultation on the role and functions of local government- it was agreed that the Clerk would e-mail the website address to Councillors. Responses need to be in by 13th March.

2) Bitton Parish Council- letter sent to all Parish Councils expressing concern at decisions being made by non-elected bodies (e.g. South West regional Assembly). The Council considered this worthy of support and the Clerk was directed to respond to ALCA with a copy to Bitton Parish Council.

3) Training days- detailed given. Now moving further afield as joints days being organised with other ALCA Groups.

Parish Plan - An estimate of the cost of producing the plan has to be advised to the sponsors. The question of setting up a footpath group was raised and Cllr. Yamanaka proposed that this she be an agenda item for the March Meeting.

Newsletter - progressing and hopes to be finalised for the next meeting as then close to the Annual Parish Meeting and needs to be distributed beforehand.

Child Protection Policy - this needs to be in place as the Parish Council will be ultimately responsible for the new skateboard park. Cllr. Matthews had produced a policy currently in for at Paulton Parish Council which subject to minor amendments was deemed appropriate. The Clerk is to amend and circulate with a view to the policy being ratified at the March Meeting. It was also suggested that bodies who rent from the Parish Council (in its capacity as trustee of the Memorial Hall and the Recreation Field) should be written to regarding the need for a Child protection policy.

District Councillor’s Report – issued pre-meeting.

Open Forum

1) Office- still moving forward- telephone now installed.

2) Parish Meeting- amended draft poster now produced.

3) The Brue, Axe and North Somerset Streams Catchment abstraction management strategy- consultation document. Cllrs. Glynn and Bigg offered to read.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 22.00 hours.

Mr T R Clements