Broad Street Wrington Historical
Page 5

Children dancing
In 1887 and 1897 the Golden and Diamond Jubilees of Queen Victoria were celebrated
Railway train
In 1898, the railway came to Wrington.
It puffed peacefully along the line
between Yatton, Langford, Burrington
and Blagdon
Railway train
Railway train

From 1900 onwards, the horseless carriage began to make a considerable impression.

For better of worse, Wrington had entered
the 20C. The pace of rural life increased.

Transport opened up the countryside.
The outside world encroached.

A fashionable Edwardian couple
who wished 
to cut a dash ...

Open tourer car
... might decide to leave for their
in one of these cars
The happy couple waved off

The happy couple depart ....

The bridal car
.... and the cast take their applause
The pageant's cast take their farewell
Echo's call for participants for
the 2007 run ....