Ken Creamer - Suffolk, Virginia , USA - 13th December
Hello Wrington!!
Ken Creamer here. I really enjoyed visiting your website. My dad Brian Creamer just showed it to me, My grandmother Mable Marshal/ Creamer was married to Thomas V Creamer at the church pictured in Hannah's grave.
My great great grandfather Marshal's grave is pictured in the Hannah-s grave part of the site, he is the second one over from the cross in the lower left of the second picture on the left,
he died in 1946.
My dad's cousin Margret Coles/Stokes is pictured in the site also looking down Kings Road view, she is the daughter of Hilda Coles, my gran's sister.
Thankyou for bringing me closer to my ancestors' roots. If you know Margret or Hilda say hello for me, I haven't seen them since 1973 when we left Cleeve.
George Crook - New Zealand, 6th December
I attach a photo I took last week of a beautiful lady visitor from England attending an event in the Ammericas' Cup currently being played out here in Auckland
full size image 
Sheryl Yapp - Sao Paulo, Brazil - 5th December
Hello to all my friends and neighbours in Wrington,
We are temporarily living in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We have been here for just over three years, but still have our house in Garstons Close. We keep in touch with our good neighbours. They have never forgotten any of our Birthdays, even though we are so far away.
My husband's contract out here ends in September 2003. So there will be much celebrating on mine and the children's part when we come "HOME" in June 2003, (I'm afraid he will have to do the last part on his own--the children's school year finishes in June so that's us out of here!!!!!)
See you all in June, we can't wait.
Love to all at Wrington Primary School, Florence can not wait to get back. Elizabeth never went as she was too young but hears about it often from Florence.
Love from Sheryl Yapp.
Bill Crook - Cambridge, New Zealand - 2nd December
I want to compliment you on the website. I visit it at least once a fortnight and always find something of interest. It really does give me so much pleasure although of course I"m becoming less familiar with many of the names.
A couple of ideas have occurred to me and I would like to run them past you for your consideration.
(1) An email address book of Wringtonians and ex Wringtonians (worldwide)
(2) A Wrington World Day. On this day people would send emails telling what they and their families were doing on that day. It could include snippets of information of life in their community and country. Whether it was 28c or -2c.etc It would require imput from some locals as well as ex-pats. What do you think ?
By the way it was 26c in Cambridge today!!
Best wishes Bill
[Well, what do YOU think about Bill's ideas ? They both seem to have a lot of mileage. Of course, before putting up people's e-mail addresses on the website, we'll have to make sure they're happy about that first.
So, if you've ever e-mailed the website, expect a message asking if we can include your e-mail address on the list. And what about the 'Wrington World Day" ? Any offers to take part ? - Ed.
Bill Crook - Cambridge, New Zealand - 23rd November
It's late afternoon in early summer. My dahlias are between 4inches and 12 inches tall and looking good. Last evening I looked through the website and my attention was drawn to the Cleeves hay fire and immediately I was reminded of the fire at Cliff Marshall's farm in the early fifties. Who remembers it?
I'm not sure what year it was or what age we were but I remember we had decided at school to go out to Wrangle spring (as it was known to us, to light a fire). However, when we got to Rydings farm, the three of us, Mickey Owers, Simon Crook and myself decided to have a test run on Mr. Marshall's corn stack. Good heavens, it did go well !! To this day I can see those flames leaping upwards, uncontrollable! Of course we did what any kid of that age would do........ran for it.
We ran the wrong way and right in front of Fred Hollier who would have known something was up !! Even at that age (8-10) I had a sense of craftiness and after a short visit home, returned to the scene of the crime to listen to the "big boys" theory of the old "sun through a piece of glass" trick. I remember laughing at that idea and hoping that everyone else would think the same....no such luck. Back at Lawrence Road I took refuge in the toilet. Through the obscure glass I could see the outline of Constable Hebditch and hear him explain how he had come in civilian clothes rather than uniform "so has not to frighten the boys".. Good call, constable! I'm not sure what was said but after a good "telling off" I heard nothing more. Cliff Marshall, thankyou.
Next I looked at the village records and came across the word "dring". According to your researcher this is an old term for alley. My research suggests its meaning is a little more precise and means " from the dwellings to the church". I further suggest it is one of about 15 remaining pure Saxon words left in general usage today. Another is "Combe" as in Goblin and Burrington. Perhaps someone may consider changing "Church Walk" back to "The Dring".
Bill Crook
Philip & Jeanne Whitehouse - Australia - 22nd November
We would like to place on record our sincere appreciation for the warm welcome we received during our all-to-brief recent visit to the village.
We thank especially Jennie and Jim, Lindsey and family, and the congregation attending Evensong at All Saints' on 13th October.( and sincere apologies to the kind gentleman who offered to escort me "up the tower" on the following Thursday !).
Much building has taken place since my last visit but the essential character of the village appears the same: Broad Street, the woods behind Barley Wood ,Cox's Green, the Yeo at Iwood, and the undoubtedly- haunted Goblin Combe.
A rare pleasure indeed. pwhitehouse@vtown.com.au
Alexandra Johnson - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA - 26th October
Thank you so much for your e-mail which you sent my husband, Bruce Johnson [This included the information that I succeeded Col. Lee as churchwarden of All Saints' after he died in 1967 - Ed].
I married David Maxwell Lee in New York in 1967, having known him in England before. My maiden name was Luckes, which is an old Somerset name, as you probably know. Did you
ever hear of the cricketer, Wally Luckes? He was a great-uncle of mine.
We used to visit my mother-in-law, Winnie, every year and she used to come to visit us, accompanied by John Thorns for several years. When both David and Winnie died in 1992, my sons and I came to Wrington and had a joint memorial service for them. I am wondering if you were there, as it seemed to me that most of Wrington was?
My older son, Bruce Maxwell Lee, has a three-year-old son called Maxwell David Lee, so there is a continuing thread. Just last week my younger son, Andrew, and his wife were there, visiting his great-aunt, Cicely Misselbrook.
My "new" husband is very kindly writing up a little study of Wrington as a Christmas present for my sons. We were there in the spring, visiting Cicely Misselbrook, and took lots of photographs. I have contributed to his writing with what I remember of the history of Sunnyside, but, of course, this is from my memory of what David told me, as well as many visits I made when Miss Organ was still alive.
One little anecdote might amuse you. When we were back in 1992, my older son was looking through the register of the church wardens as he wanted to see his grandfather recorded there. He thought of it as being long ago, so turned to the front of the book. He was amazed to see how far back it went, and hastily turned forward to the last few entries. Quite a different perspective on time from an American point of view!
With best regards to any of the old folks I knew, who were my in-laws' generation. I think Olga Kennett must be one of the very few left now. Molly Mansell was always a great favourite of mine, and I find Prof. Hudson fascinating and very kind.
Thank you for getting back to us.
Bruce Johnson - Fairfield, Connecticut, USA - 25th October
I am in the process in putting together a small booklet for my two step sons whose father, David Maxwell Lee, was brought up in Wrington. He was the son of Col. and Mrs. J. M. Lee.
He lived in Wrington from 1941 till 1960 when he moved up to London to go to work for Union Carbide.
I would like to purchase three copies of "Wrington Recalled." Could you also advise me where I might be able to get a copy of "Wrington Village Records" which was written according to the web page in 1960. Col. and Mrs. Lee were on the committee which prepared one of the articles (Manorial Court Papers).
Mariela Scortti, Jose A. Vazquez-Boland, Irene Vazquez-Scortti - West Hay Road,
Wrington [see below - Ed]
We realise that more than three weeks have already passed since our arrival to Wrington.
How fast the times goes! Once overcome the very busy days after the removal we would like now to extend our grateful appreciation to all those who like you, Sarah, David, Julia, and Jenny & family, have contributed to our smooth landing here.
To be far away from family and friends is not always easy but you have certainly made us feel like at home!
With our deep, heartfelt thanks for your friendly welcome and warm reception,
Jose, Mariela and Irene
Martin Merz - 19th October
Your website is truly amazing. I'm in Suzhou, China, and an old friend from Hong Kong who is now in Australia has found me through Wrington.info [Martin has contributed to the Schmoose page before, most recently at the start of the year (see below). A friend of his had found this by entering his name in Google. He wrote to the website, and his inquiry was forwarded to Martin - Ed] .
Thank you and best regards to the kind people of Wrington.
Best regards,
Martin Merz
Pam Mulle - 18th September
Louisa England was my great grandmother. In the 1881 Census returns for Wells she was shown as being aged 31, a mother of 5 children, a dressmaker , and having been born in Wrington ( maiden name not known). My grandfather was William J England aged 35 at that time and born in Weston-super-Mare, and he was a brushmaker.
I wondered whether anyone might be able to provide more information from your local records. There has always been a strong belief that one side of the family is directly descended from Bishop John Hooper who was burnt at the stake in Gloucester in 1555.
Helen Williams (née Lyons)- Cohuna, Victoria, Australia - 16th September
Many years ago I corresponded with a relative of mine who was then Sue Tinknell of Station Villa, Station Road, Wrington, but I do not know her married name. I was in Rowberrow this time last year visiting the Bisdees, relatives Sue and I have in common.
I tried to make contact with her, unfortunately without success. Should a reader of this know Sue, I would be most grateful if they passed this message to her. I can be contacted at - conrua@bigpond.com.au - should anyone wish to follow up this message.
Mariela Scortti - Leon, Spain - 13th September
Many thanks for your e-mail and the information. We are Mariela, Jose, and our three-year daughter Irene (and our cat "Claudia").
We are coming from Spain. My husband Jose is Spanish-French; I am Argentinian. We are
University academics. Jose has a chair in the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Leon (a nice medieval town in north-western Spain).
Previously, we have been working in the University of Madrid. We are coming because Jose has been appointed Professor in the Veterinary School in Langford. Last August we were house hunting in the area and found that Wrington was a quite pleasant, beautiful village.
We were lucky enough to rent a house there, a bungalow in West Hay Road.
We are arriving next 27th of September via the ferry Santander-Plymouth. We are very excited about our future new life in Britain. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Mariela Scortti, Jose A. Vazquez-Boland, Irene Vazquez-Scortti
Charles Young - Manchester - 1st September
My Grandfather, also Charles Young is shown on the 1881 census to have either been born or lived in Wrington sometime after his birth in about 1872. His mother Sarah Young, maiden name unknown, married my great grandfather, George Young, she gives her origin as Wrington also on that census. At that time they appeared to have moved to Dial Hill in Clevedon.
See further details - Ed
Tony Loach - Vancouver, Canada, 25th July
Of late I have been particularly interested in the new "street views" of the village, in fact I think I have gone through them at least twice to see which ones ring a bell. Of course, many of them are of areas that were not built when I lived in Wrington, but then again I hit the odd one that I remember.
Tony McCafferty - Ratby, Leicester - 22nd July
Never actually lived in Wrington but met a local girl (Jennie Wilkins) whilst serving at R.A.F. Locking. Often stayed with her family (Chris and Edna Wilkins) and eventually Jennie and I were married at the (then) Congregational Church in 1960.
Having spent a large part of my life travelling about the world there are many places that hold an interest for me. I have yet to find a website as detailed and professional as this one.
When I married Jennie, Wrington was much smaller and most people seemed related in one way or another. Quite simply her family became my family - and her friends my friends.
So thank you Aunty Ciss, Uncle Frank, Uncle Ron, Aunty Bett, Aunty Olive, Uncle Ern, and the many other "relatives" who have enriched my life. Also thanks to good friends such as Don
and Elsie and Janice and Malcom.
Angela Curtis - Highbridge Lane, Danville, California, USA - 21st May
We still have our house in Wrington ("Whistlers" in Silver Street) and hope to return home within the next year or so. We moved to California with my husband's job, February 2001, with our 4 children (Maddi, Becky, Elliott and Molly). Maddi, Becky & Elliott went to Wrington Primary school. I was on the PTA for a while.
The site is fantastic for people like us who used to live in the village and want to know what's happening. Seeing all the familiar faces on your web does make you realize what a unique village it is. We hope to return to our house (Whistlers, Silver St.) within the next couple of years. Our children can't wait to come home!
Wendy Marshall - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - 21st May
My sister, Lori Peacock, e-mailed to say that she and her children were in some of the web site's photos. What a thrill it was to see them in glorious color! You have a wonderful site - we visited Wrington about 10 years ago - and seeing the photos brought back great memories. I shall certainly check it out on a regular basis. Keep up the good work and say hi to Lori for me!
Diana Richter (Wager) - Howick, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, 15th May
I had great fun looking at the photos of the various recent events [of Fair Week] and seeing who I recognised and who I didn't.
Eleanor Hair - Ladywell, Wrington
[Prompted by seeing Olive Mellett's photographs] "Attached photo of our coronation arch"
Diana Richter (Wager) - Howick, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, 29th April
Hello all in Wrington,
I was so delighted to find Richard Thorn's Wrington website. I have been away for six and a half years now but I still miss the village enormously at times.
I am living in a small town called Howick in the Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands of South Africa. I enjoy living here but I lived in Wrington from 1973 to 1995 and 22 years in Wrington means that I have an awful lot of memories of my life there. Both my daughters grew up in Wrington (Catherine is living in Backwell and Sarah is here in South Africa).
I am naturally curious to know what has been happening and who of my old friends and acquaintances are still around and who is doing what. I have gleaned a fair amount of information from the website but there are still questions about various things. I would be delighted if anyone who knew me would like to e-mail me to exchange news. I'm sure that Richard Thorn could give you my e-mail address.
I would particularly like to hear news of Daryl and Chris Brown, Mike & Jenny Smythe, Bob & Ginny Sackley, Pat Milne, Teresa Dunstone, Dave & Brenda Warford, Alan & Sue Pearce, Mike & Lilian Dewberry, Mike & Rosemary Hodges , Joyce Smith and many others. There are so many people that I knew through working in the Chemist for so many years. I'd also like news of Peter & Constance Durie and Ann & Tony Vaughan (who I know live at Burrington) and Jinty Lankester, who were my neighbours.
I really do miss the community spirit in Wrington and the familiarity of everything. I miss the beauty of the church and the sound of the bells, no church has bells like that here although the local Anglican church is very pretty. I miss the easy access to the countryside and walks, we do not have the freedom here even though we are surrounded by beautiful country, we always have to think about safety. A walk in woods full of bluebells and the sound of the sheep and cows in the fields.... and even the smell of muck spreading has its appeal !
As Howick is so much bigger than Wrington, it is harder to become involved and to meet people. Over the years I was involved in so many things, the original Wildlife Society, the Playgroup (I was on the Committee for 5 yrs ), the school where I did reading with Rosemary Hodges class and pottery after school, the Youth Club, the Village Association (specifically the Parish Map project) and involvement in the Village Fete. All my years of painting, so many people still have my pictures.
Having said all I have about nostalgia for Wrington, if I have to live anywhere else then where I am comes a close second. This part of South Africa and more specifically this part of the Province of Kwa-Zulu Natal is known to be a landscape that reminded the early British settlers of home. We have beautiful green rolling hills somewhat reminiscent of Wales (only our hills are higher).
This is a major farming area and also an area full of stud farms where beautiful horses are bred including one where they breed Lippizaners. South Africa is the only country outside Austria that has a Spanish Riding School. The rolling hills get higher and higher as you travel east until you reach the Drakensberg Mountains (about an hour's drive from here). The Drakensberg has recently been declared a World Heritage Site. It is the most beautiful range with spectacular scenery and wonderful trails that can be walked and lovely places to stay. Len and Pam Bendall have done some of it.
Howick itself is about the size of Glastonbury and is quite a little Mecca for tourists as we have the Howick Falls which are right near the centre of the town. The falls are on the Umgeni River and are 100metres deep (approx 328ft) and fall into a gorge. There is a viewing platform at the top of the falls and one can walk down into the gorge to view the falls from the pool at the bottom and the river flowing away. There is an area at the top of the falls where there are plenty of places selling curios, art and crafts and there are restaurants, pubs, a museum and an hotel.
Just down river outside the town we have Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve which is a wonderful place to walk, not easy walking down the side of the gorge but the scenery is wonderful and there is plenty of wildlife, zebra, giraffe, warthogs, buck of various kinds, porcupines and a wealth of birds. On the other side of the town about 2 miles as the crow flies is Midmar Dam (a little bigger than Chew Valley Lake) where one can picnic, yacht, waterski, canoe, fish or whatever.
I've only touched on the things to do around Howick. There many more waterfalls in the area, the largest is the Karkloof Falls which are about 350ft deep, quite spectacular. The area is full of very enterprising people who produce all sorts of things from cheeses to handmade shoes and lots of lots of artists and crafts people, the area is known for it.
The town itself has every facility one could possibly want, good shops, doctors, dentists, vets, churches, sporting facilities including a golf course, a flying club, you name it Howick's got it. It is a highly desirable place for people to retire to so there is quite a high number of old people. Howick also has a huge population of expat British people, you hear every kind of British accent you can think of amongst its population. Sometimes I have to do a doubletake and realise where I am.
As far as placing where Howick is for those who are interested and have an atlas. We are about 56 miles inland from Durban, just about 12miles outside Pietermaritzberg (which is actually the capital of the Province but only a small city). The main N3 highway passes by Howick on its route between Durban and Johannesburg.
I am happily married to my husband Michael and we have a lovely home and garden (about 5/8 acre of land). We have a dog and 2 cats and a garden full of trees and wild birds. Michael's father also lives with us. I have a studio in an outbuilding where I am still painting and there are galleries here that will take my work. I have found my animal portraits as much in demand as they were when I was in Wrington, folks here are very doggy orientated.
I really look forward to getting some reponse to this e-mail and hope to hear from some old friends. I shall continue to log-on to the website regularly.
Many good wishes to all.
Diana Richter (formerly Wager)
Lois Ellett - Hove, East Sussex, 22nd April
My mother was born in 1926 at 14 Station Road in Wrington - and stayed there for holidays with her grandmother - Mary Anne Hollier. My mum and I enjoyed visiting your web site - as she is very sentimental about Wrington!
I am interested in finding out more about the name Hollier in the Wrington area - my grandmother's maiden name - Violet May Hollier
Lyndley Havyatt - Australia, 19th April, 2002
[Prompted by seeing Olive Mellett's photographs] "Attached photos as promised. They were taken in May 1990 on my visit to Wrington.
I have included the photo of my father Harry Spratt-Havyatt (taken when he was 60) and a photo of myself taken last year.
The farm is where Dad's mother Emily Parker and all her brothers and sisters were born and where his grandparents George and Rachel Parker lived for about 30 years.
I am hoping that someone may have information regarding any comtemporary members of that Parker family as I have failed to trace them so far.
Sincerely, Lyndley
Barry Johnson - Pickering, Ontario, Canada, 17th April, 2002
Thankyou for letting me know about these photos [Olive Mellett's photographs]. They are great to look at.
Do people have any photos of various events during the war years? Perhaps there is enough from Olive and others in the village for a page entitled "Wrington at War" (Suggestion only)
Debra Huzzard (Rickard) - Kidderminster, 10th April, 2002
I have many happy memories of Wrington and will try to find some old photos! [in response
to Olive Mellett's - Ed]
However today is the one day each year when I always stop and remember Wrington as I am sure does anyone who was there on 10/4/1973. I just wish to offer my condolences to anyone directly affected by the Swiss Air Disaster and indeed to everyone who was in the village at that time. No-one was left untouched; we all lost dear friends who will always be remembered.
Philip Whitehouse - Australia, 7th April, 2002, in response to Olive Mellett's photographs
What a magnificent collection :-
not only the photographs themselves but the inclusion of the concert programmes. One even prompted a recollection of my appearance as a " Tiny Tot " (how times change !) postman- a role doubtlessly granted to me by virtue of my residing in the Post Office at the time.
It further reminded me of my panic at inadvertently tearing my blue crepe-paper trousers immediately prior to being ushered on to the stage at the memorial hall. However, the controlling adults, doubtless including the inestimable Mrs Mellet, saved the day with skilful running repairs.
With warm regards.
Pauline Osborn (née Mellett) - Langley, Canada - 11th March
I have just read with great interest the article by Olive. It brought back many happy childhood memories. I remember the fancy dress parades, one where the float I was on, was done up like a chinese laundry. As we went through the village a little white tablet was put over heat and it looked like soap suds flying everywhere.
I think I remember being in the "Alice through history," I was the 10 of diamonds. There were other pantomines put on, mostly written and produced by Olive and all involving children.
What fun we had not realising all the effort that went on behind the scenes There are many photos of the pantos that I am sure would be of interest.
A belated thank you to all who planned and organised those wonderful events., especially you Olive (my mum) Growing up in Wrington was the best.
Chris Dyke - Devizes
I thought I'd drop you a line having discovered this site by accident. I can at least tell you what happened to myself and my family since 1981 when the last of us left the village - having been residents for 18 years or so. My father Harry Dyke (Van) retired in 1981 - having been headmaster of the village primary school for some 18 years from 1963/4. Now living in Devon and having retired 21 years ago my parents continue to lead an active life in Seaton on the south coast.
When we arrived in the village in late 1963 , my father took up the vacant post of headmaster and we originally lived in the school house until 1968 when we moved to a property in the then newly built Rickyard Road ( back of South Meadows).
Soon after moving into the school house I recall my father, with the help of my grandfather, cutting down some huge trees in the front garden that had shielded the school house from prying eyes, and a good deal of sunlight, for many years. Indeed some locals had never seen the front of the school house.
We enjoyed the house with its quirky gothic architecture and more than once were amused to see car drivers and passengers pointing to the lions head from which the drainpipe sprung and writing excitedly on sheets of paper (although I never know the clue on their treasure hunt lists). We were the last family to live in the school house and when we moved it became part of the school, providing staff and store rooms much as it does today.
In the village I recall life much as is described in other parts of this web site, Amor stores, the Plough and the Golden Lion, Bendall's the Chemist, Spalding's, S.O. Kingcott, Richards garage, Bugler's off licence and of course Mrs Farley's "departmental" emporium and more.
I remember the building of the new telephone exchange in school road ( I actually worked there for a while post college) and the old building (across the road) becoming a private house.
Dr. Bell's surgery was located in his own house across the field from the school, a short walk from home for me. That field is now a playing of course but was grazing meadow in the 60's and 70's.
My sister (Sue Dyke) is featured in your archives in Panto, and she has the originals of some of those photo's at home. Sue followed in the family footsteps and became a teacher. She is currently living in the Cotswolds near Stroud and teaches in a special needs school near Cheltenham. Her daughter Lucy is now 14.
I left the village in 1974/5 and moved to Portishead. I now live near Devizes in Wiltshire and do keep in touch with a few friends from Nailsea where I was schooled after Wrington and friends from Yatton and Congresbury, many of whom are now spread world-wide.
In recent years on my travels in Europe and America I have met people from Congresbury and Chew Magna, Burrington and Cleeve. It really is a small world.
Best regards
Ruth & Roy Robson - Uruguay (temporarily) - 3rd March
Greetings Sunny(?) Wrington
Ruth & I are in Uruguay visiting Heather, our daughter, Stephen and grandchildren Luke, Bethany and Philip. This is our second week & one more to go. Most days (and sometimes nights) the temperature is well over 100ºF / 40ºC.
It is the middle of their summer and the children have been back to school only a week after their three months summer holidays. Today we walked down to the seaside (about half an hour quiet stroll) Montevideo has a lovely long beach with clean golden sand and clear water, although we didn’t see anyone swimming, there were quite a few people walking along the beach and paddling, mostly middle aged.
Heather has just gone off to her Deaf Club Committee Meeting, which she started, where deaf people could meet and chat. She is a qualified signer and interpreter. We went to their meeting last Saturday & it makes you realize how difficult it must be for them in a “silent world”.
Since she started this club she sometimes gets up 90 people there. She is to be Ordained at Whitsun & she’ll then be Chaplain to the Deaf in Uruguay. This has to be a first because South America is still against the ordination of women.
Where they live is called Carrasco a village close to Montevideo but now, like a lot of places, it has been swallowed up into the city. Apparently the population of Uruguay is about 4.5 million with about just under 3 million in Montevideo.
Older folks will remember the Battle of the River Plate here at Montevideo, where the German battleship the Admiral Graf Speay was scuttled at the outbreak of the last war. It is only recently (4 or 5 years) that the masts sticking out of the water were cut off and there is a plaque on the seafront.
That must be all the news from Uruguay, see you soon.
At the start of 2001 we received a new year greeting in the form of calligraphy from the 1920's by Xiaopan's great- grand father.
This year we are delighted to receive this to mark the Year of the Horse.