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Wrington Youth Week 2024
August 7, 2024 - August 9, 2024


You will now be able to book AND pay for all Youth Week activities online!
Our team of volunteers have been busy behind the scenes, creating what we believe is the best line up, yet!
Programmes will be inserted in book bags this Monday 20th May, when the booking system will open. For those who don’t go to Wrington Primary School, programmes will also be available from both Amors and Buglers.
Follow these simple instructions to book your child/ren onto this year’s Youth Week:
Step 1. Scan the QR code on the back of the printed programme
Step 2. Fill out the online registration form where you will see the link to the booking section of the new website
Step 3. Select and book your activities, making sure to READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Activities are available on a first come first served basis
Step 4. Fill out required activity forms and waivers that will be available during our tech support and information evening, on Thursday 23rd May from 7-9pm at The Rec Bar
We are super excited about our new system and can’t wait to welcome you all to Wrington Youth Week 2024!!