Wrington Blog

Have your say on safety improvements in Wrington

Wrington residents are being asked to have their say on plans for safety improvements in the village.Wrington Pedestrian Safety and Active Travel Improvements Read more…………...

School Road/Planters Consultation at last

A Message from Cllr Tom Daw: I have asked for a link to the consultation School road consultation will be live at 12:00 Friday 6th December. It will last till...

Have your say on council budget and savings plans

North Somerset residents are invited to have their say on North Somerset Council’s 2025-28 budget and savings proposals by completing an online survey launched today (Monday 3 December). Read...

Your Airport – Your Views

The date and venue for the Wrington Consultation Event is:  Tuesday 10 December (3pm-8pm) at Wrington Sports and Social Club...

Nativity exhibition. – All saints church

Was asked to do this for the Nativity Fest, way out of my comfort zone but here goes – Somerset Man Walking...

Exciting News About Our Website

I’m delighted to say that after some difficult technical issues, I have now managed to transfer many old photographs to the new website. Log into wringtonvillage.com, select Archives from the...

Wrington Minibus – Drivers wanted

Hopefully, you’ll have had one of these through your letterbox by now. Maybe see some of you at Mother Hen this Saturday morning between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon to...

Council Tax Support Scheme consultation launches

A seven-week consultation launches today (Friday 15 November 2024) to review the current Council Tax Support scheme (CTS) after North Somerset Council agreed this week to proceed with a public...

Safety Improvements Continue in Yatton

The final stages of a safety scheme to encourage sustainable travel in Yatton begins today (Monday 18 November). The project will see the installation of a 20mph speed limit across...