Clocks go back tonight
Clocks go back tonight
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Clocks go back tonight
The next 2 volunteer dates - let me know if you can come: Tuesday 29th October 10-12 to do some tidying up and remove unwanted plants and ivy.
Starting Wednesday evening sessions from the 18th September - (£15 per session) ran in 4 weekly blocks = £60 Screenshot
Sunday 3rd November 10-12 to prepare the ground for planting saplings and clearing glass and ivy and brambles that are growing back in some of the areas we have already […]
Wrington School PTA Fireworks display
Tuesday 12th November 2-4 to start planting saplings Saturday 16th November 2-4 to continue planting saplings We will be taking delivery of the saplings in early November and need to […]
Saturday 16th November 2-4 to continue planting saplings We will be taking delivery of the saplings in early November and need to plant them be the end of the year […]
Starting Wednesday evening sessions from the 18th September - (£15 per session) ran in 4 weekly blocks = £60 Screenshot
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