Car Wash
Creative Media Workshop
Media Workshop
Sunday Morning Service
Treasure Hunt
Mixed Sports
Family Barbecue
Barn Dance
Fun Run
5-7 yr olds Disco
Sweet Making
On The Green
School Victorian Day
Youth Drama
Wine Tasting
Mediaeval Banquet
Flower Festival
Choral Society
Saturday 4th May Scouts' sponsored car-wash
Saturday 4th May Creative media workshop
URC hall
Creative Media workshop
Photos taken by staff of activities at the URC
Creative Media workshop
Frame grabs from students' video productions
Video 1
Creative Media workshop
Frame grabs from students' video productions
Creative Media workshop
Frame grabs from students' video productions
Creative Media workshop
Frame grabs from students' video productions
Video 4
Saturday afternoon Scalextric racing, Scout Hall
Sunday morning United service on the Rec.
Sunday evening Family barbecue
Monday evening Barn dance - Memorial Hall
Monday morning Annual fun run mini-marathon
2 lap winner - Jeremy Sellars 38'39"
2 lap runner-up - Jon Mills, with proud daughter
3rd - Richard Savage
Monday afternoon Fete on the Rec
Tuesday afternoon Sweet making (and eating) - Memorial Hall
Tuesday evening Music and poetry outside
The Plough
Thursday morning
School Victorian day
Wednesday afternoon
Bingo and tea - Scout hall
Thursday evening
Wine-tasting - Wringbrook House
2nd Saturday afternoon and evening - Pageant, taken by Trevor Parnham
Saturday - Sunday
Flower Festival - All Saints'
Sunday 12th afternoon and evening - Wrington Choral Society rehearse and perform choral evensong in All Saints'
And in between enjoy a relaxing cuppa' served by the Mothers' Union who had been on duty throughout the flower festival