I have tried to complete a form but find that it is constructed in such away as not to be able to make meaningful contributions. Some of the process is illegal, in my opinion and the form is not a consultation but a selective survey. I have written to North Somerset Council saying that the process needs to be extended to enable proper consultation inn a timely fashion. The link to the document is Wrington Pedestrian Safety and Active Travel Improvements – North Somerset Council Consultations

You will need to register before you can access the correct page. This is simple adding your email address, invent a password and a user name, which doesn’t need to be your name.

Than scroll down to the options on the right,
Time Left to Respond









Anyone can respond to the consultation

This consultation is open to all members of the public, with particular attention to:

Your input will help ensure any changes benefit all road users and residents.

Respond to the consultation here

Map 1 – School Road and Wrington C of E Primary School

Map 2 – Orchard Close

North Somerset Active Travel Strategy

Contact Us

You can view respond to the consultation, view or download the two maps and contact them about this consultation. I would urge you to use the contact button to say if you believe the form was inadequate. Also, contact Councillor Tom Daw if you feel like I do that the consultation process is fundamentally flawed. I will add a document to this post later which is my contact with NSC.

Trevor Parnham

4 responses

  1. As a wrington resident I have found the planters everywhere really superfluous and difficult at times for pedestrians with buggies etc. Wouldn’t a Sleeping Policeman near the top of school road with 20mph do the trick for incoming traffic?

    1. Many thanks Sarah, Please make sure you fill in the ‘consultation’ form. I have requested that the process is suspended until a form of consultation that is accessible all residents can be agreed.

  2. I believe the planters on school road are extremely dangerous and are more of a threat than a benefit. I’ve seen people walking around them rather than walking on the inside because you can’t get through. It’s really dangerous when driving down as well as you come across a car and then you have to turn into the people by the planters. This was never an issue before and people used to be safe and feel safe. I used to feel safe for walking down there before the planters were there

    1. Many thanks Charlie. Please make sure you fill in the ‘consultation’ form. I have requested that the process is suspended until a form of consultation that is accessible all residents can be agreed.

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