About Us
Back in 2018, an exciting new chapter was heralded for the Rotary Club of Wrington Vale. After 17 years at the Burrington Inn, in the shadow of the Rock of Ages in Burrington Coombe, the club moved to new premises for our regular weekly meetings.
Now, all of our meetings are held every Wednesday evening at Mendip Vale Golf Club commencing with a reception from 7.00pm and a meal at 7.30pm.
As always, alongside an excellent meal, our weekly club meetings feature a whole range of speakers from the business world, leisure activities, professional occupations, charity campaigns and other areas of general interest. And we continue to use our weekly meetings to plan and promote many Rotary activities to benefit local, national and international charitable and community projects with the emphasis being service above self.
Meetings and membership
We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 for 7:30 at:
Mendip Spring Golf Club.
Honeyhall Lane
BS49 5JT 01934 852322
New members are always welcome. For details please contact any of the officers below or any other Rotary members
Club Officers
Treasurer: Tony Poole email: tony.poole1947@gmail.com