About Us

Wrington Local History Society was formed in 2011 and since then we have presented over 120 talks. The talks cover a wide  variety of subjects and areas including Wrington, Somerset and Bristol and maybe further afield. We also arrange a number of visits to locations with a historical interest.

 Our programme for 2023 is shown below and a list of our previous talks can be found by clicking the link below

Meetings and membership

We meet in the URC chapel in Roper’s Lane on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Talks start at 8pm and last around an hour with tea and coffee served beforehand.

Annual Membership:       £12 a year from September, pro-rata for joining during year

Attendance Fee:              £ 1 for members, £2.50 for non-members

We always welcome new members at any time, just turn up at a meeting to join

Our AGM takes place in August.

Society Contacts

Society Contacts:

Chairman: John Rubidge  email: rubidge@aol.com
Secretary: Steve Osman  email: osmansteve@yahoo.co.uk

Treasurer: Mark Bullen    email: mark-bullen@hotmail.co.uk

(Contact Steve for bookings, events and all other information)
The Society is a member of ALHA (Avon Local History & Archaeology) and the North Somerset Heritage Forum

Wrington Local History Society

Programme 2024





January 16th

The Last Invasion of Britain 1797

Mark Bullen

February 20th

Cider and the Somerset Orchard

Les Davies

March 19th

Peter Wickens Fry and the Early Days of Photography


John Page

April 16th

The Turnpikes and Toll Houses of north Somerset


Steve Osman

May 21st

From Boy to Man in the Somerset Coalfield


Bryn Hawkins

June 18th

Famine and Plague and Famine in Early Modern England


Ronald Hutton

July 16th

Unbuilt Bristol 1750 – 2050:  the City that Might Been


Eugene Byrne

August 20th


Members Evening



September 17th

My journey to the Mendip Times


Steve Egginton

October 15th

Wrington Trades project

Watermills on the Yeo


John Rubidge

Steve Osman

November 19th

History of Cook’s Broad St


Jill Rawlins

December 10th


Communicating Christmas and its Traditions


Clive Burlton

Wrington Local History Society

Programme 2025






January 21st

From Sheep to Shirts – Somerset Wool Industry

Ken Parsons

February 18th

History of Aviation in WSM

Simon Begent

March 18th

The Maid in the Haystack

Martin Powell

April 15th

The History of Cheddar Cheese

John Page

May 20th



June 17th



July 15th



August 19th





September 16th




October 21st



November 18th




December 16th