About Us
This is a vibrant and supportive community. There have been and continue to be many community projects set up and run by local residents freely giving of their time and energy for the benefit of all who live and work here, their visitors, families and friends.
One such project, the Wrington Rewilding Scheme, started in 2022. To quote the Wrington Parish Council website “a group of Wrington residents, supported by the Parish Council, transformed some of the village’s grass verges into beautiful spaces brimming with native wildflowers, bees and butterflies “. This was despite a few teething problems, exacerbated by two week-long simmering heat waves. For more about Wrington Rewilding, news and updates please refer to the Wrington Rewilding website The success of the scheme was due to the commitment and hard work of the Committee, volunteers, sponsors and supporters.