Just spent ages cleaning up the latest of this.
Can people have a word with their kids about playing in the toilets. The doors do get locked so presumably this is daytime or they are forcing them open.
The vandalism is getting worse and concerned about toilets closing if damage is done to fittings (looks like attempts being made!) They are jumping on toilets and burn marks on fittings. Doors also damaged.
Whoever it is usually buys food from Amors before (that’s why men’s stinks, chocolate milk was thrown everywhere in heat and despite drenching the place in bleach can’t shift the odour!)
101 or Streetsafe if you can help narrow down names.
Some names are written in the graffiti (that covered nearly every bit of men’s loos) if that gives a clue.
The vandalism also calmed down over 1st week of August so wondering if any ringleaders families were on holiday then!